Movie Savior

Chapter 338: rainbow in the desert

   Chapter 338 Rainbow in the Desert

   " we going to make those hungry people riot?" Emilia asked subconsciously, not forgetting that she is now a member of the Mutual Rescue Association, and specially used the word "we".

"It's none of our business if there is a riot or not." Zhang Tianyuan waved his hand, "We are only responsible for sending the hungry people to the granary and giving them a chance to eat. Later, whether they choose to negotiate peace or continue to resist, we will all won't interfere."

   Emilia sighed.

   "It seems that there is only one way to save these hungry people..."

   Her mood was a little down.

   The reality is a bit far from her ideal.

   In her ideal, these hungry people can best be solved by a more peaceful means, such as the official on their side, who will wake up and decide to open the warehouse and release food or something.

   In general, her attitude is weak and compromising.

   Growing up at the NASA base, she was nurtured by her own father. Although she sympathizes with the hungry, her character still lacks the strength and firmness after experience.

  In her heart, if she can properly settle the current hungry people, she can even choose to ignore everything that happened to the hungry people before...

  Unfortunately, there has been no reply from North America these days, and their communication seems to have entered a black hole.

  With hopeless communication, even a weakling like her has only one way to go.

   That is to do as the Mutual Aid Society says.

  Although this move will bring turmoil to North America again, it will even affect those who still have food and enjoy the last ray of stability...

   But she really couldn't watch tens of millions of hungry people die painfully in the desert.

   "May we bring light to the hungry."

   Finally, Emilia clasped her hands against her forehead, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

   It could be prayer, or it could just be unbearable to see the bloodshed and sacrifice that followed.

   No matter which one is not surprising, because of the appearance of the Saturn wormhole, many people in North America are a little sectarian. Even the NASA base has soil for sect survival, and it will naturally affect other people over time.

   "We can't bring the light, the sun needs them to light up." Zhang Tianyuan stood up, patted her on the shoulder, left this sentence, and then turned and left with the others.

  Although Emilia did not directly say that she agrees with this plan just now, she has undoubtedly tacitly agreed.

  Then we will start preparing.

   After continuing to discuss with the members of the processing bureau for a while, Zhang Tianyuan signaled Wu Yisi to disclose the results of the discussion to each branch and asked them to cooperate.

   First class response.

   This unsurprising result was quickly communicated to all time and space through the increasingly developed space-time communication.

   also received a list of all the materials needed in this operation, including 100 tons of compressed food and several light weapons, ten sprinklers, and an armed convoy to maintain order.

  100 tons of food and water trucks were provided for the first batch of hungry people. Not only did the hungry people attack the granary in their state, they might not even be able to stand up.

   And it's not a huge amount either.

   Mutual Rescue will be poor, and it will not even be unable to take out 100 tons of compressed food.

   As for the remaining small arms...

  As a peaceful organization, the Mutual Rescue Association and other branches are not much different, but they are the most abandoned weapons. In any time and space, a warehouse before the end of the world can fully arm a hundred thousand starving people.

  These materials were contracted by Space-Time No. 1, and they were prepared in less than two hours. Then they were escorted by Wang Lei to a desert outside.

  The scorching hot ground is braving the rolling heat waves, which can be said to be the double world of ice and fire with the severe cold of the time and space of the day after tomorrow.

   "The hungry people can be seen one kilometer ahead." A white team member operated a drone and reported information in real time.

  Wang Lei nodded and asked all members to be on guard.

Behind him is an armed convoy transferred from Wandering Time and Space North America, with more than 600 members, equipped with a large number of weapons, whether lethal or non-lethal, can be on their thick tactical vests turn up.

   Before the Mutual Rescue Association came, their job was to suppress the mob outside the dungeon.

   They were transferred to prevent the starving people from getting out of control, and only this experienced team can successfully complete this task.

   Soon, a long motorcade came to the starving people.

   The sound of the brakes is not small.

   However, lying on the outskirts of the desert, the starving man who was so hungry that his whole body was powerless and his expression numb just rolled his eyes, and then stopped paying attention.

   Usually only convoys escorting the hungry will arrive here.

  In the beginning, every time the vehicle arrived, many people rushed over, some wanted to grab the car, some begged the driver to take them away, whatever happened.

   However, these were all useless efforts. In the end, it was nothing more than that the hungry people ate a few rounds of guns, and the vultures added hundreds of corpses to make food, and slowly everyone gave up.

   Now, no one will be excited when the car arrives.

   But this time is different.

   Several hungry people soon realized this.

After the    convoy stopped, instead of opening the door as before and driving people out of the car like a beast, hundreds of heavily armed soldiers jumped down one by one in a neat and orderly manner.

   This scene made several hungry people feel uneasy instinctively. Some people gasped for breath and wanted to sit up and leave this place of right and wrong. Others continued to remain numb, regardless of life and death.

   But the next second, several plastic-wrapped items were thrown around them, and a soldier in a black helmet with a rifle slung over his shoulder and his finger beside the trigger said in a British accent:

   "Call everyone over, we're going to hand out food."

   Looking at the package next to him with the words "compressed biscuits" written on it, although the hungry people didn't know Chinese, they could hear what the soldiers just said.

   "This... is food?" One person bit the package with his teeth tremblingly, and immediately smelled the strong fragrance inside.

   Hunger instinct drove him to open his mouth wide, and he swallowed a compressed biscuit into his stomach in a few mouthfuls, covering his mouth even if he choked and retched.

The soldier next to    handed over a few bottles of water at the right time, and also helped to open the bottle cap by the way.

The convoy behind   , under the command of Wang Lei, honked their horns together, trying to attract the attention of other hungry people in the desert.

   In the next second, figures suddenly stood up in the desert.

  The hungry people stood up slowly from the gutter, from the pit they dug themselves, and looked straight at them.

   They were too far away to know what was going on.


  The sprinkler opened the spout.

   The clear water quickly forms a rainbow of colors…

  The next second, all the hungry people rushed over!

   (end of this chapter)

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