Movie Savior

Chapter 208: already started? (1/3, please subscribe to the monthly pass)

   Chapter 208 has begun? (13, please subscribe to the monthly pass)

   Neural Synesthesia.

   The technology that communicates between people and even other life, at the same time, it can also connect the human brain with the mechanical brain, which is the connection between human and machine.

   Zhang Tianyuan has no interest in the connection between people.

   But the connection with the machine is really interesting.

   Hearing his request, Mori Mako immediately looked at his adoptive father.

   Lao Pan shook his head and was about to stand up. The words of refusal were already on his lips, but although Zhang Tianyuan asked their opinions, it was more of a routine, and he didn't care about their answers at all.

  Because the young man went straight to the air bridge after asking.

   "This!" Old Pan looked at Taylor beside him impatiently.

  Taylor was also anxious, he immediately looked at Ning Jihua.

   He was the most familiar with the young president at the scene.

   And Ning Jihua looked around and found that there was no way to relay.

   So he looked back at Mako Mori and asked, "Is there any risk in calculating neural computing power?"

   Mori Mako shook his head: "The risk is not great. So far, there has been only one case of death due to the synaesthesia test, when the project first started."

"Even if the neural computing power is overdrawn, as long as it is stopped as soon as possible, there will be basically no other situations. General Pantecost and Rowley Beckett are examples. They have overdrawn the computing power and drove the mech alone, but afterwards. They are fully recovered."

  Taylor was a little suspicious on the side.

   He remembered that this black general would have nosebleeds from time to time, so he carried a handkerchief with him.

  Old Pan also noticed Taylor's suspicion and stood up to testify for his adopted daughter's words.

   He suffers from frequent nosebleeds because of the radiation from the nuclear reactor of the first-generation mecha.

  The third-generation mechas like Raleigh, after overdrafting their computing power and driving the mechas ashore alone, only recovered after a while of discomfort. They didn’t even go to the hospital at that time, and went straight to the decommissioning procedures.

   Hearing that there is no danger, Ning Jihua simply refused to persuade him: "Then let President Zhang experience it."

He had heard a lot of news about Zhang Tianyuan from several other time-space branch presidents before. He knew that he would not be able to persuade him to come back at such a time, so he liked to fly a plane to the sky for reconnaissance, and Xun Zong liked to pull Racing like everyone else...

   Mori Mako followed the technical team, put on the operating suit and entered the cockpit to help Zhang Tianyuan wear it.

   "After the connection is officially started, you will feel that some data will pop up inexplicably from your brain, and you don't need to worry about it at this time.

   They are the signs of your connection with the mecha center. Your brain is working with the mecha center. All the mecha’s situation will be transmitted to you at the fastest speed through this connection and the sensors on the control suit. "

   Taking advantage of the preparation time, Mori Mako tried her best to tell the situation that may happen in the synesthesia, and strived to get a comfortable experience for the future boss in front of her during the synesthesia process.

   Seeing that Zhang Tianyuan's equipment is about to be finished, she looks calm on the surface, but in fact she is already anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

   She is trying her best to recall all the precautions she has seen before, and can't wait to develop a memory transmitter, and then stuff all that knowledge into the head of the man in front of her:

   "That's right! If the president feels stagnant, dizzy, painful or any other negative feeling, although these are normal phenomena, please let us know immediately, and we will immediately suspend or reduce the burden on your computing power..."

   This is the most important thing.

   As long as it is timely enough, the driver will not be harmed during the synesthesia process.

   "I see." Zhang Tianyuan nodded calmly, put on the helmet in his hand, as if the whole person was hidden in the black armor, he made an OK gesture with Mori Zhenzi:

   "Don't worry, I know it."

   Since the last time he received advanced physical enhancement from the game world, his body has not been the same as before.

  For example, he basically does not feel tired now, and his spirit has almost always been in a state of abundance, and even his memory and understanding have improved significantly.

I don't know if    can be remembered, but at least he can jot down a phone number at a glance.

   This undoubtedly shows that his neural computing power is likely to be strengthened.

  Because from his understanding of neural computing power, this thing bluntly is the degree of development of the brain and the activity of internal nerves and cells.

  Good physical fitness and frequent brain use will lead to frequent use of the brain, and the speed and efficiency of neural information transmission will also be higher.

   In layman's terms, it means good memory, bright mind and quick response. With these characteristics, and the more prominent, the neural computing power will naturally be higher. Therefore, when connected to the mechanical brain, it can receive more data and assist the center to process more operations.

   This is all trainable.

   On the other hand, Zhang Tianyuan completely skipped the training step and was directly strengthened.

   It's just that he doesn't know how much he has been strengthened.

   The previous system prompt only mentioned a substantial improvement, and no specific quantitative standard could be given.

   After that, he took advantage of his free time to go to the No. 1 time and space to conduct a test, and found that the strengthening did not arrive at one time, and his body gradually became stronger as time went by.

   At the beginning, it was only able to fly 9+2 Gs at will, but now it has gradually reached an unimaginable level, not to mention the inhuman indicators obtained from various medical tests.

   Not long ago, he took the time to do a 20G overload test in the No. 1 space-time. The result was a fatal level of overload for almost all pilots, but it just made him feel like he was playing a children's roller coaster...

   Originally, he wanted to test a higher level.

   It’s just that for safety reasons, no time and space would agree to perform a higher-level overload test for him.

   So after hearing about the neural computing power, he temporarily decided to experience it, as a way to understand the changes in his body.

   Step onto the helm and connect the operating suit and the driver's seat with a cable that transmits synaesthesia signals.

   Zhang Tianyuan looked ahead and was mentally prepared.


   Mori Mako has returned to the front of the instrument. After receiving all the ready instructions from the cockpit, she carefully began to allocate the computing power load to the driving seat under the eyes of Lao Pan and Taylor Ning Jihua and other conferences.

   "Allocate 10% of the operating load of the fusion reactor first." Mori Mako confirmed that the value was correct and pressed the OK button.

   She glanced at the neural computing power measured on the screen:


   At the same time, we are calculating in our hearts.

   This value belongs to the extremely excellent ranks, and it is not much better than a legendary driver like Lao Pan.

   So the 10% load just allocated should be a lot for this guild leader, just right for a novice.

   Thinking room.

   The synaesthesia system has responded in real time, transferring part of the load of the nuclear reactor to Zhang Tianyuan's brain.

   "Mr. President, the data upload has just taken effect, do you have any special feelings?" Mori Mako asked aloud.

   Zhang Tianyuan in the driver's seat blinked, "Already started?"

   Doesn’t it mean that you will feel stagnant or dizzy?

   He doesn't feel anything...

   Mori Mako also heard something wrong in Zhang Tianyuan's tone, her eyes glanced at the screen, and she was shocked!

  Because the above shows, the current driver's neural computing power value is -20!

   (end of this chapter)

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