Name: Lin Ye

Wisdom: 6.2

Power: 8.2

Spirit: 5.2

Physique: 8.2

Available attribute points: 0

Skills: Advanced Driving, Beginner C Language, Advanced Computer Science, Advanced Learning, Beginner Singing, Beginner Cooking, Advanced Gastronomy, Advanced Critic, Advanced Firearms and Ammunition Master, Virus Master, Medical Master, Fighting Intermediate …

God-level skills: True artificial intelligence god-level

Special Item: God-level skill card

Special Skill: Zombie Immunity

Special treatment: A gift from the U.S. military


Lin Ye eventually distributed 10 attribute points, 5 points on strength and 5 points on physique.

Although a single event reaches 10, you can start the second stage promotion, but Lin Ye feels that it is not so necessary.

Lin Ye pursues a balance, he is ready to try all 10, and then hit the second stage.

The professions of all 5 are very detached, they are all quite special professions, and Lin Ye feels that all 10 should be similar.

The main thing is that he hasn’t even passed a section of a career copy, and if he reaches 10 too quickly, he will have to brush the promotion copy, so he is ready to wait, anyway, for Lin Ye, it is not difficult to obtain attribute points.

After all, in the entire “Ark”, no one can get 11 attribute points in 2 copies like him.

1 point is already a difficult achievement, let alone 11 points!

“All 4D attributes are 5, I can learn four skills, then I can learn skills related to strength and physique!”

Lin Ye had already confirmed the profession of the first paragraph before – special military doctor!

Special Forces + Virus Doctor, this is the protagonist template in many movies.

The last time his spirit and wisdom reached 5, Lin Ye had studied medicine and viruses, and he could learn 2 more this time.

The four-dimensional attribute reaches 10 and can be learned again.

“Choose the special forces skill this time!”

Lin Ye opened the classification of strength and physique and found a very strange place.

He suddenly saw that his skill board, two skills suddenly lit up.

Firearms and ammunition mastery … Fighting Arts!

“Could it be… Can I upgrade? ”

Lin Ye tried to click on the gun pill mastery, and a bullet box popped out.

“Do you use the learning of vocational skills to upgrade existing related skills?”

“Yes or no?”

“I wipe, can it be like this?”

Lin Ye seemed to have discovered a new continent, and he somewhat understood why these two skills lit up, because these were professional skills related to special forces.

Therefore, if you don’t learn additional special forces skills, you can upgrade your existing special forces skills.

Of course, Lin Ye can also refuse to upgrade, learn special forces reconnaissance, lurking, and so on.

However, the skills learned are elementary.

“What about fools learning new skills? It must be specialized first! ”

Lin Ye didn’t even think about it, and directly mastered the gun pill and upgraded it to a master; Then, he upgraded his fighting skills to an advanced level, and his understanding of the two skills was strengthened by one point.

Moreover, Lin Ye could obviously feel that the real body had an explosive improvement after increasing its strength and physique by 5 points.

He is now estimated to punch out, even more fiercely than Tyson in his previous life.

The physique surpasses the top bodybuilders in the previous life.

That’s 100% realization!

“Lian Yunchang should not be 100% realized, if this is the case, there are already many masters in reality!”

However, in fact, there are indeed powerful characters in reality, but they are still much worse than the strength of the three stages in the game.

Everyone should have different standards for the game when it comes to embodiment.

And Lin Ye, because he is the identity of the previous life, is the strongest kind.

What is in the game, he is what reality is; Other players, obviously, will not have such a big improvement.

“Now, you should be able to challenge the next class quest!”

Lin Ye felt the state of his body and had adjusted to the best.

At present, his strength and when he entered “World War Z”, it can be said that there has been a earth-shaking change.

Raised several times over.

If he entered the experience copy with his current strength, Lin Ye would not need to be as careful as before in the early stage.

He is confident that he can directly kill 5 zombies without virus bugs!

“This is the benefit of strength improvement!”

Lin Ye sighed, and then lit up the class copy.


Class quests, as the name implies, are quest assessments for each class chosen by a player.

After clearing the level, you can truly become a player.

The current Lin Ye, at best, can only be regarded as a quasi-section, and has just left the ranks of newcomers.

The reward for class dungeons is a level of related skill improvement.

Beginner to Intermediate, Intermediate to Advanced.

The difficulty of the quest is greater than the normal quest, and slightly lower than the challenge quest of the Tower of Babel!

For example, if you have a career and choose to be a singer, you will enter an entertainment copy, such as “Charlotte Troubles”!

Choose a killer and you will enter a shootout movie, similar to “This killer is not too cold”!

Lin Ye chose the profession of special military doctor, which is actually quite unpopular.

So his career copy is less limited, and there are not many movies to choose from.

“Special Military Doctor”, “Wolf Warrior 2”, “Human Catastrophe”, “Military Doctor”, “28 Weeks of Shock” …

After watching a circle, Lin Ye is most familiar with it, of course, – “Wolf Warrior 2”!

This movie was known to everyone in Huaxia in the previous life and became a household name.

The box office has broken countless records, and the horror score of 5.683 billion in China alone has been recorded, ranking first in Chinese film history.

Lin Ye’s professional copy, of course, chose this one without hesitation.

However, in his mind, he was thinking about the plot of the special military doctor inside.

“The peculiarity of the class quest is that after entering the dungeon, you will become a professional and then complete the quest!”

“In other words, I will become a professional… That is, a special military doctor? ”

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes, and roughly sketched a picture of him entering the copy in his mind.

Needless to say, it must be in a virus hospital in Africa.

Africa is a high-risk outbreak of the virus, and every year countless virus doctors around the world volunteer to Africa to help and treat in accordance with humanitarian principles.

“Wolf Warrior 2” is no exception, there is a Chinese infectious disease expert Dr. Chen, the cause of everything, is a deadly virus in Africa…

“Will I become Dr. Chen’s assistant?”

Lin Ye analyzed, thinking about it and feeling that it was unlikely.

If the copy is arranged this way, it may be a bit simple… Surely it came, and then use his identity to save Africa?!

“This class copy, it doesn’t look difficult!”

“But… Do you want to brush a normal copy first? ”

In Lin Ye’s mind, there was still some thoughts about “Ready Player One”, after all, there was a god-level prop in it.

“In order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to brush “Ready Player One” first, and then the professional copy!”

“Anyway, it’s still some distance away from the second stage!”

Lin Ye made a decision and walked towards the normal quest entrance of “Ready Player One”… He decided to finish a normal copy first.

Anyway, the requirement of “Ark” for professional copies is to complete them before the second stage of promotion.

This is a very free game.

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