Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 482: Feeling in battle

I was afraid that Xi Mubai would upset her thoughts and would not ask him for help.

Then she sat alone in front of the computer and quickly controlled a supercomputer.

The first thing Xia Xinghe has to do is to invade the network system of the base.

The system has a strong defense, but this is not a problem for Xia Xinghe.

She easily invaded the base network, and the first one to control was the monitoring system inside.

In the computer, the monitoring screen in the base suddenly appeared.

Everyone is excited to see the monitoring.

Li Ya did not hide her adoration of Xia Xinghe. "Xinghe, you are too powerful! So broke their system so quickly."

"I didn't expect this base to be small, but it's just a sub-base," Charles said solemnly.

Philip directly said: "Let's look at every place, I want an accurate internal environment map!"

"This is no problem." Xia Xinghe immediately controlled.

Xi Mubai suddenly sat next to her and asked in a low voice: "Do you need my help?"

Xia Xinghe glanced at him and nodded his lips: "Of course. I will send you the monitoring data, and you will archive a model map."

"No problem." Xi Mubai also evil spirits.

Then Philip, they saw the computer power of Xi Mubai!

They thought he was just a successful businessman.

But I don't want his technique to be very powerful.

It can be said that in their eyes he is as powerful as Xia Xinghe.

And the two work well together, one gets the data and the other sorts the data.

They have little communication, but they know what the other party wants to do.

For a time, only two people in the computer room kept pounding the keyboard.

They have completely entered the state of ecstasy, and every look is very focused.

Onlookers, Philip, they didn't dare to bother again.

Even the breathing became cautious, and I was afraid to bother them.

But their hearts have been very nervous and very excited.

I haven't really invested in the war with the IV organization, just watching them both control the computer, they have the feeling of fighting.

This feeling is really exciting!


I don't know how long it took, Xia Xinghe finally stopped his hands and smiled. "This base is all under our control."

Xi Mubai also stopped his hands and evil spirits: "The model map is also done."

Xia Xinghe was surprised to admire, "You are doing very fast."

His speed is a bit out of her expectations.

Xi Mubai faintly smeared his lips. "It’s just a model map, it’s nothing."

But in the eyes of Philip, he is already amazing!

The model map was printed very quickly, and the internal terrain of the sub-base was completely controlled by them.

Philip was a military warrior. When he saw the internal map, he thought of several ways to destroy them.

But they still can't move this sub-base.

Their goal is the base camp of the IV organization!

“How long will it take to invade their home base?” Philip asked Xia Xinghe.

"About a day or two, I need to continue to explore along this base, so I spend a lot of time." Xia Xinghe replied faintly.

But she thinks it is a long time, but Philip thinks it is very short.

"This time is completely enough. I will arrange people here, as soon as you succeed here, you will act now."


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