Movie Savior

Chapter 156: Ning Jihua's global speech (2 in 1, please subscribe monthly

  Chapter 156 Ning Jihua's global speech (2 in 1, please subscribe to the monthly pass)


  Taylor looked at his secretary, and his broad forehead was squeezed into a ripple-like fold.

   "Mecha has been deployed to Los Angeles? What does that mean?"

   The secretary gasped heavily, holding a tablet in his hand.

   "...I don't know either, but the Air Force reported to me like this. They said that their fighter jets had contacted the mechs in Los Angeles and were cooperating with the mechs to clear the airspace of Los Angeles."

   "And they also said that PPDC sent three mechas, the monster must not escape!"

  Taylor's face was only confused, but it didn't prevent him from looking at the secretary like a fool: "Are you crazy, or is the Air Force commander crazy?"

   "We are in the Western Hemisphere, and all PPDC bases are in the Eastern Hemisphere. How could the mecha arrive in Los Angeles so quickly?"

  The secretary did not speak, but sent the tablet in his hand to Taylor's desk.

   "There is a newly uploaded video, you can watch it first, sir."

   said that the secretary clicked the play button and said, "In addition, we can also connect to Los Angeles, but it will take a while, I will do it for you now..."

  Taylor's gaze temporarily shifted to the tablet.

   Then the wrinkles on his forehead got deeper.

   Because this video was obviously not shot by a professional.

   The shaking of the camera was so violent that he felt dizzy.

  Taylor was about to ask why he wanted him to watch this amateurish video, when he suddenly saw the angle of the camera swayed a lot, pointing directly at the sky——

   A red mecha with its lower body exposed is slowly descending through a black wormhole...

  ? ? ?

  Tyler's eagle-like eyes suddenly filled with countless doubts.

   Is this a special effect video?

   He looked up and was about to ask this question when he saw that the secretary had already helped him get a video connection to Los Angeles.

   "It's live in Los Angeles, and there are other people watching at the same time as you..."

  The secretary casually named a few names that Taylor was familiar with, all of them authority figures.

   Hearing this, Taylor immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

   The video just now is probably not fake!

   he was thinking.

   I saw the camera on the other side resolutely pushed to the sky.

   A mecha that he was quite familiar with appeared in his eyes——

  The storm is red!

  This red mech was suspended in mid-air by the Eagle Jumping helicopter.

   In the air not far from it, there are also two huge black holes, and two mechs have already protruded half of their bodies in the black holes...

  Taylor felt like his brain had completely shut down, unable to cope with the apparently surreal situation at the moment.

   He could only mutter to himself dully: "That's why Pantcost told me that the mecha will definitely arrive before the monster?"

   "Is this a wormhole?"

   "Have they mastered wormhole technology?"

   "Such technology... Such technology..."

  Taylor glanced bitterly at the mecha on the screen, but couldn't help but think of something else in his heart.

How can a technology like    only be used to drop mechas? !

   "I want to speak to General Pantecost!"

  The secretary immediately called the dome base.

   It’s just that the dome base is already busy.

   Even Lao Pan himself didn't notice the phone ringing.


Los Angeles.

   Watching the three mechs that are now the only remaining mechs on earth descend from the time-space tunnel.

   The citizens who had fled in despair seemed to have caught the straw.

   It doesn't matter how the mecha came about.

   Everyone put their expectations on killing monsters and protecting the city on these three huge mechas.

   "Be sure to kill the monsters! Let those big guys see how powerful you are!"

   Someone was shouting loudly.

   Everyone around is quick to follow.

   There were also people who left the scene and brought the news of the arrival of the mecha to other corners of the city.

   This news has an immediate effect on the people of Los Angeles.

  Although the mecha has repeatedly suffered setbacks in the face of monsters in recent years, it is no longer as brave as the hunter plan at the beginning.

   But in the hearts of the people, the psychological inertia that only mechas can deal with monsters has already formed.

   At this time, I heard that Los Angeles had already deployed mechas, and there were as many as three.

   Many people breathed a sigh of relief for the first time.

   This is the feeling of wanting to return.

   Soon, the slogan of "kill the monsters" sounded in various areas of the city, and a large number of people climbed to the heights and looked at the three mechas that were assembled over the city.

at this time.

   Broken Dome.

   Lao Pan has given three mechas preparation orders.

  The mechs were hoisted by helicopters and flew over the city to the sea in the west.

  They will try their best to block the monsters outside the miracle line, that is, 16 kilometers away.

   "It's time to give that little cutie a big surprise!"

   After receiving the order, Chuck in the Eureka Raider immediately began to shout loudly.

   "Shut up, you screeching hedgehog!"

  Sasha reprimanded Chuck in a cold voice in Russian, and turned on the music components inside her mecha.

   A low-pitched, grotesque music suddenly filled the entire call channel.

   "Ukrainian Hi Song", a weird style of music, the favorite of the Sasha couple.

  The three brothers in Storm Crimson couldn't take it anymore.

   "Sasha, turn off your horn right now, this kind of **** sounds awful!" The boss Wei Chang looked disgusted in the cockpit.

   The face of the second child is not much better, and he keeps saying "it's really ugly"...

  Sasha, instead of restraining, turned up the music again in revenge, so much so that the eldest Heck couldn't stand it, and began to chat with his son...

   For the interaction of the three mechas, Lao Pan in the base did not take care of it much, it was just a little run-in before the three mechas cooperated.

   has not yet reached the combat position, this is the last time for the driver to release the pressure.

   So let them go.

  Anyway, they are all veteran drivers, and these people will be measured.

   Lao Pan is discussing with Zhang Tianyuan the good or bad of using wormholes to banish monsters.

   The two communicated and found that their opinions were quite unified.

   This approach is good because it is quick and efficient to deal with monsters, but the bad side is that the pollution caused is a bit large.

   According to Lao Pan's follow-up monitoring of the last whiplash incident.

  The monsters are banished to outer space and then dropped, and the pollutants released into the atmosphere and seawater in the middle may be six to seven times more than the mech kills.

   This method is not recommended for common use.

   Of course, this price is definitely worth it compared to the destruction of a city by monsters.

   Zhang Tianyuan also learned after inquiries that the fights between mechas and monsters are usually not like in the movies, where the gun and the knife are used at every turn.

   Those are the ultimate weapons for mechs, which are equivalent to an insurance.

   is usually only used when the monster has landed or is about to land, or when it is in danger.

   In most cases.

  A relatively ideal kill is that the mecha relies on its own pair of iron fists and steel body to block and control the monster, and at the same time, keep hitting the vital parts of the monster, such as the eyes and head, etc., and the monster will be injured and die alive.

   Such monsters have little wounds and minimal pollution...

   Just as the mecha was heading to the combat position, the base was tensely preparing for the battle, and Zhang Tianyuan and Lao Pan were discussing the pollution of monsters.

  In the space-time network around the space, the sky has been turned upside down because of the arrival of three mechas.

   So many people in Los Angeles who have witnessed wormholes are not in a vegetative state.

  Although the economy is difficult now, there are even such things as ration cards, but this is California and this is Los Angeles.

  The most developed metropolitan area except New York.

   There is a limit to how poor you are.

  At least for now, there is no problem with the network service in the urban area of ​​Los Angeles.

The video of the    mech descending over Los Angeles through a wormhole has spread across the internet in less than an hour.

   At the beginning, many people thought it was just some special effects videos, and even cheered for Los Angeles under the comment section.

   Until more and more people upload their own videos, videos with different angles but the same content quickly flood the Internet.

  When even the state media started to scramble to report, Internet surfers, like Taylor, realized with hindsight—

   The content of these videos seems to be real!

   "Who can tell me that the more than ten trillion dollars we invested in PPDC in the past ten years was taken by them to study the wormhole in Mariana!!!"

   "Lying in a big slot! Are we going to enter the era of wormhole travel from now on?"

  “Wormhole hehe my wormhole! Drool.jpg”

  The mecha has not yet reached the combat position, and the wormhole storm has already blown up on the Internet.

   Almost all netizens and countries know about the suspected artificial wormhole appearing in Los Angeles.

   Lao Pan has received many greeting calls from the countries that participated in the PPDC, but he had long expected this situation, so he had long since put aside his personal calls.

  The countries could not directly contact Lao Pan, so they contacted the base through official channels and asked Lao Pan to talk.

   However, when the staff in the base saw Lao Pan accompanying Zhang Tianyuan with a black-faced expression, they consciously stopped trying to make fun of him.

   So for a while, no one was able to contact Lao Pan.

   Even when they wanted to turn around to contact Ning Jihua, they found that they couldn't get in touch. The staff who picked them up only said that Ning Jihua had important affairs to deal with.

   Both sides seem to be missing.

  In a hurry, Taylor and the others asked all the people who had retired from PPDC before to ask them over and over again.

   It was finally confirmed that there has never been a project related to artificial wormholes in the PPDC research program.

   This statement was affirmed by former PPDC secretary-general Dustin Krieger.

   If there is a similar plan, he, as the top commander of the PPDC, must know.

   Of course, Taylor and the others are not without gains.

   At least they are connected to the combat team, and they can connect to the helicopter through satellite signals to watch the battle between the mech and the monster in real time.

  According to the PPDC staff, this will be a rare battle, and it's worth watching...what a ghost!

   Now is this time, who is in the mood to watch mechas vs monsters!

   In the non-stop dial, time flies fast.

   When Tyler reacted again, he saw that in the scene screen, the three mechas had reached the combat position at some point, and they had directly met the monster.

  This monster named "Rage" is indeed frenzied and looks like a huge chimpanzee.

   But no matter how black or big the orangutan is, it is useless.

   As soon as it appeared, it was surrounded by three mechas from the sky, surrounded by a triangular formation.

   This is a mech versus monster number superior battle.

   is commonly known as gang fight.

  This monster is like a big ping pong ball, it was hit from here to there by three mechas, and back here from there.

  Cherno Alpha got a heavy punch, Eureka Raider got another ten quick punches, and when he got to Storm Crimson, it was just three big swivel knives.

   Relying on the biological skeleton recognition and locking function of Storm Crimson, these high-speed rotating blades precisely cut the key parts of the monster.

  After eating this meal, the activity of the monster's body decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Then the monster turned back and received a shock therapy at Cherno Alpha.

   After that, the monster couldn't take it anymore.

  I was about to dive to escape, but I was immediately caught by Storm Crimson again. With a back fall, I accurately sent it back to the mecha encirclement...

   The big monster looked like a helpless kitten in front of the three mechas that were a few heads shorter than it, trying to escape but couldn't.

   Seeing this, Taylor knew that this monster could not threaten his Los Angeles.

   He put his mind back on the phone, and continued to urge the secretary to get through Pantecost's phone, while he turned on the TV in the office, kept switching between various TV stations, and watched the news reports above.

  Suddenly, Taylor stopped, and the whole person was stunned.

   Because he saw Ning Jihua on TV.

   This old fox seems to be preparing a speech!

   "Bob, don't call anymore! Find me a Chinese translator now!" Taylor immediately called his secretary.

  The secretary immediately put down the phone and trotted away.

the other side.

  Ning Jihua has already faced the camera, finished his opening remarks, and extended his sincere greetings to the global audience.


   A global audience.

   This is a global live speech.

  Although there is no advance notice, there are not many people who pay attention.

   But Ning Jihua himself and others who knew the inside story knew that it didn't matter.

   Because this speech will definitely be recorded in the history of this time and space, and leave a heavy mark in it.

  There is only one reason——

   This is a declaration to end the "Monster Age", and it will also be a declaration to open up the history of parallel time and space communication.

   "Everyone, now is an important node. Our Pacific Rim joint military and defense forces are encountering difficulties. Pacific Rim countries have turned to appeasement policies, and now the monster offensive is getting more and more violent..."

   Having said that, Ning Jihua paused for a while.

  Slightly gray hair makes him look like a harmonious old man, and every word he says is like a careful exhortation from the old man at home to the child, which is so infectious that people can't help but stop and listen.

   "The situation has gotten so bad that we and our children and grandchildren seem to live in the shadow of the monster forever."

   "But I'm telling you, it's not like that."

   If you find that the content of this chapter is wrong, you can go to the directory and long-press this chapter to download again, love you



   (end of this chapter)

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