“Sometimes, the formation of zombies, you seem to be the cruelest side of the virus, but it is his most vulnerable side!”

“Nature likes to disguise disadvantages as advantages!”

“So zombies seem to be very powerful, coming and going like the wind, biting madly, but in fact, they are vulnerable!”

In front of Lin Ye were countless bottles and cans, which were of course the various viruses and vaccines he had scavenged at the CDC.

In front of him sat countless American soldiers, each of them listening very carefully to Lin Ye’s narration!

“Zombies are sentient, and they need a healthy host, not a terminally ill virus invader!”

“So, this is our chance!”


Lin Ye took out a rabies virus: “This is a rabies virus, you should all know its power!” ”

“With this, we can become a force that faces zombie invisibility!”

“The conditions are limited, if there is a laboratory, I can develop a virus vaccine, but now, first solve the immediate crisis, who will try the effect of this virus?”

Lin Ye shook the small bottle of rabies virus, and Roy was the first to stand up, he was also the one who trusted Lin Ye the most.

The key is that he has seen with his own eyes the heroic posture of Lin Ye facing zombies.

“I’ll come!”

Roy walked in front of Lin Ye, many soldiers who had never seen Lin Ye crisscrossing the zombie group, they must be resistant to fighting the virus into the body.


A rabies virus was quickly injected into Roy’s body.

“Let’s go see the effect!”

Lin Ye greeted, and suddenly all the soldiers followed him and walked towards the outside of the barracks.


Outside the barracks, Roy gritted his teeth and walked outside step by step.

On the parapet, countless soldiers stood there, holding guns in their hands, but their eyes were firmly fixed on their lieutenant colonel.

Lin Ye accompanied Roy: “Roy, don’t be afraid, you can!” ”

The two men went one after the other, and then Lin Ye tapped the trigger in his hand.


The gunshots were extremely loud in the quiet night.


Countless zombies rushed towards the barracks again, and every soldier watched without blinking, for fear of missing something.

And Roy stood there, motionless, but his face was pale to the peak, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

The heart is even more nervous to death.

He felt that one of his hearts had been blocked in his throat, making his breathing a little suffocated.

The mind is even more blank.

“Here it comes!”

Roy watched the zombie rush in front of him, and he subconsciously closed his eyes.


The zombies passed by Roy’s side like a gust of wind, and some even crashed into him, making him shake… But the imaginary bite did not happen at all.

Lin Ye and Roy stood in front of the barracks like wooden people, and behind them were hundreds of crazy zombies.

They are climbing walls!

Desperately climbed up, trying to enter the barracks.


Every soldier did not shoot at the zombies because they saw the miracle and saw the magical scene that their comrades had just recounted.

The zombies did not attack Roy at all.

Dr. Hayashino is correct.

They attack only healthy carriers.


Countless soldiers rejoiced happily.

Roy finally opened his eyes, but his face was full of tears, and he did it, and he bravely faced the zombie.

“DR.lin, thank you!”

“Thank you!”

He jerked Lin Ye into his arms, and then cried.

“Did you see it all?”

“This is the weapon, our weapon to defeat the zombies!”

“Do you want injections?”

Lin Ye waved it there with a syringe, and the entire sky over Humphreys Barracks suddenly echoed the shouts of countless American soldiers.


“So what are you waiting for?”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless soldiers knocked on the trigger in their hands and fired wildly at the zombies, as if celebrating their new birth.

One by one, the soldiers received Lin Ye’s virus injection and were randomly equipped with a vaccine in case of emergency.

“Now, it’s time for us to counterattack!”

“Are you ready?”

When the last virus was injected into the body of the 210th soldier, Lin Ye picked up the gun in his hand and pointed it at the gate of the barracks.



200 American soldiers, led by Lin Ye, burst out towards the outside of the barracks.

Their first stop was the nearby CDC, where they needed to find more rabies and vaccines.

Let more comrades be equipped with invisible weapons.


Meanwhile, the city of Houston in the United States.

Garsi Aragon and his men have just wiped out a wave of zombies on the roof and are resuing supplies.

Looking at the number of zombie kills that had just broken through the 10,000-head mark, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“10,000 head, this time… It should be stable! ”

In second place is Isabella, with a difference of more than 500 heads, and her team has only 9 people left, and the next killing is destined to become quite difficult.

There are 15 more on Aragon’s side.

He is also the only player to kill tens of thousands.

“Lin Ye, this guy, since he killed more than 3,000 people in a wave the day before yesterday, the number of people has not increased much?”

“Is this guy dead?”

Aragorn has actually been watching the forest wild, and this wave of players who can take away 3,000 heads makes him very important.

However, since the wave reached the first place the day before yesterday, Lin Ye’s kill count has not risen since then, and yesterday he fell out of the top ten.

So whether he is alive or dead now, Aragon does not know.

“Aragon, Japan’s number one master in the top 10, Ichiro Ito, has not increased the number of people for 3 hours, it should be hanging!”

One of his men reported to Aragon.

Aragorn looked stunned, and then shook his head: “Hey, hang another one, the team of players surviving in this copy is estimated to be less than 15, right?” ”

“Well, almost, if you count according to players, I estimate about 100 people!”

Hundreds of thousands of high-play arrivals, only 4 days, only 100 people remained.

The cruelty of this experience copy can be imagined.

And the number of zombies is not decreasing, but increasing, a steady stream… A batch was repulsed, and a new batch came out.

What is even more frightening is that there are fewer and fewer safe zones around the world.

In other words, the world is gradually dying.

There are fewer and fewer humans, and on the contrary, there are more and more zombies.

Aragorn, however, was powerless.

He also wants to save the world, but the power of one person is too limited.

“This time… You shouldn’t be able to clear the experience quest again! ”

Aragorn sighed slightly, but killing zombies can still get some rewards, which is not a small comfort.

Of course, he didn’t think that this copy, who else could clear the level.

The whole world is already full of holes, is there anyone who can turn the tide?


The zombie killing list, which had not changed for a few minutes, suddenly had a new change.

Ichiro Ito, the Japanese player who was originally ranked tenth, suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by the former number one in the kill list – Lin Ye.

That terrible man, he’s back.

“Aragon, Lin Ye is up again!”

One of his subordinates suddenly said to Aragon.

Aragorn was stunned, looked up sharply at the upper right corner of his eyes, and his pupils suddenly contracted violently.

Lin Ye’s kill number was beating rapidly, and almost every blink of an eye was hundreds of zombie heads.


“How did this guy’s kill count go up so fast?”

Aragon’s eyes straightened a little.

The number of zombies killed by the top nine people has no longer changed, because they are a little tired of killing, but only Lin Ye, who has just entered the top ten, has exploded ninth a few seconds later.

After 5 seconds, explode the eighth again!

That kind of speed, and the instant rise of 3,000 head that day, some are a fight.

And then it turns out that there is more than enough.

“8,000 head!”

“Oh my God, this guy, is it a monster?”

“2,000 in 5 minutes?”

“How did you do it?”

Countless players who were alive were all paying attention to this list, and they were all frightened by Lin Ye’s terrifying number of kills.

8000 head… 8500 head… 9000 head….

There is no stagnation at all.

Isabella watched as Lin Ye blew up her second place, followed by Aragon.

10898 head!

It only took Lin Ye 10 minutes to go from the tenth place in kills to the first place.

The speed of that climb is terrifying.


Aragon was sluggish.

His men were all a little broken.

They worked hard for a day and a night, and they were directly killed in ten minutes.

The key to killing is still a guy off the list.

“How so?”

No one answered Aragon, because the number of kills in the forest was still skyrocketing.

11000,12000,13000…… There is hardly a trace of stagnation.


Aragorn’s last ass sat on the roof, and the whole person was completely hit.

Their team’s hard work to kill is actually not comparable to a newcomer of a paragraph?

What kind of stimulation is this?!

Anyway…… At this moment, the players of the entire quest collectively felt a kind of critical hit.

They were completely crushed by a new person.

And the live broadcast room of “Ark” has completely boiled.

They watched Lin Ye with a team of 200 American soldiers and kill the zombie tide like a ghost.

Where it passes, there is no grass.

Thousands of zombies completely turned into a pool of plasma in a matter of seconds.

Without exception, all headshots.

Critically, not a single zombie will be able to detect this force.

“I bet on a pack of spicy strips, this time Lin Dashen, another SSS supergod evaluation!”

“Why gamble on this? It’s obvious! ”

“From the beginning of the injection of the rabies virus, the rhythm was completely controlled by Lin Dashen…”

“That’s awesome!”

“This is playing a copy… What are the other players doing? Beat the beans? ”

“It’s really laughing at me!”


The audience in the live broadcast room despised all the players who entered the copy, and Lin Ye’s attention has reached its peak – 3 billion!

The whole network is watching his copy of the experience, because it is about to clear the level.

Everyone could see that the force led by Lin Ye had begun to counterattack.

Although there are only 200 people, there is not a single opponent at all.

Zombies can’t find them, how to fight?

What’s more, half an hour later, Lin Ye’s army had grown to 3,500 people, and the speed of killing zombies seemed to be faster.

“Transmit the battle on our side to the US military headquarters!”

“Let General Ross talk to me!”

“Let’s continue!”

Lin Ye greeted the American soldiers behind him, now the number 3500 people have only been the head of Lin Ye, Lin Ye is their marshal, even if the president of the United States is here, Lin Ye let them kill each other, they will not have a moment of hesitation.

Because everyone knows that the only one who can save them is Dr. Lin Ye in front of them.

After this battle, he will be the only savior in the world.

President of the United States?

That’s a thing of the past.

In their eyes, Lin Ye is now the future world master.

It’s just a matter of time.


Han Country, a town in Yokoseong-gun, Gangwon Province.

Lian Yunchang led his men who had just eliminated a group of zombies in the town, and counted the number of people there.

Her squad has become less and less staffed, from 100 at the beginning, to now only 8 people remain… And there are not many players left in the quest.

If you count by team, there are almost 7.

The number of players is about 50.

Only 5 days have passed, but the number of zombies is increasing day by day, and Lian Yunchang is already exhausted, and he doesn’t want to kill endlessly.

Although she is already seventh in the kill list.

But looking at the number one who was high above, an extremely hateful face appeared in front of her eyes.

“Forest !!!”

Lian Yunchang gritted his teeth, he had no image of an iceberg standing tall, and he could even be said to be a little down at the moment.


This is the total number of zombies killed by Lin Ye so far, far ahead of the second ranked Aragon’s 500,000 zombie heads.

A number so great that no one dares to surpass it.

Even this number may be more than the number of zombies killed by all players who enter the full quest.

How is it done?

Nobody knows.

“Second Miss, do you think… Can we still hold on? ”

“How about you hide in this town for a few days?”

A subordinate persuaded Lian Yunchang there, and Lian Yunchang no longer had a temper: “Well, let’s arrange it, let’s hide in this town for two-”

“Second Miss, bereavement… Zombie! ”

A scream reached Lian Yunchang’s ears: “Zombies all over the mountains, they are coming!” ”

“We’re done!”

Before Lian Yunchang finished speaking, another subordinate had already stumbled over, and his face was even more frightened.

Treadmill –

There was a huge earthquake under his feet, and the howl of the zombies one after another, and Lian Yunchang’s face changed instantly.

To be honest, she had entered the replica for so many days, and the zombie tide of thousands of people had seen it, but it was the first time she felt such a violent earthquake.

How many zombies does it take to bring up such a momentum?!

The next second, she saw it.

Countless zombies came and went, bringing up a sky full of sand and dust throughout the sky, and the zombies were clinging to each other, surging towards them.

The fast one is completely like running wildly, and it is a little creepy to look at everyone.

Patients with dense-phobia are expected to be directly frightened.

A tide of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies appeared.

“How… How could so many zombies suddenly appear? ”

“Corpse change?!”

Lian Yunchang muttered, and one member after another member of his team instantly became a revenant under the mouth of the zombie.

Lian Yunchang also completely let go of resistance.

With so many zombies, how can she resist?

The only thing that can be done is to wait quietly for death.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of gunfire came from far and near at this time.

An American soldier dressed in a neat military uniform, led by a handsome man with an eastern face, is attacking the endless zombies.

Their steps are the same, their military appearances are neat, and the key firing gestures are almost in tune.



The gun rang out, and a large mist of blood rose into the sky, like a watermelon being punched into the sky.

And thousands of watermelons exploded at the same time.


It’s like a rain of blood.

Thousands of zombies were headshot by Qi brush.


Lian Yunchang looked at it blankly, and her whole body was drenched in zombie blood.

The whole person was directly drenched in stupidity.

Eyes are blood-red.

The round of strafing just now was the zombies that were originally devoured towards her.

Rao is Lian Yunchang’s mind has reached a height, and she still can’t help but vomit wildly.

The whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Speaking of which, she is still just a 19-year-old child, using another 100 million experience cabin, the effect is thief.

And Lin Ye is different, this product is a helmet, many feelings and experiences are not very intuitive, so killing zombies for him, there is not much feeling at all.


Lian Yunchang was vomiting wildly there, and the image of the iceberg goddess had long been gone.

And the zombie in front of her disappeared quickly at the speed of mowing grass.

One minute later, hundreds of thousands of zombies have all turned into headless corpses.

Only then did Lian Yunchang raise his head.

“Boss, next, where do we attack?”

Roy stood beside Lin Ye and asked for the opinion of his boss.

This boss was also started by Roy without authorization, originally he wanted to call the general, when Lin Ye led them to counterattack, Roy felt that this was the leader who could lead them.

However, the title of general was vetoed by Lin Ye.

That’s when Roy called him the boss!

Lian Yunchang on the side was stunned to hear it.


“This guy is actually the boss of this team of American soldiers?”

Lian Yunchang thought that he had misheard.

She knew that it was this army that had just eliminated tens of thousands of zombies, and the zombies didn’t seem to attack them at all.

She seemed to understand, why could Lin Ye have such a terrifying zombie kill?

“The next stop is the capital of the Han Kingdom!”

“Fix it in place for ten minutes!”

Lin Ye said lightly, and Roy bowed suddenly: “Received!” ”

“Order down!”

Lin Ye waved his hand, and Roy immediately ordered.

Lian Yunchang on the side was completely dumbfounded, standing there motionless.

It wasn’t until Lin Ye led thousands of people to leave that Lian Yunchang reacted and chased after them violently.


At this moment, the sound of helicopter propellers was heard from far and near.

A US military helicopter engraved with the American star and stripe flag of the United States stopped in mid-air.

“Is it Dr. Lin Ye below?”

“Roy, I am General Ross’s assistant Robert, your deeds General Ross already knows, specially sent me to pick up Dr. Lin Ye to the rescue headquarters…”

“People all over the world need your help!”

A white man poked his head out of the helicopter cockpit and greeted the woods.

After a while, the helicopter landed in front of Lin Ye.

The white man immediately jumped off the helicopter and walked quickly towards the forest.

“Dr. Hayashino, I’m Robert—”

“I know, let these fighters behind me go home first, each of them is a hero, and… They know how! ”

Every soldier behind Lin Ye knows how to lead a force to fight zombies.

This is what Lin Ye has gained from tempering them these days.

Lin Ye believes that it will not be long before they become the generals of each country.

Each of them deserves to lead a troop.

“I ask General Ross—”

“This is an order!”

Lin Ye’s words made Robert shrug, and finally Ross agreed to Lin Ye’s request.

Several planes flew towards Han Country from the Rescue to meet their fighters.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, boarded the helicopter with Robert, and he had a more important task to do, that is, research and development – camouflage vaccines!

“Lin Ye-”

The moment Lin Ye boarded the helicopter, Lian Yunchang still did not hold back and shouted at him.

Lin Ye turned his head.

“Can I go back with you?”

Lian Yunchang pondered for a long time and spoke.

Lin Ye shook his head and said word by word: “No! ”

“What about me, but I am very vengeful, you chase and kill me like this? Still expecting me to take you back? ”

“Saving your life is for your sake, helping me cover blankets and being a driver!”

“How? Be fair! ”

Lin Ye grinned and waved at Robert: “Let’s go, Robert!” ”


The helicopter suddenly circled in the air and headed in the direction of the United States.


Lian Yunxiang, who was standing on the ground, looked at the smaller and smaller helicopter in his line of sight, and his face showed a touch of helplessness.

However, she also knew that if she didn’t have Lin Ye, she would probably have died under the mouth of the zombie just now.

Although these zombies were all attracted by him.

Lian Yunchang’s heart was a little complicated, she hated Lin Ye, but she was a little grateful.

At least, himself… It should be able to clear customs.

Although it may be the worst E, it is better than death and failure, at the moment, there are less than 20 people alive in the entire copy, and it is estimated that in another 2 days, there will not be 10 people.

“What a fair one!”

Lian Yunchang said hatefully, but the expression on his face was quite calm.

She knew that she only had to wait for the final copy result, and since Lin Ye was able to build a team of 3,500 people, he could build an army of 1 million people.

The elimination of zombies is only a matter of time.

“Will it be SSS class?”

Lian Yunchang squinted, if Lin Ye was just an SSS-level supergod, it might just be a component of luck and wisdom.

But two SSS, and the only two in the full server, then this is a symbol of strength.

“Perhaps, from the beginning, he knew how to clear the level, right?”

Lian Yunchang guessed, but no one told her the answer.


End of copy! Although you can continue to write, but this ending, it should be almost the same.

Although the protagonist knows the plot of the story, it is obviously not so easy to get SSS.

So the process is a little tortuous, in order to make the final evaluation.

Sprinkle flowers, ask for flowers and review votes!!!

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