Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1022: Stop being bullied again!

Chapter 1022 Don't be bullied again!

For a long time, Gu Qingcheng only said one sentence: "You like it yourself!"

"That Qingcheng uncle, what do you mean, you don't have to give me the check for my father?!" A beautiful pair of clouds and glazed glared at Gu Qingcheng.

Also Qingcheng Shu.

Gu Qingcheng used to talk to Yun Lanli and asked him to call him Qingcheng Shu. The cloud glaze is still my own name, and now Yun Lanli is obedient to Gu Qingcheng’s heart but it is not a taste.

He was speechless and couldn’t speak, frowning and nodding: "Good..."

It can be seen that Gu Qingcheng’s heart is not comfortable, and Yun Liuli has not deliberately said something to stab Qingcheng, sitting in the co-pilot and returning information to Guan Nina.

Guan Nina said that she had a photo with Lin Wen in her circle of friends. Some people saw the figure of cloud glaze from the photo. Some people saw the hand of Zhou Yuchen. She seemed to be in trouble for the cloud.

Cloud glaze: "..."

Clicking on the photo, the cloud brow frowns, her figure is still good to say, how did they see that the hand is Zhou Yuchen? !

The feeling of Guan Nina is that Xiao Yuan, who is next to Zhong Qingyi, also saw the photos. I know that the three of them were together yesterday afternoon, and they let go of the words in the school, saying that who is with Zhou Yuchen is right and wrong with him, at his own risk. .

Guan Nina heard this clearly. She said that she was sorrowful to the cloud. She was apologetic. It was originally... The blessings of Toyun’s glass and the idols were signed and signed. Guan Nina was very grateful.

Who knows that when she circled a friend, she did harm the cloud.

Xiao Yuan, that is the only son of Xiao Jia! Xiao Jiachong’s lawlessness... Because the new library was donated by their family, even the headmaster gave up three points.

Many people who have been in Xiaoyuan’s hands these years have offended Xiao Yuan or offended Xiao Yuan’s brothers. They basically left the school and went to other schools...

Guan Nina did not know the background of the cloud glaze, but it was actually a sweat for the cloud glaze, and she was forgotten to delete the circle of friends.

It’s just like sending a message to the cloud, and then I’ve thought about deleting a circle of friends, but it’s too late.

The intramural online has been rumored, Guan Nina's circle of friends has long been cut off, after all, Lin Wen's reputation is not generally large in China, and Yun Liuli and Zhou Yuchen are also the people in their college. Especially after the emergence of Xiao Yuan, the second generation of the ancestors, the bottom of the comment is called a wonderful.

Cloud glaze does not care what Xiao Yuan said, behind the cloud glaze is Gu Qingcheng, because Gu Qingcheng has not been afraid of things in recent years.

Xiao Yuan can't get rid of himself, and it will not be polite to get his own cloud.

Yun Liuli gave Guan Nina a message, saying that there is nothing to worry about, let Guan Ni Na do not mind.

Guan Nina also cares about Zhou Yuchen, saying that she does not know what Zhou Yuchen will do at school in the future. Xiao Yuan has already opened this mouth, fearing that Zhou Yuchen’s life in school will be difficult.

Yun Liuli misunderstood the meaning of Guan Nina, thinking that Guan Nina was afraid of being overwhelmed by Zhou Yuchen, and then gave Guan Nina a WeChat saying...

[Cloud Glass: If you are worried about being tired of you, it will not be late to chase after the wind has passed. 】

Guan Nina is simply crying and laughing. She is clearly worried about cloud glaze. After all, Guan Nina and Xiao Yuan are familiar with each other. It is probably clear what is going on.

Xiao Yuan’s information itself is for cloud glaze. After Zhong Qing’s seeing this information, he blew it up. He called Xiao Yuan to ask what he meant. Xiao Yuan’s hang lang said that anyway, Yun Liuli is not his girlfriend, let him Don't worry.

When Yun Lanli and Gu Qingcheng returned to Yunding Apartment, Zhou Yuchen came out from the shacks of Haicheng City and walked to the door of the community. He was surrounded by a group of people.

Zhou Yuchen was so dark that he started from the shantytown. Just walking to the door of the community was so faint that there seemed to be a group of people under the streetlights where the door was broken.

He didn't care, he turned his head back and left, and he was stopped when he didn't enter the community.

Looking up, it’s better to stop him and play with Xiao Yuan, always bullying Zhou Yuchen!

Xiao Yuan leaned against the wall, holding a cigarette in his mouth, holding his foot on the wall, and seeing his own person had surrounded Zhou Yuchen. He was cold with a face, straightened up and smothered the cigarette with his toes. Zhou Yuchen’s direction is coming.

"I thought you cut the bangs, revealing your face, you can make Yun Liuli like you?!" Xiao Yuan was all ironic when he spoke.

Xiao Yuan opened two companions, standing straight in front of Zhou Yuchen, and his hands were squirming out of the mist: "Since you think your face is beautiful, then I will abolish your face!"

When Xiao Yuan spoke, his face was extremely indifferent. Looking at Zhou Yuchen was like watching garbage: "Playing in the dead, killing me! Especially the face... I look disgusting! I have spent it!"

These few companions have long regarded Xiao Yuan’s words as the sanctuary.

Zhou Yuchen, who had already been beaten by experience, was hugged and held his head tightly. The whole person curled up into shrimp.

Punching and kicking hurt Zhou Yuchen's mind is full of sharp humming sounds, but he just clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.

Xiao Yuan stood on the sidelines and watched for ten minutes... Those people stopped and feared that they would kill people when they went on again. They turned back to Xiao Yuandao: "It’s just like this, it’s so dirty, it’s dirty to take our feet and go. Let's go and sing!"

Seeing the lesson of the lesson, Xiao Yuan slowly walked in front of Zhou Yuchen: "I warned you that you are far away from the cloud, you don't listen to one day... I will hit you once a day! When will you die? Anyway, you It is also a super wild species!"

Zhou Yuchen’s brain is all hot and painful.

"You can't beat everyone, you can catch one and fight in the dead, people are like this, you are jealous of them! Don't be bullied again!"

Xiao Yuan looked at his eyes and footprints, and Zhou Yuchen, like the garbage, said a little: "Garbage is rubbish, your mother is a foreign garbage, you are a hybrid garbage, let's go..."

Zhou Yuchen, who was curled up on the ground, tightened his hands and the bones squeaked...

No one expected that Zhou Yuchen, who had been beaten up, would suddenly touch a brick, and swayed and stood up from behind to attack Xiao Yuan!

To say that these people just played Zhou Yuchen and still have a sense of proportion. Zhou Yuchen’s family is simply wanting Xiao Yuan’s life. A brick directly greets Xiao Yuan’s head, and the two have been photographed in two, scaring Xiao Xiao. Far from those companions, the subconscious will flash away.

Xiao Yuan was shot on the head at first, only feeling that his brain was blank, and he rushed forward two steps...

(End of this chapter)

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