“That’s it, Heavenly Fire Spirit Body!”

There are countless physiques here in the system, but because Ye Bai is now majoring in the Dao of Flame, the scope he chose is the special physique of the fire system.

There are many special physiques of fire attributes that Ye Bai can now redeem here in the system, but except for some that are too low-level, there are not many that can make him look eye-catching, and the reason why he chose the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body is for two reasons, one is that this physique can allow him to obtain a special flame, that is, Heavenly Fire.

It is precisely because the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body can awaken the Heavenly Fire that it has this name.

And the second reason is that the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body can advance.

Although special physiques can be exchanged for many as long as their attributes are not compatible with each other, if there are too many of them, it is inevitable that there will be some influence on each other. Therefore, this kind of physique that can be promoted has become Ye Bai’s first choice.

After all, because of the authority, Ye Bai can only exchange B-level things at most, although the B-level physique is also enough for Ye Bai to use now, but it will definitely be eliminated in the future.

Instead of looking for other high-level physiques at that time, it is better to choose this physique that can be promoted, although it also costs points to advance, but the number will be less.

“System, I want to exchange the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body!”

As Ye Bai made his choice, his points suddenly decreased by 30,000 points. That’s right, the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body as a B-grade physique is worth 30,000 points, which is Ye Bai, and no one else on the Earth Star has exchanged this kind of thing now.


A ray of light shot out from the mark on Ye Bai’s chest, instantly covering his body.


Severe pain struck, even Ye Bai’s cultivation at this time was a little unbearable, and he couldn’t help but scream, but his voice was covered by the light and did not spread.

At this moment, Ye Bai only felt that there were countless ants in his body.

When the pain disappeared, Ye Bai only felt as if a century had passed.

“Whew! It’s finally over! Ye Bai let out a long breath, and then quickly checked his attributes.

“Name: Ye Bai”

“Gender: Male”

“Level: 2 (65/500)”

“Strength: C”

“Points: 10510”

“Skill: Flame Control (A), Admiralty Refining Body Determination…”

“Skill Points: 6”

“Physique: Heavenly Fire Spirit Body (10%)”

“It’s really a return to before liberation.” Looking at the remaining points, Ye Bai showed helplessness, the more than 50,000 points obtained in the Galaxy Team are now all spent, but he is not distressed, because it is worth it.

“I didn’t expect that my strength had improved and reached C level, is this a bonus?” Ye Bai was a little surprised, originally it was difficult for the special physique to directly improve the strength, but Ye Bai did not expect that after he obtained the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body, the strength was increased from C- to C, don’t look at it is only a small level, but the improvement in combat effectiveness is huge.

“By the way, if I’m not mistaken, I seem to have heard the system tone before.” At this time, Ye Bai suddenly thought of something, just because of the pain, Ye Bai couldn’t care about the things prompted by the system.

When Ye Bai checked the record, he suddenly found a message.

“Because of the stimulation of the Xuanhuang Divine Yan, the development degree of the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body has increased.”

“It’s like this, no wonder I just exchanged the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body to get ten percent of the development degree, it turned out to be affected by the strange fire, so my strength has increased because of the increase in the development degree.” At this time, the doubts in Ye Bai’s heart were answered.

Just obtained a special physique can not improve combat effectiveness because of the influence of the degree of development, unlike bloodlines, just obtained bloodlines are basically a fully developed state, such as primary werewolf blood, once exchanged, it reaches the peak state.

However, the special physique is different, it needs to be developed by yourself, under normal circumstances, the special physique development degree obtained at the beginning is 1%, and Ye Bai suddenly reached 10%, so his strength has improved a lot and reached the C level.

“It’s a pity that the Heavenly Fire hasn’t awakened yet, it seems that the degree of development is not enough.” Ye Bai shook his head in disappointment, although the heavenly fire was not a different fire, its power was not weaker than the different fire. Of course, the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body can only awaken the Primary Heavenly Fire.

If you want to get a higher level of heavenly fire, you need to increase the level of the heavenly fire spirit body, but this is not something that Ye Bai can consider in a short time, after all, the heavenly fire spirit body is worth 30,000 points, and the more advanced physique has reached six figures, and Ye Bai can’t take it out in a short time.

Because he had just obtained the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body, in the following time, Ye Bai began to become familiar with this physique, so he specially exchanged an NZT-48.

After taking the medicine, Ye Bai suddenly felt that he had become a super genius, his mind was exceptionally clear, and in this state, his cultivation speed had increased significantly.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed since Ye Bai’s return.

Others did not notice Ye Bai’s changes, after all, they rarely came into contact with Ye Bai, but Chu Ran and the two daughters could feel some changes in Ye Bai’s temperament, and compared to before, Ye Bai became stronger.

This can also be regarded as a side effect of the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body, which is originally a domineering flame, and after obtaining the Heavenly Fire Spirit Body, Ye Bai’s personality has also been slightly affected.

On this day, Ye Bai was cultivating in the room, and suddenly Ye Xin broke in.

“Brother! Something went wrong! ”

“What’s going on?” Ye Bai asked without opening his eyes.

“The army is coming!”

“Huh? What’s going on? This time, Ye Bai finally stopped cultivating and opened his eyes to Ye Xin and asked.

“Well, we heard the radio, it was the army, it seemed that the army had entered the city, it was searching for survivors, many people heard it, everyone wanted to go.”

“So, what about you, do you want to stay or go together?” Ye Bai asked. He didn’t care about himself, he could be anywhere, mainly to see what his sister thought.

“I, I feel that we are still better in the past, although brother you are very powerful and can protect us, but we humans are social creatures after all, so it is best to live with everyone.” Ye Xin suggested.

“So, let’s go.”

Seeing that Ye Bai agreed, Ye Xin was relieved, she was really afraid that Ye Bai would refuse.

“By the way, Xin’er, can I ask you a question?”

“What’s the problem?” Ye Xin asked curiously.

“Why did you suddenly distance yourself from me before, we have always had a good relationship, but not long after you went to college, it suddenly changed.”


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