Movie Savior

Chapter 288: "Divine" Mecha

   Chapter 288 "Divine Power" Mecha

   Fleet hundreds of kilometers away.

   The fleet that just dropped a batch of missiles has turned around and is ready to return to the tunnel behind them.

   In the game world, there is no air force in the Mutual Rescue Club for the time being, and these fighter planes are all drawn from the 4th time and space.

   At the headquarters on the Maple Leaf Continent, Zhang Tianyuan and Ke Jinjun simultaneously paid attention to the effect of the strike, and the high-altitude reconnaissance plane had firmly locked the combined fleet.

   On the screen in front of the two of them, there was a slight delay in the picture relayed back.

   When Zhang Tianyuan saw the missile appear on the reconnaissance screen, the anti-ship missile had already slammed into the combined fleet.


   Big fireballs bloomed one after another on the sea.

The giant ship, which was still chopping the waves at sea just now, suddenly paused on the spot like a sap, and then slowly slowed down. Black smoke emerged from all over the hull and quickly enveloped the sea. The fleet couldn't see what had just happened prestige.


The    alarm was raised on the poster, and the aircraft carrier with combat capability took off and landed a group of fighter planes. Although it was not a wooden fighter plane, it was not very advanced in terms of appearance.

   Zhang Tianyuan just glanced at it, and knew that after these planes took off, let alone fighting, I was afraid that even the enemy would not be able to find it anywhere.

  It is impossible for them to fly to the height of a reconnaissance plane.

   As he expected, these planes jumped up and down like headless flies around the fleet, searching for all possible suspicious locations, and the surrounding clouds were repeatedly interspersed.

   As a result, not even a single hair could be found.

   Just as the pilots were about to return to the aircraft carrier, the rudimentary radar on the plane suddenly alarmed.

   Several fast moving dots appeared on the screen.

   "Yes...something is coming!"

A pilot screamed loudly, and then saw a flame passing by his cabin. The interference of the airflow made him almost crash. The plane seemed to be a broken kite in the sky, and there was a risk of falling down at any time. .

   While he was trying to control the plane, there were many loud and frightening voices on the radio channel, but he was in no mood to pay attention to them.

   When he finally got the plane under control, he breathed a sigh of relief and redistributed his attention to communication with his teammates.

   "It's over, it's over, we're over!"

   "I can't go back, I can't go back again..."

The words on the    channel were vaguely hopeless, and the pilot turned his head to look at the sea strangely——

   I saw smoke pillars soaring into the sky. At this time, more than 30 ships had all been shot and lost their power, so they could only stop in place. It was even more chaotic on the deck. From time to time, you could see the panicked figures of humans in the fire and black smoke, and even some soldiers could be seen jumping off the boat with a zero-point diving posture...

   And as for the carrier they just took off...

  The pilot rubbed his eyes, hovered over the fleet, and finally determined that the deck of the aircraft carrier had been completely destroyed.

   They have no chance of landing again.

   Now either make an emergency landing on the sea or parachute to escape.

   But what is the situation now?

   The sea under their feet is near the border, and there are unknown monsters lurking in it.

   And it is difficult for the fleet to protect itself now, and if they fall into the sea, it will be a dead word in the end...

"what happened!"

   "We have been hit by such terror before we crossed the border!"

   "Is this a world stronger than the Holy Empire?"

  The pilots who were running around in the sky have only finally figured out the situation now. They were hit by such a blow just as they were about to cross the border. I am afraid it is self-evident where the mastermind came from.

   "Run! We must get this news back to the Empire, Holy Howard must know about the situation!"

From the    channel came the roar of the commander.

  The cluttered planes regrouped above the smoke and fire, turned around and flew back toward the Empire.

   Their fuel is not enough to get them back to land.

   But as long as you get close enough, the plane can send a message back to the land...

   With this thought in mind, the remaining dozen or so pilots drove the plane back home.

  But before they flew dozens of kilometers, the radar envoy suddenly called the police again——

   An unknown object is approaching rapidly!

  The pilots looked up in horror.

  I saw black shadows smashing down at them with a whistling sound!


   Another round of bombing.

   "This is the fourth round of bombing, and we even used cloud bombs." Ke Jinjun stood in front of the screen, watching the real-time situation on the front line, his attention was completely on the ships at the center of the explosion.

   "Until now, none of the hulls have been significantly damaged, and there are no sunken ships at all. These ships are a bit too strong!"

   Ke Jinjun's tone sighed.

  Although warships are inherently strong and difficult to be sunk by air strikes, it is still surprising that these ships, which are obviously decades behind, can withstand four-wheel bombing with modern precision firepower.

   You must know that this round of bombardment is precisely targeting the respective structural weaknesses of the warships.

   This can be carried, and all of them have been carried...

   "These warships definitely used those special materials, otherwise it would be impossible to persist until now."

  Zhang Tianyuan watched the screen quietly until the gunpowder smoke from the scene slowly dissipated a little, revealing the embarrassed appearance on the decks of each ship.

   There were no corpses on the deck, no bloodstains, not even people to see.

  Because after the android in the game system dies, the corpse will disappear automatically.

   As for not being able to see a living person, that is because even if the soldiers on the ship were not directly killed, they must have been indirectly killed by the shock.

  The four-round bombing is no joke, plus the distance between these ships is quite close, adding an iron chain to each other is a copy of Cao Cao.

   No one can survive in such a situation.

   "Let people clean the battlefield." After confirming that the situation on the field was clear, Zhang Tianyuan began to let people enter the field.

  A fighter plane hovered at a low altitude on the scene to act as a coordinate, allowing the time-space tunnel to be successfully opened on the warship.

  Then ready troops emerge from the tunnel and start clearing the scene…

   The cleaning work lasted for a whole week, and more than 30 warships, downed planes, mechas on the deck, etc., were all dragged to the Rim of Space and Space for research.

   To this end, Zhang Tianyuan deliberately set up a multi-space-time joint research group within the Mutual Rescue Association, attracting experts from various time-spaces to study these spoils.

   At the same time, to Zhang Tianyuan's surprise, someone actually survived the four rounds of bombing, and there were as many as five people, but after hearing the occupations of these people, Zhang Tianyuan was relieved.

   Because these five people are all mecha pilots, and they have obviously been physically strengthened by the game system.

   These five people suddenly became sweet treats, and they were almost treated like jewels in the palm of their hands. This was the first time that the Mutual Rescue Club had acquired an android from a player outside the server, and it was also a reinforced android.

   The research value is much higher than the androids of other players in the server.

   Under such circumstances, the ideological tendencies of these five people, as well as their usual intake and excretion, were all set up to study in separate groups, and were monitored almost without dead ends.

   In addition, the research on mecha has not fallen behind.

  Moriko Mori took a team of experts from various countries around space and time to personally observe some of the mechas and the wreckage of the mechas that survived the bombing.

   As a result, everyone was surprised to find that these mechas are quite "primitive", and the operation method is still mainly manual, what AI, what neural link, not even a shadow can be seen.

   This is a real big robot, and the operation depends on hand speed.

   But even so, these mechas also have powerful performance, whether it is defense, attack, or speed, which makes mecha experts have a completely unscientific feeling.

   even gave people the idea of ​​prying open Newton's coffin board and letting him get up and take a look——

A 25-meter-high, 800-ton hound-type mecha can start at a speed of 70 hours per hour, and can even approach a super-high speed of 100 kilometers on flat ground. The carrying weight is as high as 200 tons, of course. There are 150 tons to load fuel...

   In addition, the defense is strong enough to resist four rounds of bombing.

  This horse is stronger than a tank!

   After measuring this data, everyone was stunned.

   Even Zhang Tianyuan didn't expect that these rough-looking mechas would actually be so fierce.

No wonder    is used by these player forces to deal with monsters in the game.

  Especially when the researchers learned from the captured pilots that these mechas were blessed by His Majesty Howard's "divine power"...

   The power of these players may not be comparable to the Mutual Rescue Association in terms of serious technological development, but the various achievements they rely on the extension of the game system have far exceeded the Mutual Rescue Association's expectations.

   Mori Mako specially suspended the small mecha that was preparing for production, and planned to make another modification to the small mecha after the preliminary study was over.

   And the other time and space were also shocked by the research institute of the mecha, and they all cheered up and carefully studied the captured warships and aircraft...

   Even Zhang Tianyuan felt a sense of urgency.

   Must move as soon as possible!

  Otherwise, one day a mecha like this rushes up, is it worth it?


   Just when all time and space are in full swing.

  The owner of the combined fleet, Howard and King Gehry, called each other at this time.

   "Three days ago I noticed that the number of war machines on the panel had decreased, so I launched an investigation, and finally found that those reduced war machines should be from the combined fleet."

   "Then I asked someone to find the fleet list, entered the system to search, and found that the people above are basically dead..."

   "So I'm basically sure that our combined fleet has now been buried in the sea, and has gone deep into the sea with the equipment they carry!"

   King Gehry's voice was solemn.

  It was Howard. After listening to this, he touched his fat head, which was a little bald, and then he said, "The fleet has perished?"

   Following King Gehry's idea, Howard also opened his own game panel to check the number of war machines.

  【Current War Machine Remaining: 127】

   Just looking at this number made Howard confused again.

   There are still 127 mechs, but...

   How many were there before?

   This question was finally asked the big housekeeper Andy, and Howard figured it out.

   Then he went to the phone and said to King Gehry:

   "You're right, my number of war machines has also decreased."

   After waiting for ten minutes, King Gehry didn't know what to say...

   In the end, Howard spoke first: "You'd better continue to cooperate with me, this is just a small setback, it can't shake the great Howard Empire at all!"

   King Gehry was speechless again.

   After a while, he said, "We can continue to cooperate."

  Howard was very satisfied with his statement, grinned and said, "Okay, then we have to change direction next."

   Although it doesn't look like an alliance, Howard is not a person who remembers what to eat and not to fight. Since there is a mistake in the exploration in this direction, it should be replaced in time.

   But King Gehry rejected his proposal:

   "Perhaps you haven't heard of it yet. We can only go west. To the north and east of our server, there are vanguard fleets that came to investigate in both directions, but they were wiped out by the Dolan Dynasty."

   "And in the south, we found traces of the launch of the detection rocket. Maybe we have to guard against the enemy in this direction in the future. Only the west has not made any response yet!"

   "The Dolan Dynasty is now preparing to attack the north and east, and the situation in the south is unknown, so we must concentrate our forces and storm the west to take a new colony there!"

  Howard was silent for a moment, as if thinking with a rusty brain, and after a long time he said: "Holy Majesty Howard accepts your proposal."


   In the next month or so, different from the calm within the sphere of influence of the Mutual Rescue Association, various servers in the game have already exploded.

   One month is enough to satisfy the marching deployment of most forces.

  Giant ships, planes, mechas, and behemoths of war roared, setting off endless slaughter in the space within sight.

  Many backward forces, when they woke up, found that their outer seas had been blocked by the menacing giant ships and cannons, and mechas were being put down from the ships, directly from the coast...

   Zhang Tianyuan didn't care about this. After destroying a combined fleet from the east last time, they bombed the fleet from the west two times.

   The server that was at best WW1 seemed to be the most enthusiastic about colonization.

   In addition, Zhang Tianyuan has been studying the game system, while others are studying the mecha full of Howard's "magic power".

   In addition, the research on the influence of high-dimensional humans on three-dimensional space-time has also yielded preliminary results.

   "So, their influence is limited, and they are not the gods of three-dimensional space?"

   Hearing a lot of reports from the experts, Zhang Tianyuan didn't understand much, only one conclusion.

The physicist in front of    nodded: "According to our speculation, the impact of high-dimensional humans on three-dimensional space-time is limited, but it is also huge..."

   (end of this chapter)

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