Movie Savior

Chapter 251: Support a space station for you (4K please subscribe

  Chapter 251 Support a space station for you (4K please subscribe)

  These parallel railways divide the vast land into several equal parts, and each railway is connected by fork roads, which are intertwined and complicated.

Dozens and hundreds of trains come and go on the railway, like a river running endlessly, and it seems that the trains from all over the world are concentrated here, making people feel that they are not driving on the railway, but driving in a region dedicated to them. On the "prairie"...


  The vibration of the train passing by and the whistle was transmitted to the feet of everyone.

   Watching the long carriages pass under the bridge and under their line of sight, the delegates didn’t know what was going on for a while…

   " come there are so many trains and railways?"

   "Are we at any railway junction now?"

   Even if we explain it this way, everyone still thinks that there are too many railways here.

   It was the first time they saw a railway that could not see the head at a glance... Note that it is not the front and rear that cannot see the head, but the left and right directions.

  These railways are side by side, I don’t know how many there are!

   Just then, there was a sound of footsteps from the other side of the railway bridge.

  I saw a group of people climb the stairs and slowly come over.

   The leader was an old man.

   "Welcome to Dimension 1."

  The old man said kindly, and walked to the window together, looking at the non-stop trains outside, looking at the constantly changing signal lights on the edge of the railway.

   "What you are seeing now is the railway project with the largest scope, the widest span, the longest length and the most complex technology in all time and space."

   "At the same time it is our way of hope."

   "You may not be able to see clearly here. As long as these railways go further five kilometers, it is the entrance and exit of a time-space tunnel, where all the trains will enter the No. 2 time-space, continuously transporting our personnel and materials to the past..."

  Everyone was fascinated by the introduction of this railway, and for a while they forgot to know the identity of the old man.

   Until someone took advantage of the gaps in the speech to give a brief introduction:

   "This is the president of the first branch of our Mutual Rescue Association."

  The representatives greeted each other quickly and looked at them curiously.

   This was the first time they had seen a figure at the level of the branch president.

   Of course, with the exception of Zhang Tianyuan...

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Zhou Lao smiled and said calmly: "There is nothing strange about me as an old man, especially before I met President Zhang and decided to join the Mutual Rescue Association, I and our time and space are actually the same as you. ordinary."

   "Come on, let's sit and talk somewhere else."

   Mr. Zhou walked in front and led many delegates across the railway bridge to a high-level conference room at a station.

   You can also see the long railway here, and the view is even better than before, and you can even see a long "black ribbon" five kilometers away.

   is that special kind of black, so black that it seems like the world is missing a piece out of thin air.

The    representatives all immediately thought that there should be a time-space tunnel.

   There was a large conference table across the conference room, Elder Zhou sat in one of the seats, and the large number of delegates sat on the other side of the conference table, sitting in several rows.

   "President Zhang and the presidents of several other branches will come over later, we may have to wait a while."

  Old Zhou firmly controlled the rhythm of the scene, and the others could only nod their heads when listening to his words. After a while, someone seized the opportunity to ask questions.

   "President Zhou... We just heard that this railway leads to No. 2 time and space, and there are still a lot of people and materials transported to them, why is this?"

   Zhou Lao laughed and introduced the situation of his time and space to everyone without much reservation.

  The delegates also looked at each other after hearing this.

   "Received the warning four years in advance, and then began to prepare in advance..."

   "The sun changes, why is it the sun again?"

   "Can such a disaster really happen?"

  People's concerns are different, but without exception, the story of this time and space caught their attention.

   Zhou Lao continued: "I heard that your time and space are now facing a situation similar to that of mine, but you have much less time left?"

   The domestic representative sent by Zhong Ruijin sat opposite Mr. Zhou, named Hu Haoran, and he immediately replied: "Yes, according to President Zhang, we only have about a month left."

   Zhou Lao nodded, closed his eyes and thought about it before saying, "If it's more than a month, the time will be tight, but as long as you are active, you can still get a pretty perfect ending in the end."

   "And our time and space, as well as other time and space, as well as the headquarters of the Mutual Rescue Association, your brother countries in each time and space, will also try their best to help you..."

  Hu Haoran quickly thanked him.

  The door of the conference room was suddenly opened again.

   Everyone looked and found that it was Zhang Tianyuan and three old people who came in from outside.

   Zhang Tianyuan smiled and sat in his seat, and the three next to him also sat down slowly, sitting in a row with Zhou Lao.

The    representatives instantly understood the identities of these three people, and they must all be branch presidents of other time and space.

   Hu Haoran thought of this thought, and the next second he heard Zhang Tianyuan's voice:

   "Did you all have a short journey in other time and space? You should be able to hold on now, right?"

  Two time and space walked down this circle, in fact, the time has been close to ten hours, coupled with the impact on the mind, hearing this question at this time, the delegates can not help but feel a little tired.

   However, everyone still insisted on sitting upright, indicating that they could still persevere.

   Zhang Tianyuan smiled slightly and began to introduce several old people around him.

   "This is President Zhou from the 1st dimension, President Tong from the 2nd dimension, President Sun from the 3rd dimension, and finally President Ning from the 4th dimension..."

   "Zhong Lao of the No. 6 time and space has to take charge of the overall situation, and he can't make it through for the time being."

   This sentence was said to Elder Zhou and the other branch presidents.

   Several people nodded lightly to show their understanding, but if they encountered such a thing, they would definitely have to stay in the office immobile.

   "Then let's get down to business."

   Zhang Tianyuan turned his attention to the delegates sitting opposite.

   "Everyone should have a basic understanding of our Mutual Rescue Association and the situation in parallel time and space by now?"

   "Should you stop thinking we are liars?"

   The representatives on the opposite side all nodded, shook their heads awkwardly when they heard the next words, and then began to apologize for their country's previous distrust.

   To be honest, walking down this circle really opened their eyes to these "old antiques" in the early 21st century.

  Even those who really believed in mutual rescue and parallel time and space never imagined that this short trip would be so shocking, almost shattering their three views.

   First the huge mecha of the fourth dimension, then the planetary engine and the wandering earth plan of the third dimension, and now there is the full migration plan of the first dimension...

   Each of these is taken out individually, and to them it is a great miracle that cannot be touched.

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded at the apology of these representatives, as if he accepted it for those who persuaded them with persuasion.

  Especially poor Carl…

  I don't know if he will receive Baker's apology in the future.

   "Since you have no objection to our existence now, you must have no objection to the impending climate catastrophe?"

   The representatives shook their heads and used the most straightforward actions to let Zhang Tianyuan understand their thoughts.

   "Very well, then let's move on to the discussion of the rescue plan."

   Zhang Tianyuan clapped his hands, and immediately someone sent these representatives the rescue plan he had made with Zhong Lao in the day after tomorrow.

   is the set of "if you can move, you move, if you don't move, you avoid it".

"Before today, everyone must have known about Zhong Lao's actions. This plan was formulated by our Mutual Rescue Association together with him. Now it has entered the implementation stage. Generally speaking, the applicability is the best. For reference, if you have any doubts, feel free to raise them.”

   Zhang Tianyuan deliberately paused for a while after speaking, so that the representatives had time to open the plan.

   "Mr. President..." Except for Hu Haoran, the first person to read the plan raised a hand.

   Zhang Tianyuan nodded and motioned for him to continue.

   "Regarding relocation, if the national border is completely above 30 degrees north latitude, can it only be resettled on the spot?"

   "If we settle in place, we will face material and energy problems, as well as communication problems, and finally the number of shelters that can be accommodated may be insufficient..."

   Listening to the representative’s analysis, others also agreed, and everyone had doubts about these issues.

  According to the information they have received before, the super storms in these climate disasters will drop the temperature to nearly minus one hundred degrees Celsius.

   In this case, most of the facilities are unreliable and they have to upgrade the existing shelters in the country.

   At the same time, prepare a lot of materials and fuel.

   There is also the problem of communication lines.

  In their time and space, most of the communication still relied on lines, which could easily be destroyed in a storm, causing the entire shelter to lose contact.

   And lose contact in this kind of disaster, once a special situation occurs, it is really called Tiantian not working, and the earth is not working...

  As soon as everyone gets serious, various problems that may be faced during the implementation of the plan will continue to emerge.

   "This plan...the execution power we need, I'm afraid we can't achieve it in our country..."

   There were also representatives who became frustrated after listening to other people's problems, especially some small countries with a northerly border and a population of several hundred thousand.

   These countries are in an awkward position.

   Let’s move all of them, there is nowhere to go, and with the transportation resources they have, there is no way to quickly move all the citizens.

   Let’s talk about evacuation in place. It’s hard to say whether there are any usable evacuation fortifications in their country. Even if there are, it is obviously impossible to hold hundreds of thousands of citizens.

   This belongs to not running, not avoiding.

   Even if they were able to run some of them and avoid some of them, after this storm they were equivalent to losing their country.

  In this way, it seems that they can only survive the climate catastrophe by relying on their bravery and righteousness...

   In addition, even if there were enough shelters, it would be difficult for them to prepare supplies for hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate.

  This includes energy, food, water, medical treatment…

   These may not be a problem in normal times, but if you concentrate all of them in the shelter and use them during the time of evacuation, you will die.

   With their domestic execution, this is something that can’t be done by breaking the ceiling.

   The faces of the representatives of these small countries collapsed when they thought of this.

Faced with these problems, Zhang Tianyuan calmly said, "What you said, I have discussed with Mr. Zhong before, and we have also discussed with the branch presidents, so we have corresponding plans. Yes, you don't have to worry."

   Not waiting for these representatives to turn from sadness to joy, he continued: "On the issue of execution, No. 1 space-time can help you."

   said, Zhang Tianyuan looked at Zhou Lao.

Zhou Lao snorted and said: "Our time and space have rich experience in emergency relocation, and all countries have experience, so in this regard, as long as you allow, the president and I can authorize you to send in the brother country of this time and space. The support team will guide you."

   Zhang Tianyuan also said: "I have also discussed with President Tong of the No. 2 time and space for the population that cannot be relocated and cannot take refuge on the spot."

  Tong Wenshi said: "After your nationals are injected with the KV vaccine, our time and space can temporarily accept them, and we will designate a temporary resettlement place for you."

   is on the African savannah, where you can see hippos and lions at any time.

   Of course, although the location here is not good, the infrastructure is still complete, as long as you are careful, there will be no danger to life.

  Although I don’t know much about the No. 2 time and space, and I don’t know what the KV vaccine is, the delegates are still very excited to hear it.

   Up to now, the issues of shelter placement and execution have been resolved.

   is left with lack of resources and communication issues that need to be resolved.

   At this moment, Ning Jihua spoke.

   "In terms of food and energy, let's mobilize each branch to gather together, and we should be able to temporarily provide basic supplies for your shelter."

  The delegates were bright and thankful.

However, Zhang Tianyuan frowned and interrupted: "About these resources, you need to return them after you have weathered the storm. Although the current situation of Dimension 4 has improved, the accumulated disadvantages are too deep, and the problem of lack of resources is still quite serious. ."

   Everyone was stunned, but immediately said there was no problem.

   In this way, before the disaster, they don’t have to transport food and energy to the shelter, they just need to concentrate on sending people in, which can save a lot of time.

The    resource issue has also been resolved, and the rest is communication.

   Zhang Tianyuan looked at Sun Deyi.

   The old man smiled calmly and said, "I can support a space station for you in time and space..."

   8 o'clock to 4 o'clock, the arm is dried into a lobster... 6,000 bases tomorrow



   (end of this chapter)

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