Ling Han is holding a mobile phone for no reason. At 10:30 pm, Lu Siyuan specially called him, an 18 line artist, to ask whether the online information is true or false... Tell anyone that no one will believe it?

As she sleeps, Ling Han yawns, turns off the TV and goes to bed with her slippers. When she wakes up the next day, she vaguely remembers what happened last night and murmurs, "I'm not dreaming, am I?"

From the warmth of the quilt difficult arch out of the mobile phone, found that the call record clearly shows that at 10:33 last night someone called himself.

Ling Han suddenly sits up from the bed.

It's not a dream!

Lu Siyuan really called him last night!

Calm down, I found Jiang Yi's short message in my mobile phone. Click to open it, and the content is: "call me back!"

Ling Han then called him back. At the first second of connecting, Jiang Yi's worried voice came over, "what's the matter with those reports? Now it's all spread on the Internet, and a lot of people are talking about it. "

"Do you live on Mars? It's been several days since it happened. " Ling Han said as she got up.

Listen to his tone is not like a low look, Jiang Yi said: "are you ok?"

"What can I do for you? Just report. For the best, at least I show my face. It's a bit popular. "

Jiang Yi laughed and said, "I'm worried about you. Did you know when you were filming? I didn't expect that you were not affected at all. It's very powerful. "

"What's the matter? It's not like that."

"Just think about it." Jiang Yi said, "I always feel that you have changed a lot. If you had been sad before, you would have died."

Ling Han comes to the bathroom to brush her teeth. After hearing Jiang Yi's words, she pauses and says with her mobile phone: "I don't have such a glass heart. Don't worry."

"Well, negative attacks and things like that can't hurt you as long as you don't take them to heart."

Ling Han blurted out: "what is this? I haven't seen any kind of battle. This negative news is just a small case."

He survived the dark days after the "prostitute Recruitment" incident. Now this little news is just itching.

Jiang Yi thought he was boasting and said with a smile, "just boast. Don't try to be brave."

"I didn't show off." Ling Han said, "I don't have time to watch those news reviews. I have to go to Tang Xi to dub."

"Oh, well, I won't disturb you."

After chatting with Jiang Yi, Ling Han goes back to her bedroom to clean up. She goes to the desk and sees Ling Han's diary. With a little emotion, she takes it out and looks through it.

The content inside is full of a lot of negative energy. Most of them are asking themselves why they have tried so hard, why they are not so good-looking and so on.

Ling Han thought with emotion: young man, you are red.

He turned the diary to the end, and on the last page he said, "I have no choice. There's a lot of code behind it.

Maybe at that time, Ling Han was too stressed and confused to scribble.

Ling Han thought, picked up the pen and wrote: I'm going to be red. After that, he closed his notebook, put it on the shelf, had a little breakfast and set out.

It's sunny, and it's a fine day, but tenghai is in a high-class apartment

There was a lot of low pressure in my room.

The apartment is very open. The room of nearly 200 square meters has only three bedrooms and one living room. The master bedroom is Lu Siyuan's bedroom, while the second bedroom is a luxury dog room, which is occupied by a two-year-old husky. The husky was tall, serious, but idiotic.

The living room is very transparent, and the huge French windows in the South can give you a panoramic view of the whole a city.

When Qin Yong comes in, Dabai swings his tongue and ears, ha Chiha rushes into his arms and wags his tail.

"Good boy." Qin Yong touched his dog's head with a smile and said, "play while you go."

Dabai happily left his arms and ran to Lu Siyuan standing in front of the French window to bite his trouser legs.

"Good, dad has something to do. I'll play with you later." Lu Siyuan, wearing a housecoat and carrying coffee, touches his head.

Qin Yong will be a stack of materials on the living room coffee table, said: "should day media promised to sell orange video shares to us."

"Orange? Not silver? " Lu Siyuan pushes aside Dabai, who is coquettish and cute, and asks.


Lu Siyuan shook his head, "that's no good. Orange is a video website they developed in the last two years. The traffic is too bad. It's very risky to take it.""Just because it was developed, we especially hope to develop with the help of our resources." Qin Yong said, "if we join orange, the rights and shares given by Yingtian are very high. If we join silver, there are too many restrictions."

Lu Siyuan thought for a moment, turned around and said, "has Zhang Qihua come back yet?"

"I heard that I'm back, but I'm going to America soon." Qin Yong said.

"When will he be back?"

"That's not clear." Qin Yongdun, said: "but it is said that he was invited to participate in Huaxin TV micro Film Competition award ceremony, he and Huaxin have cooperation, when the time is sure to go."

"Micro film competition? Huaxin's Lu Siyuan raised his finger, nodded his forehead, thought for a moment and said, "wait, I seem to have received an invitation."

"Yes, I have the invitation." Qin Yong said, "your schedule is full, so you didn't consider participating."

"No, make time for me. I'll take part." Lu Siyuan drank it

A mouthful of coffee said, "it's good to have a good talk with Mr. Zhang there."

"All right." Qin Yong takes out his notebook to check the itinerary.

The room suddenly quieted down. After a while, Lu Siyuan hesitated and asked, "he didn't look for you?"

"Who?" While looking at his notebook, Qin Yong asked without raising his head.

Lu Siyuan said, "Ling Han."

Qin Yong suddenly raised his head, "No."

Then he put away his notebook and said, "why is he looking for me?" Lu Siyuan turns around and places the coffee cup heavily on the glass round table beside him. The cup contacts the table and makes a clear sound.

After calling last night, the guy didn't come to him, or even called!

Qin Yong glanced at the coffee and said, "do you care about Ling Han?"

"No Lu Siyuan immediately denied.

Qin Yong laughs, "if you don't care, why do you always ask me about him?"

"I made fun of him in front of reporters that day, as if it caused him trouble, so I asked."

Qin Yong said, "make fun of me? Lu Siyuan never hugs people in front of many reporters. Are you sure you don't want to take the opportunity to push him to the media? "

Lu Siyuan's face is expressionless, "you think too much."

Qin Yong shrugged, "well, according to the normal development, with your fame, Ling Han will show up in front of the public, his popularity will rise after the release of MV, and the future star road will be much easier than others. What I can't imagine is that while his fame is rising, his former black materials are dug out. Now Ling Han is popular, but his reputation is not good, and his future remains to be discussed. So you regret it. You shouldn't push him out too early. "

Lu Siyuan turned his head and stared at him, his pretty eyebrows raised, "that's your guess."

Qin Yong shrugged, "OK, just take it as if I made it up, but it's true that you pay more attention to him than everyone else... Don't rush to deny it. You have been asking me about him since the day before yesterday, and he has affected you."

Lu Siyuan frowned under the pressure of Qin Yong, "no, I said, I only worried about him because I played tricks on him..."

"You worry about him!" Qin Yong interrupted, "look what you just said? You're worried about him! You're worried about him because of this negative news? Why don't you worry about other people? "

Lu Siyuan's face sank.

"Your attitude towards him has changed a lot since you rescued him that night. Last time, the pottery pot he sent was accidentally broken, and you went all the way to find someone to recover it; The choice of MV is about to be decided, but you try your best to push him to be the male leader. Now because of the negative news, you are worried about him... Siyuan, this is not a good phenomenon. "

Lu Siyuan was silent.

Qin Yong stood up from his chair and sighed: "Ling Han is really like Bai zice, but he is not Bai zice."

Lu Siyuan turned coldly, "I know."

"He and Bai zice are not the same kind of people at all."

Lu Siyuan's eyes glided a dim light, slowly said: "I know."

After a long pause, he continued: "Bai zice is perfect, self-confident, proud and invincible, but he is naive, true, and a little silly. Ling Han is not the same, he is vanity, publicity, selfishness, no bottom line, for fame

Lee can take advantage of others by any means, without shame. They are... Totally different. "

Every time Lu Siyuan said a word, he crossed some fragments about them in his mind. The more he talked about them, the clearer his idea became - they were totally different.Hearing such a rational comment, Qin Yong was slightly relieved, "I know you will handle it."

"Don't worry, I won't let these things affect my work." Lu Siyuan began to smile“ Materials about Yingtian media are on the table. I'll go first. "


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