Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 468: Give that woman out

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"Yeah, this is all thanks to... General, what do you say?!" Barron was wrong and reacted. His words seemed to be a bit wrong.

Philip did not answer, only coldly ordered everyone.

"From now on, without my order, no one can shoot without permission. Otherwise, the military law will be disposed of!"

"General... What do you mean by this?" Barron hesitated, very puzzled.

"What do I do, I can't ask you to come!" Philip only gave him a cold look, and Barron had a bad feeling in a moment.

Sure enough, the next second, Philippe turned to Charles in their direction. "Give me all the time. I promise no one will shoot you. I will give it to me."

"Impossible! We go out to die, think we are coming out and die!" A wolf responded steadily, and he did not believe his words.

Others don't believe it, only Xia Xinghe is waiting...

Waiting for the person to speak.

Philip was funny, and he took a look at Xi Mubai, who was inexplicably teased.

"You can rest assured that I will not kill you, I will not kill you, but I have a condition."

Shanhe suddenly doubted and asked: "What conditions?"

"It is said that you still carry a woman. If you donate her, you will not let you die." Philip said with a smile, it was like a warlord who was looking for a good woman and intended to take advantage of it.

Xi Mubai suddenly looked at him, and on his sly eyes, he saw through his mischievous mind.

Philip seems to be not enough to stimulate Xi Mubai, continue to smile and threaten, "Hurry up the woman to sacrifice, use a woman to save the lives of all of you, this sale is very cost-effective. This is your only chance!"

"He is talking about the Milky Way?" Currie frowned.

Everyone else is gloomy.

"Mom, it must be what Barron said before him!"

They all thought that Barron and Philip described Xia Xinghe, thinking that Philip also took a fancy to her.

"It turned out to be a group of good-looking shameless people! It’s too mean!" Li Ya resentfully cursed, she was the one who looked down on her most.

Shanhe sneer and sneer: "I thought it was a good point. It turned out to be a group of people. They are all ready for the guys, and they will be buried with them for a while!"

"Give you 2 minutes, don't hand over the people, we will attack!" Philip continued to threaten loudly.

Now, Barron finally understands the purpose of Philip's coming here.

It turned out that he was fancy the oriental woman.

Said early, he thought he was going to stand on the side of Charles.

Only he was very confused, how could Philip know the woman?

Barron didn't think too much, and he went straight to the subconscious.

"General, they are carrying a woman, an oriental woman, and it is called a sign. You don't know, the first time I saw the woman, I have a little move, the general is really good. You can rest assured, I will help you catch her and give her to you!"

After that, Barron smiled very slyly.

Seeing his smile, Philip instantly felt that the air around him had cooled down a few points.

He doesn't have to look back. He also knows that someone's eyes must be sharp enough to kill.

Philippe suddenly felt a mourning for Barron, this idiot will soon be useless!

However, he ignored him and deliberately asked questions:

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