“This is definitely not the end of the world, you look at the building, it is all intact!”

“Yes, I also think that Brother Li is right, this should be in the past, the device just now is the space-time tunnel!”

“My God, how did he know that there is such a space-time tunnel under the Skynet base?”

“Did Marcus tell him?”

The soldiers were thinking there, and Qin Zhan’s face also became very ugly, and Lin Ye’s practice simply subverted his imagination.

“This… Is this the right way to clear customs? ”

“I think it should be, according to the time paradox, what was in the past is wiped out, and the future will definitely disappear!”

“The future Skynet is very strong, but when it was just born, it must be very weak!”

“Lin Ye’s idea is the most correct way to solve Skynet!”

“It’s just… How did he know that a space-time tunnel had been built under Skynet? ”

“This is what I don’t understand!”

Several soldiers who had participated in the copy of “Terminator” were saying there, and one of them also looked at Qin Zhan: “Brother Zhan, do you analyze it?” ”

“It should… Did Marcus or Kyle Rees reveal it? ”

“I suddenly understand a little now, why John Connor is a prophet, many things he knows very well, this should be because there is a future person who went back and told him when he was a child…”

The more Qin Zhan analyzed, the more he felt that this Terminator copy was not as simple as he thought.

“No wonder the clearance rating is so low, it seems… A lot of things I overlooked! ”

“This forest is really powerful, and there is a unique taste in it!”

Qin Zhan thought slightly, Ye Ran and the old man also looked at each other, it was obvious that the two of them were also shocked by Lin Ye’s way of clearing the level.

Going back to the past to destroy Skynet, this is a solution that no one present thought of.

But in fact, it is the most perfect way to clear the level.

“This person is a character!”

The old man sighed, and Ye Ran also nodded: “Yes, it’s a little remarkable, no wonder he can always SSS super god evaluation clearance, he has the qualification to get a high evaluation!” ”

The entire training camp became a little different because of Lin Ye’s return to the past.

And Lin Ye has come to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.

The Golden Gate Bridge, one of San Francisco’s most recognizable landmarks!

It is one of the world’s most famous bridges and a marvel of modern bridge engineering, considered a symbol of San Francisco.

With a total length of more than 1,900 meters, a total of 4, and more than 100,000 tons of steel, it cost 35.5 million US dollars to build, and is a suspension bridge connecting the San Francisco Peninsula and California.



The moment she saw Lin Ye’s figure appear on the Golden Horse Bridge, Artemis drove her fiery red motorcycle and rushed over with Rachel.

“Are you all right?”

Artemis looked at Lin with concern. Cho was familiar with San Francisco, so the two had already arrived.

“It’s okay, go, go to the US military defense headquarters!”

Lin Ye beckoned, Artemis was stunned: “Don’t you go to Kate Brewster?” ”

Kate Brewster is John Connor’s wife, the future deputy commander of the Human Rebels.

She is also the heroine of “Terminator 3”, and her more important identity is the daughter of Admiral Robert Brewster, commander-in-chief of the US Defense Headquarters.

This Admiral Robert is the head of the US military’s “Skynet” system!

In other words, Skynet is at the US military defense headquarters, which he is responsible for.

So find Kate Brewster and know Admiral Robert and thus the location of Skynet.

“No need, I know the US Defense Headquarters, Rachel, you can lead the way!”

Lin Ye pointed to Artemis’s motorcycle: “Can this car bring three people?” ”

“It should be fine to squeeze!”

“Okay, then you will drive, Rachel leads the way, the US military defense base, in the Mojave Desert in California!”

“what? Do you know all this? ”

Artemis is a little unthinkable, she has watched the Terminator series many times, but it is still a little unclear about the base where Skynet was born.

“There is an explanation in “Terminator 3″, T850 said this place!”

Lin Ye remembers the plot, and the governor plays T850, and says that the Mojave Desert was the first to be affected on Judgment Day, that is, after the nuclear explosion.

“So you sit in the middle?”

Artemis pointed to her car, her fiery red motorcycle barely squeezed and could indeed seat three people.

The words of the Batmobile, however, are too eye-catching and will cause unnecessary trouble.

“No need, I’ll sit at the back, Rachel sits in the middle to guide the way, you drive!”

Lin Ye quickly finished allocated, Lin Ye leaned against Rachel tightly, and the next three people sat on the motorcycle.


The car quickly drove in the direction of the Mojave Desert.

That place is the birthplace of Skynet!


The Mojave Desert is a barren land in southeastern California, USA, spanning three states: Nevada, Arizona, and Utah.

Named after the Mojave people.

The entire desert covers an area of more than 65.000 square kilometers, and the headquarters of the American defense base is located deep in this place.

The three of them galloped all the way and finally reached the outskirts of the desert.

“To enter the Mojave Desert, there is only one way to go!”

Rachel was pointing the way, and Lin Ye’s sixth sense told him that here… It’s dangerous.

He couldn’t detect what the crisis was, but Lin Ye still didn’t rush forward.

“Wait, let’s not go in yet!”

“This place, I have a very bad premonition!”

Lin Ye got out of the car and scanned the surroundings, he did not let Artemis continue into the desert road.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

Countless dense footsteps suddenly poured in from all sides of the forest.

“Sure enough… Still keep up! ”

Lin Ye looked at the T800 Terminator that rushed towards him, each of them was the appearance of a governor, and there were no less than ten as far as the eye could see.

Behind them, there were three strange young men and a beautiful woman, the four of them had calm faces, but looked very evil.



4 liquid terminators.

Among them, TX’s T1000 is more fierce, and T1000’s maximum arms can transform into various cold weapons, but TX is far more than that.

She is a reinforced model adapted from the T1000 and T800, with a built-in metal skeleton and a liquid metal exterior that can masquerade as anyone she has come into contact with.

The arm is equipped with new concept weapons such as particle impact cannons and muskets, so the offensiveness is also the most powerful model in the Terminator series.

“It’s a bit of a hassle!”

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes and made a look at Artemis and Rachel.

The three of them immediately came back to back, and then took out their weapons and made a fighting stance!

Three people were ambushed by the army of Terminators. _

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