Movie Savior

Chapter 250: If the earth is no longer wandering

  Chapter 250 If the earth is no longer wandering

   Hearing this familiar term, the delegates all paid attention.

   As early as in the dungeon, they heard Wang Lei talk about the Wandering Earth plan, but they did not explain the specific content of the plan.

   "The Wandering Earth Project..."

  Wang Lei paused and said solemnly: "In order to continue the vitality of civilization, it took us nine years to confirm this plan."

   "And the core idea of ​​this plan is to treat the earth as our spaceship."

   "You mean to treat the earth as a spaceship?" For a while, the delegates could not understand this sentence at all.

   And Wang Lei didn't say too much interest, just looked at the gray sky, and said lightly: "Yes, the earth is our best spaceship and our best home."

   seems to be telling his own beliefs, but also replying to the doubts of the delegates.

   He turned around: "There should be experiments on artificial biospheres in your time and space."

  Jack immediately nodded and affirmed Wang Lei's statement. As a meteorologist, he knew the news best.

   They did indeed conduct biosphere experiments in time and space.

   "Well," Wang Lei nodded, "Although I don't know the specifics, I know that the experiment must have failed, right?"

   Although it was a question, there was no doubt in his words.

  Jack opened his mouth, wanting to say that they still gained a lot of valuable experience, but in the end he simply nodded his head: "Yes, it turned out to be a failure."

  Wang Lei did not have any pride in predicting success, but said in a low voice: "This is an inevitable result. With the current level of technology, it is impossible for us or you to create a closed space that is truly ecologically sustainable."

   "But this failure doesn't matter to you, to us..."

  Jack's heart also sank. He also looked at the dim sky. After the clouds that had just been crushed by the plasma flow dissipated with the wind, a clear night sky was revealed.

   He couldn't see the sun that was said to be in trouble.

   But he knew very well that it was the sun that gave man almost everything he now has.

  Let's not mention energy for the time being. As far as food is concerned, it is undisputed that it is completely dependent on the sun. Without the photosynthesis provided by the sun, all creatures on earth, from humans to algae and bacteria, would have to go hungry.

   It is precisely because of the sun that there is the current biological chain and the current ecological cycle, and the sun is an indispensable part of this.

   However, for the humans in the space and time, their sun can no longer be relied on, and their sun will engulf the earth at any time...

   When Jack's thoughts drifted away, Wang Lei continued:

   "At that time, the only way before us was to move away from the earth and leave the solar system. But unfortunately, just like you, our biosphere experiments have also been unsuccessful..."

   "For us, it is not impossible to build a spacecraft that can carry seven billion people. The real difficulty is to create a spacecraft that can maintain the ecological cycle inside for a long time."

   "Finally after a fierce battle... we gave up on moving away from Earth."

   "Huh?" Hearing this unexpected result, Jack and the delegates all stood still, "The sun in the sky..."

   "Or Mutual Rescue?"

   "At that time, we hadn't come into contact with the Mutual Rescue Society."

  Wang Lei said indifferently: "We just gave up moving away from the earth, but we didn't say that we also gave up the idea of ​​leaving the solar system."

  Jack's mind suddenly flashed what Wang Lei said just now—

   "Take Earth as our spaceship!"

   He shuddered and said tentatively, "Take the earth as a spaceship?"

  Wang Lei also glanced at him, surprised that the man's mind could turn around so quickly, he nodded to Jack affirming: "Yes, so we decided to treat the earth as our spaceship!"

   Listening to the two people seem to be repeating the long-winded conversation, the surrounding representatives also slowly recalled it, and murmured in their mouths:

   "Take the Earth as a spaceship?"

   Suddenly everyone turned around in unison, facing the huge "creation" that was 11,000 kilometers high behind them.

   "Planetary engine?"

   As it happens, five minutes have passed.

  BJ No. 3 planetary engine has been rested and started again.

  The vibration and shock wave came from behind again, the ice and snow on the ground were cracked, and trembled with the shock wave like a bean...


  The hot blue plasma jet sprayed out from the array of hundreds of nozzles, straight into the sky, piercing the dark night, and once again dyeing the dark sky and white snow into a dreamy blue.

  Jack looked at the shocking scene in front of him, and suddenly whispered to Liu Chunshi, "So, is this really an engine?"

   Liu Chunshi also looked up and said calmly, "Well, planetary engine."

  The delegates also finally know what the purpose of this huge "creation" is.

   Planetary Engine!

   The name is right...

   It turned out to be the engine that humans installed on the earth! !

  Wang Lei quietly waited for the planetary engine to finish spraying before continuing to speak to the crowd:

   "After repeated failures in biosphere experiments, we decided to use the earth as a spaceship and fly to our new home with the mother planet that has nurtured us for countless years.

  According to the plan, we estimate that it will take 2500 years for the earth to sail to the Alpha Centauri galaxy 4.2 light-years away in the universe, and then park in the Samsung system there and become one of the planets. "

   "2500 years..."

   This time span is too long to be calculated.

   A road that will take 2,500 years, who can guarantee that there will be no other problems along the way?

  Jack wanted to ask this question.

   He felt there were too many loopholes in this ridiculous plan.

   But as soon as the question came to his lips, he saw the planetary engine in front of him.

  The planetary engine after the injection has entered the cooling time, it is like a big fire, the air flowing from the center point is scalding hot, and the protective clothing will even have an overheating warning.

   Until then, he didn't realize that the Wandering Earth project had begun...

   His brain and mouth are trying to argue that this plan is too unreliable, and it is even bound to fail.

   But this grand and long plan has now become a reality in the hands of humans in this time and space, at least partially.

The    planetary engine stands in front of his eyes.

   As if he knew what everyone was thinking, Wang Lei said: "The Wandering Earth plan sounds absurd, and the success rate is also small to the naked eye, but we still did it without hesitation."

   "Because there is no other way."

   "Before the president came to our time and space and made contact with us, this was the most likely plan to succeed."

   Everyone took a few deep breaths and swallowed all the information they had just heard.

   They now fully understand the "migratory faction" they just encountered in the dungeon.

   Such a crazy plan…

   Such a desperate situation…

   This bleak future…

   Maybe those people are just like yourself?

   A cowardly person like yourself?

   "You guys, haven't you thought about ending this crazy plan? After coming into contact with the Mutual Rescue Society..."

   According to Wang Lei's words, Jack and the representatives can infer that the Mutual Rescue Club seems to have contacted the No. 3 space-time after the implementation of the Wandering Earth plan.

   Then why not change the plan after getting in touch with Mutual Rescue?

  Wang Lei found a place to sit down and motioned for everyone to sit down too. After that, he said with vicissitudes: "If the earth doesn't stray anymore, where will we stray?"

   "Who among you would be willing to accept us?"

  Wang Lei looked at the crowd.

   and faced his gaze, so the delegates were stunned for a moment, and then they all chose to escape.

   There are billions of people, this is obviously not a problem that can be solved by their time and space, and it can even be said that this cannot be solved by any time and space.

Wang Lei sighed in his heart and excused everyone: "We haven't been in contact with the mutual rescue association for a long time now. Although there have been many good changes, there are sufficient supplies, and fewer people have died, but which way is the best way to go? It's the real way out, and we'll have to keep going until we know..."

   "That's why we have been sticking to the Wandering Earth plan and shelving the proposal for time and space migration."

   It’s actually pretty good now.

  Wang Lei was both sighing and happy.

   Regarding the question of time and space migration, he has never asked people from other time and space. Today was the first time he asked such a question, and the answer he got was as he expected.

   Under the current situation of the Mutual Rescue Association, every time and space is very willing to launch several major aids or some major actions, and everyone can contribute without any return.

   But if you want to merge space and time, it is not so easy.

   After all, although everyone in each time and space can be considered to be of the same language and species, in the end, there is no real relationship or relationship.

   After all, it has only been a few years since the establishment of the Mutual Rescue Association. There is almost no direct communication between the people of each time and space. For parallel time and space, most of the people are still stuck on the propaganda film.

   Everyone is really just strangers who have seen each other on TV.

   In this situation, if you want to promote the merger of time and space, unless it is the White Zuo Virgin of all other time and space members, it is impossible to succeed.

   Of course, this does not mean that they have to go all the way to the dark, otherwise Sun Deyi will not be so active to have a good relationship with other time and space.

   It’s just that the merger or migration of time and space requires the right time and place, and three conditions are indispensable.

  Wandering time and space can only do their best to prepare for everything now, and then wait for the time to come...

   "Come on, let's go somewhere else."

   In inexplicable melancholy, Wang Lei continued to show everyone around, while Liu Chunshi and other meteorologists took Jack away to a rest station as a meteorological observation point.

   For the next few hours, the delegates drove non-stop across the snowfield, and the poor road conditions caused most of them to spit out their overnight meals.

   But the faces of the delegates became more and more surprised.

   Because they found that this 3rd dimension is stronger than the 4th dimension just now.

   Controllable nuclear fusion has been developed here.

   And it's a heavy nuclear fusion that directly burns stones!

  Although this kind of fusion is not as convenient and environmentally friendly as the often mentioned deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion, it is also nuclear fusion after all!

   And heavy nuclear fusion, which has more stringent constraints and fusion temperature requirements, has been completed. Deuterium-tritium fusion may be a matter of changing a raw material and changing the design of the fusion reactor.

   Compared with big robots, this technology can change their society more.

  Especially with the coming ice age, if they can have fusion technology too…

   The brains of many representatives began to come alive.

  In everyone's mind, the visit of the wandering time and space will soon end.

   "The next journey, everyone, should be the first time and space. They may be busy there and are dealing with relocation and evacuation, but you should be able to get a lot of experience from them about emergency relocation."

   "However, before leaving..."

  Wang Lei stood in front of all the delegates with an indifferent expression: "Everyone should hand over the things that should not be brought out."

   When he said this, the delegates hesitated. They all knew what Wang Lei was referring to.

   When I just took the elevator to the surface in the dungeon, the crowded stations in the elevator gave many people the opportunity to hand things to them.

   So their protective suit pockets more or less contain some migration pie promotional materials.

   If it was before the in-depth understanding of this time and space, the representatives may have easily handed over.

   But now they don't really want to make friends.

   They want to take all these flyers back and hand them over to professional diplomats for analysis. Maybe they can find any opportunities from them in the future?

   After all, this is a time and space with nuclear fusion!

   After a while, only the representative sent by Zhong Ruijin laughed and handed over the flyer in his pocket calmly.

  Others are still dragging.

   Until Wang Lei was a little impatient, he said bluntly: "After you take these things back, your boss may be very happy, but I'm also sure that they will be very unhappy when they grow up, so everyone should be honest and hand them over."

   Hearing this, the hesitation on the faces of the delegates finally melted.

  Many people, you look at me, I look at yours.

   Soon, the second person handed over the flyer in his pocket.

   Then the third, then the fourth…

   After everyone handed over the flyers, Wang Lei reported to Zhang Tianyuan through time-space communication, and then the time-space tunnel opened in front of them.

   "Everyone, please go through the tunnel." Wang Lei stepped aside and let everyone leave.

  The delegates lowered their heads, did not dare to look at Wang Lei, and quickly passed through the tunnel.

   Then they found that they came to a wide and flat space, which seemed to be a long corridor, with no edges visible from the front and back, only the walls and windows could be seen on the left and right sides.

   went to the window and looked out, what caught their eyes was a straight line of parallel railways…

   (end of this chapter)

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