Lin Ye carried a palm with a cold ice attribute and slapped straight on the head of a T1000 terminator, and then an extremely cold breath suddenly emerged from Lin Ye’s palm.


Endless ice cold suddenly enveloped the whole body of a T1000 terminator.

This T1000 was just about to conjure a sharp cold weapon to attack Lin Ye, his hand was raised halfway, but the whole person suddenly stopped there.

His entire head was completely frozen by Lin Ye’s palm.


Lin Ye exhaled deeply, in the original work of “Terminator 2”, it was liquid nitrogen freezing and furnace refining that finally killed T1000!

Although the freezing of the cold ice palm is not as powerful as liquid nitrogen, it is still okay to make him hesitate for a while.


Lin Ye picked up the alloy rod again, and struck it straight towards the neck of the T1000 in front of him.


T1000’s head made a hard sound, under Lin Ye’s stick, his head was directly pulled out, although it was not broken, but the whole person has been completely deformed.

“It can be delayed for about half a minute!”

Lin Ye estimated the time, and under this palm, it would take at least half a minute for the T1000 Terminator to recover.

In this half minute, Lin Ye needs to solve that long-range attack beauty TX knot first!

Compared to the T1000 Terminator, this long-range threat is quite deadly, and in fact, although she is more powerful than the T1000 Terminator, she has a metal skeleton built into her body and can be directly destroyed.


Lin Ye dodged the shelling of the TX Knot and quickly rushed towards her.

Another T1000 Terminator also chased towards Lin Ye.

The TX female terminator did not think that Lin Ye could defeat herself, so the particle cannon in her hand instantly turned into an artillery machine gun.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

She shot towards Lin Ye, and Lin Ye jumped over, and the alloy rod in her hand smashed in front of the TX knotter.


As soon as she swung the alloy rod away, Lin Ye suddenly arrived in front of her.

“This is the time!”

Roar –

Lin Ye’s arms were like dragons, like a dragon going out to sea, and swung forward.

Mighty Vajra Palm!


Lin Ye’s left and right hands simultaneously used this one-product martial art, targeting the hands of the TX Beauty Terminator, where a metal skeleton was built-in, Lin Ye’s purpose was only to destroy her hands and make her lose her long-range attack power.

Click! Click!

Two shocking sounds came out, and Lin Ye could obviously see the TX woman’s arm, which had been directly deformed and distorted.

Cracking sound!

A burst of electric sparks came out from her, but this was directly cracked by the powerful Vajra palm.

You can imagine the strength of this master.


In the end, the hands of the TX beauty robot suddenly spewed out a fire.

Her two-armed cannon and particle cannon were scrapped directly.

Lin Ye rolled on the spot, picked up an alloy rod, and blocked the knife from the T1000 slash.

This guy’s arm turned into a machete more than one meter long, and he was just about to come towards Lin Ye’s back, but fortunately Lin Ye reacted quickly.

The other T1000 terminator, which has also recovered somewhat, is rushing towards the forest side.

“Rachel, Artemis!”

Lin Ye shouted, and at the same time threw a laser gun to Rachel.


Shout! Shout! Shout!

Rachel directly discarded the pistol, took the laser gun, and began to storm the T1000 Terminator in front of her, both of them looked very embarrassed, especially Artemis, who already had some hanging colors on his body.

Blood flowed.

The two are not opponents of the T1000 Terminator at all.

“They’re gone with ranged attacks, one of you is in charge of a T1000, don’t let them get close!”

“I’ll solve one first!”

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he rushed towards the TX female terminator, this female terminator has no long-range attack, and is actually weaker than the T1000 terminator.

Because she has a metal skeleton in her body, she only needs to destroy her skeleton and she can be directly scrapped.


Lin Ye’s alloy rod collided heavily with her hands, and her whole body fell backwards at once.

In terms of strength, she is far from Lin Ye’s opponent.


The cold ice palm did not hesitate at all, and then slapped on her crotch, and then the powerful Vajra palm was also swung out in a row, and the target was also the frozen area.

Lin Ye’s stick and two palms made the clouds flow, almost his full strength.


The crotch of the beautiful TX knot collapsed at once, and if Lin Ye attacked directly, it might be wrapped in her soft metal, but if it was frozen, the metal could not play at all.

So, she fell to the ground, struggling there, but she couldn’t get up at all.

“Scrapped one!”

“I’m going to change you next!”

Lin Ye turned around suddenly, and one bowed his head to dodge the swing of the T1000 terminator.


The alloy rod in his hand smashed straight towards the face of the T1000 Terminator, just like he had just hit the TX Terminator, the T1000 Terminator knocked the alloy rod away.

But Lin Ye’s cold ice palm had hit him straight in the head.

“A machine is a machine!”

“In terms of fighting, you are too rough!”


The strength of the ice froze the head of this T1000 terminator at once.

Lin Ye did not let this guy go this time, picked up his head, and directly smashed it towards the two T1000 terminators not far away.

Boom boom –

The two T1000 terminators were directly smashed and stunned, and Lin Ye had already reached the two people next.

The Cold Ice Palm came out again.

The three T1000 terminators all lay there motionless and stiff the next second.

“Artemis, Rachel, go get the T800’s nuclear battery out!”

Lin Ye constantly froze the three T1000 terminators with his cold ice palm, in fact, he could only delay this freezing for a while at most, and it was impossible to kill these three guys.

The flame power of the Fire Cloud Palm was also too weak.

Only the nuclear batteries in the body of the T800 Terminator can take them away in waves! _

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