Mr. CEO, Spoil me 100 Percent!

Chapter 487: Like an underground kingdom

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He is very confident and has great perseverance.

He firmly believes that no one will love Xia Xinghe more than him, and he firmly believes that only he can bring her the greatest happiness.

Xia Xinghe seems to feel his thoughts, inexplicably followed by a smile.

She turned her eyes away and smiled: "Don't say this, do something. I have invaded their system now."

"Good." Xi Mubai also hooked his lips and instantly entered the state.

Xia Xinghe invaded the system of the iv organization, and after seeing their monitoring, they learned how much this organization is.

Because the organization was built underground.

The entire base is as big as an underground kingdom.

The equipment inside is all at the highest end, and there are many people and the defense is very strict.

Every door is a level, and everyone who enters and exits must brush their face to pass.

Even if it is powerful, such as Xia Xinghe, you must be careful in the system.

Because once you don't pay attention, you will be discovered.

Xi Mubai also saw the problem, and he looked at the screen with a dignified look.

"How can this base be so big?" he asked doubtfully.

Xia Xinghe has reviewed a lot of monitoring, but it seems that only a small part of it is viewed.

If you look at it all, I don't know how much time it will take.

"This is the base camp of the iv organization?" Suddenly, Philip also came in.

He saw everything on the screen and he was very wrong.

“Yes.” Xia Xinghe replied faintly, “This is the iv organization.”

Seeing all kinds of high-tech equipment inside, and a lot of scientific researchers and powerful military and fire guards, Philip is serious and very determined: "This base must be destroyed, its existence is the biggest threat to our country!"

"I will steal all their information, but the time will exceed the budget." Xia Xinghe said faintly.

At first, she thought that as long as she found this organization, she could get all the information from them quickly.

But she did not expect that this organization is so huge.

Their information must be very large, and she will not be able to steal it all by herself.

But she can only steal it.

Others will be discovered if they don't pay attention.

“How long does it take?” Philip asked.

Xia Xinghe shook his head. "Not sure, maybe a day or two. But you can't steal all of them."

"Enough. But you have to find my wife first."

"This is natural."

Their first priority now is to save Philip's wife before they can start other actions.

Xia Xinghe is now looking for Bai Jiali.

Philip had just arranged for someone to look for the base, which was intended to go out.

Now he is not going out.

I only stared at the screen nervously, hoping to find his wife as soon as possible.

However, the defense system in the base is too high-end, and Xia Xinghe almost checks the area to re-attack the next defense.

This is a waste of time...

At this moment, Philip's cell phone came over the phone.

It was made by Alia.

Philip was gloomy and connected, and before he opened his mouth, he heard the voice of Alia.

"Philip, you think about it, how do you choose it? The list of general elections will be announced tomorrow. If you don't sign up now, then there is no chance. Of course, if you want to sign up, you must first make the right choice. Otherwise, I can't guarantee the safety of Baijiali."

"You called this to say this?" Philip asked coldly.

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