Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 484: Cushion together

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The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Everyone is asleep, Xia Xinghe and Xi Mubai are still doing things.

Both of them are spirited and have no tired look.

The food on the table was already cold, and they didn't move at all.

Xi Mubai was so distressed that Xia Xinghe was so hard and wanted to persuade her to take a break, but still did not do so.

He knew that what she needed now was not a break, and she didn't want to be disturbed.

The only thing he can do is to help her and fight side by side with her.

Finally, under the efforts of the two, Xia Xinghe found the base camp of the iv organization!

She called out with a surprise, "It's here!"

Xi Mubai made up his body and smiled. "You finally found it."

"Yes, I finally found it." Xia Xinghe smiled. "Now I will invade their system."

"Tomorrow." Xi Mubai was busy stopping her. "You didn't eat anything in a day, and you need to rest. As long as you find it, the back is very fast, not in a hurry."

Xia Xinghe also thinks that what he said makes sense.

A bad break is not conducive to the state behind.

"Okay, take a break. You haven't eaten anything. If you eat something, go to bed early."

Xi Mubai hooked her lips and took her up. "Come with me to the kitchen and give you something to eat."

Xia Xinghe did not refuse, followed him to the kitchen.

Philip's house is still brightly lit, but people are sleeping.

Xi Mubai came to the kitchen with Xia Xinghe and found that there was a lot of good food in the refrigerator, which was reserved for them.

He had two steaks and two pastas, and he ate with Xia Xinghe.

While Xia Xinghe was eating, he discussed things with him. Xi Mubai listened carefully and carefully cut the steak with her hands.

"I thought about it for a while, but I will go through the rest of the process. If things are not finished, my heart is always a bit unreliable."

"Do you want to drink red wine?" Xi Mubai did not answer.

Xia Xinghe stunned and nodded: "Good."

Xi Mubai helped her to pour half a cup, the steak with red wine, the taste has always been very good.

Xia Xinghe couldn't help but drink it all, and the result was that he was soon sleepy.

The food in her mouth has not finished eating, she can't sleep.

Xi Mubai put down the knife and fork and got up and hugged her. Xia Xinghe was awake at the moment, very surprised. "What are you doing?"

The gentle smile of the man: "Take you to rest, the rest of the day is bright."


"You need to rest, I need it too." Xi Mubai said firmly.

Xia Xinghe knows this, she just wants to say that he doesn't have to hold her, she walks the same.

But I don't know why, she is inexplicably unable to say anything that she refused.

Xi Mubai held her back to the bedroom calmly, put her on the soft big bed, and helped her take off her shoes.

Xia Xinghe watched him do all this, and the feeling in his heart was a bit complicated.

When Xi Mubai followed and lay down, she could still speak.

Xi Mubai did not give her any chance to speak. It was natural to pull the quilt over each other and tiredly said: "Sleep, don't think about anything, wake up and say."

When he finished, he closed his eyes.

Xia Xinghe stared at him for a while, and had to turn over and close his eyes.

This is in the state of waking, they shared the same bed for the first time after divorce.

At the beginning of the initiative to end the marriage without feelings, Xia Xinghe thought that they would not have another intersection in this life. .

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