Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 409: Command fighter

After watching it for a long time, she has seen a lot of rules.

"In fact, every fighter has a certain law of motion. If you can quickly determine the trajectory of their next moment, you can prepare for it in advance." Xia Xinghe suddenly said that the sound was cold.

Xi Munan suddenly heard her voice, they are all a glimpse.

"Oh, what do you see about the law?" He asked for a surprise, and he did not care about suspicion. He directly called out the name of the big man.

Yan Yan, they also stared at her with both eyes.

After this period of time, they have completely believed in the strength of Xia Xinghe.

So every word she said is very weighty in their opinion.

Xia Xinghe shook his head: "I am not sure, but they can calculate their approximate trajectory based on physical and mathematical formulas. But not necessarily accurate."

"Physics, math?" Yan Yan dumbfounded.

These two subjects are his nightmare!

He would rather kill and kill, and never learn these terrible things.

"Miss Xia, can you figure it out?" Gu asked with full expectation.

In his view, Xia Xinghe's knowledge is very deep.

Calculating the trajectory of the object is definitely not difficult for her.

Xia Xinghe nodded: "The trajectory of an object is related to many factors, not to mention that this is a man-made fighter. It cannot be used with simple formulas. So I can only judge the trajectory of the opponent during a certain period of time. And that time period is very short."

"Enough!" Xi Munan said excitedly.

"Now the strength of the two sides is not big, we will win with a little chance. Dad, you can judge how much is, this will help us very much."

"Yes, Miss Xia, no matter how much you can judge, it will be of great help to us."

Xia Xinghe’s questioning question, “Do you want me to command?”

"Yes, you can try it." Xi Munan said firmly.

"How can I easily lead me through such an important exercise? And my judgment is not necessarily accurate."

If she decides what to do, she can't afford it.

But Xi Munan trusted her very much.

"Oh, I believe you, no matter what the outcome, I don't regret letting you command. And you don't have to command everything, you just have to control one."

"Miss Xia, we can only try any method now. Air combat has always been our weakness. If we don't try it, we are likely to lose." Gu Li also said seriously.

"Miss Xia, come, no matter what the consequences are, let me bear!" Yan Yan is taking a guarantee.

"No, I will bear it. All that is, let me bear it." Xi Munan said firmly.

"We will bear it together." Others followed.

But they only refused to let her bear...

Xia Xinghe did not expect them to trust her so much, and her heart was touched.

And she does not need to reject it.

"Okay, let me try, you can rest assured, I will not let you down."

"We believe in you!" Xi Munan laughed.


They said that they would do it and immediately let Xia Xinghe command a fighter.

Xia Xinghe chose a fighter that was always at a disadvantage.

Quickly mastered the command mode, Xia Xinghe immediately entered the state with full concentration.

In the air, the fighters in the most inferior situation, every time there is a risky attack to avoid the enemy.

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