Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend

Chapter 21: Old things

Qi Chengan ate the strawberry, and Xia Wei’s hand was taken back later, and his cheeks were red.

She is very annoyed, how can she blush? She should ask if he doesn't mind eating more than 600 microbial bacteria?

Since the last straw incident, Xia Hao went home and immediately checked the bacteria in the saliva. When she saw that there were so many bacteria in the saliva, she was shocked. At the same time, it produces a strange feeling that the first kiss can remain.

If you say it well, you will not develop into an awkward atmosphere where neither of them talks.

Qi Cheng'an's ear is also very hot, and he also regrets to say something in his heart, wondering if he will scare Xia.

"This strawberry is delicious." Yan Chengan broke the silence.

Xia Wei ate another one. "Yeah, then you still have to eat?" she said casually.

Yan Chengan: "Yeah."

Xia Wei: "..." She forgot that he was a polite person when he was polite! He only prepared a fruit fork, and if they want to eat, they will share a fork.

Still, if you say it, it is the water that is poured out. You invite him to eat, and he should feed him with his eyes closed.

So... in the night, parked in the car on the quiet road, a couple in love, I ate a strawberry in silence.

When the strawberry was almost finished, Yan Chengan said: "There is an acrobatic performance at the stadium on Saturday night. Let's go see it."

"I heard that the tickets are very popular and have been sold out." Xia Wei likes to watch acrobatic performances. The feeling of challenging the limit is very exciting. She admires the acrobats and thinks they are really amazing. However, she is lazy, knowing that the tickets for the international tour of this internationally renowned acrobatic group are difficult to buy and expensive, so I did not think I would take time to grab the ticket.

"I have already bought it."

"You are not afraid that I am not free to go with you?" Too sloppy, you should first ask her if she has time, what surprises to play. She couldn't help but feel happy, and she had a second surprise tonight.

Suddenly, she had a thought in her heart. She asked sourly: "If I don't have time, do you go with someone else?"


"You go alone? Another ticket?"

"I will give the ticket to others, two together." His ticket was bought by relationship. Many of the colleagues in the office looked at his ticket and asked him to help him. Unfortunately, the ticket was sold out.

Give away... Xia Wei has a very painful feeling, obviously not her money! "I'm free."

"I can't accompany you on Saturday morning. The mountaineering club I joined will have an event in Wenshishan next month. I will visit it on Saturday." I will investigate the topography and plan the event plan.

Upon hearing this news, Xia Wei’s first feeling was that he could finally sleep until noon. Since becoming a couple with 裴承安, she has not been able to enjoy the golden morning sleep time of the weekend morning except for the days when she has to work overtime on weekends.

"You go, don't worry about me." Xia said with a smile, and found that his tone seemed too excited, and there was a suspicion of hurting self-esteem, so he added a word of concern. "There was a little rain in the past two days, and the mountain road was slippery. You should pay attention to safety."

"I will." After a pause, he thought about it and said: "You are hungry to get up and eat... you are full, then sleep." He said it was a bit difficult, such a habit, he was very Do not agree with.

Xia Wei: "...good." The feeling of being seen through is really not very beautiful.

Xue Chen was not busy recently because his parents had returned to China and Xue Nan was back together. Her leg injury has to be recuperated for at least three months, no one cares abroad, Xue Xue Xuemu is not at ease, so she is determined to take her back to China.

Xue Nan worked very hard since she was a child. Although it was stimulated, it turned into a real love of learning. She is very competitive and has always been the pride of her parents and teachers.

Since she knew that Xia Wei’s boyfriend was Yu Cheng’an, she changed her attitude and encouraged Xue Nan not to give up.

Going home now, I can discuss it face to face with Xue Chen. She said to Xue Chen: "I don't want you to grab, you are waiting at Xia Wei, let her know that you are there anyway. You believe me, they should not be too long."

"Sister, are you trying to avenge Yan Cheng'an?" Xue Chen frowned, even if he did not want to give up Xia Wei, but it is another matter to become a revenge chess piece, even if this person is his sister.

"Do you think your sister is doing this for my own sake? Why did I try to see Xia Wei on the day before I went abroad? Why do you know that you like her so happy? Why do you encourage you to take the initiative when you know this?" At the time, there was no existence of Yan Chengan.

Xue Chen said nothing, Xue Nan continued: "Because I am very happy that you have someone you like, because I think Xia Hao is very good, it is suitable for you, I hope you are together. I admit that there is a little selfishness, but this is also because of me. I have some understanding of Qi Chengan, knowing that they are not suitable will encourage you not to give up. If Xia Wei’s boyfriend is someone else, I don’t know, there is nothing to say.”

Xue Chen's expression has not changed. Q: "You are so sure that they will break up? If you don't like you, you don't mean that he doesn't like Xia."

"Although he looks good and has good academic qualifications, but his emotional intelligence is low, people are also boring. If other girls may be okay, but Xia Wei is a lively and unrestrained person, the character of these two people is awkward. Are they not blind to each other? The emotional foundation, do not understand each other, the relationship between couples is difficult to maintain. It may not be a few days after they understand each other, disappointed with the other party, it is divided."

“How much do you know about Yan Chengneng?” Xue Chen had to fight Xue Nan. “Did you not meet before the primary school?”

"I don't see him, it doesn't mean I haven't heard of him. I have so many classmates, I know him personally. He hasn't had a girlfriend for many years, although the main reason is that he doesn't want to make a girlfriend, but part of the reason is The girls who pursued him were halfway, because they found him not so good in the middle." After a pause, Xue Nan added, "It is the same as me."

In fact, she always pays attention to the news of Qi Cheng'an, because the things of the year were quite sensational, and many people knew that some people sometimes deliberately told her about Cheng Cheng'an. Knowing that Cheng Chengan has never had a girlfriend, her mood is pleasant. On the contrary, knowing that he has a girlfriend, and that the other person is a person his brother likes, her mood can't be said to be bad.

She hopes that Cheng Chengan will be frustrated in Xia Wei, hoping that Xue Chen and Xia Yu will eventually become dependents.

Xue Chen was silent for a moment, Shen Sheng said: "In any case, these are my own things, don't worry, don't talk to Xia Wei."

"I won't say anything to Xia Wei, but I still see you still, I am cool all day, obviously like it but not showing it, I am in a hurry." Xue Nan hated the iron and did not become a steel.

"I didn't listen to your suggestion and asked her to send something again? But what's the use? She is hiding from me now." Xue Chen was very upset these days, but there was no way, he didn't want to do it any more. . Everything goes with the flow. If they break up, he will not be too late to pursue Xia Yu seriously. If they make a positive result, then he has nothing to say.

Xue Nan knows the character of his younger brother and is no longer persuaded.

On Saturday, Xia Wei, who had been busy for a few days, finally slept well, got up and had lunch, and she did nothing to go back to the Internet to pass the time.

Waiting for the computer to boot, she picked up the notepad and a piece of a4 paper was brought up. The series of plans listed above were in the eye, she took it and looked at it, then sighed.

These plans, which once thought to be very good, have a high probability of success, have no effect at all. She had to feel that the imagination was full and the reality was very skinny; the plan would never catch up with change.

The most disturbing change for her is Xue Chen’s attitude. She didn’t know why Xue Chen suddenly became so concerned about her. She thought very much: Is it because of the sudden appearance of Qi Cheng’an and Xue Chen’s loss? I finally saw my heart, regret not cherishing it, and then want to save it?

Such a possibility, just think about her can not stand.

Let's not say that she only made Xue Chen a good friend. The thoughts that she had had before have long disappeared in the long river of the years. She said that Xue Chen did not think that he had performance beyond his friendship.

He is really different from other girls. He is indifferent to other girls. It is quite cold for her. It is reasonable, but most of them are bickering with her. There are not a few words to say. It is a girl who likes to listen. It is said that many boys and girls who like to show their favorite ways are to provoke girls, and to provoke the other party to anger and cry. But when she met Xue Chen, he was no longer a teenager, but now, both are twenty-five, and have passed the childish age.

Xia Wei did not understand Xue Chen's thoughts, nor could he directly ask him. This feeling of being covered with a layer of yarn is really bad.

In short, she knows that it is not a good time to break up with Yan Chengan.

Thinking of the word "breakup", Xia Wei’s mood fell uncontrollably. After getting along for more than a month, she couldn’t pick out any bad places for Yan Chengan. She even thought that he was very good. Although it was small, it felt really good. She didn't know that when she was thirty, she wouldn't have a man like him, and she wouldn't know what kind of woman he would marry in the future, only that the woman should be happy.

Thinking of this, her head was pulled down, her eyelids were hanging down, and her eyes were again condensed on the paper in her hand.

This line of words is written at the bottom, using a marker, thick and bold, and very eye-catching. The brush strokes are very powerful, and she still remembers the ambition of writing this sentence.

She suddenly seemed to wake up and squatted straight. She re-established her fighting spirit in her heart, such as: love is precious, life price is higher, if it is free, both can be thrown. Another example: 裴承安颜 is a good job, gentle and considerate to cook, such a good man and a woman who is comparable to him is the perfect match. I have so many problems, even if he does not deny her because of morality, but in the future, can’t stand it?

She groaned and took a marker to write a deadline.

Now, it is about to enter May.

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