Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1027: It is equal to cloud glaze to give up their lives.

Chapter 1027 is equal to cloud glaze to give up his life.

After that, Lu Jinnan hangs up and hangs up.

At the end of the phone, Lu Jinnan frowned and looked at the Haicheng streetscape outside the floor-to-ceiling window. His brow was crumpled. Did the phone call the cloud glass and Gu Qingcheng showdown? !

I thought that Lu Jinnan’s lips were squirming, and I thought about it and gave Tang Hao a call to share the news.

Genting apartment.

The cloud glaze is tightly wrapped around Gu Qingcheng, restraining his own tears.

"I hugged with Zhou Yuchen today!" The side of the cloud glazed glass clung to the back of Gu Qingcheng, deliberately opening a stinging Gu Qingcheng. "You are not a rare hug, Zhou Yuchen is rare! My lips don't want to kiss, I will give kisses to Zhou Yuchen, you said... you don't want my young body, then... I will give my young body to Zhou Yuchen! If you don't care about me, you shouldn't care?!"

Gu Qingcheng’s brain seemed to blow up in an instant. He buckled the slender wrist of the cloud glazed around his waist and slammed the man into front of him. He did not pity the jade...

"Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Gu Qingcheng has a gloomy face, especially the dark scorpions that have been deeply stunned. At this moment, it is like a storm coming from the sea. The wind and the waves can't help but want to destroy the cloud glaze.

Cloud glaze, a small hand and wrist, was almost pinched off by Gu Qingcheng, and even his fingertips were shaking.

But this is a pain, far less than the sadness in the heart of the cloud.

"Then you are?!" Yun Liuli stepped closer to Gu Qingcheng's body, and the other one was gently covered in Gu Qingcheng's chest wearing a comfortable home service. Looking up at Gu Qingcheng, tears came out from the corner of his eyes. My young body?!"

Gu Qingcheng's biting muscles stretched into a straight line and could not stop shaking.

Under the palm of the cloud, Gu Qingcheng's hot body temperature, as well as his well-defined and strong chest.

The cloud glazed on the toes is still not enough to Gu Qingcheng's lips. She shuddered and said: "My heart, my people... every part of my body, I don't want you to stay Others, can't this be done?!"

Yun Liuli puts himself in the most timid part of this relationship, but it is the most aggressive position.

Her nose was swaying, and the humble voice was low: "What do you want me to do?! All are guarded by someone who doesn't want to?!"

Gu Qingcheng's five officers were overcast, and his hands clasped the shoulders of the clouds and drove her away from her arms: "Glass, do you want to force me or insult yourself in this way?!"

"I want to force you! If you don't want to... I will give it to others, or... You can keep me at home, not letting me touch anyone, just don't know if my father wants you to be an elder like me! ”

The words of the cloud glaze are almost mean, and they are also against Gu Qingcheng.

The anger almost burned Gu Qingcheng's reason. He wanted to block the small mouth of the cloud glaze, and pressed her to the wall to capture everything.

He was almost instantly awakened by such an idea, he actually... there are such disgusting thoughts.

Yun Liuli is the daughter of his friend. He promised to take care of Yun Liuli as his own daughter. Who would do this for his own daughter? !

At that moment, Gu Qingcheng had almost no way to face the cloud glaze. He loosened the shoulders of the cloud glazed and walked toward the direction of his room. He slammed the door.

The cloud glaze stood in the same place, and the eyes trembled and dared not blink. I was afraid that as long as I blinked a little, tears and crying could no longer be tolerated.

Her nose was sour and messy.

The quietness of the living room was only the sound of the floor clock. The feet and legs of Yunlili Station were numb, and they went to the front of Gu Qingcheng.

She raised her palm and gently covered the door of Gu Qingcheng's room...

The two of them clearly only separated by a door, but the clouds wanted to cross the distance between them, but it was like a galaxy, it was difficult to climb the sky.

She clenched her teeth and finally opened her mouth: "Today is a hug, I have already given it to others! Tomorrow... is a kiss! You don't... I give it to others! The day after tomorrow is the body... You don't, I give it to others! Gu Qingcheng know me, I said it."

The original cloud glass that I wanted to slowly figured out was still unbearable, and I wanted to be willful once... Desperately forced to Qingcheng once! This is also her last chance to fight for herself in despair!

Her voice was not clear with a nasal sound and it was not very big. Even she did not know whether she said it to her or to Gu Qingcheng.

After standing in the door of Gu Qingcheng's room for a long time, Yun Liuli turned back to his room.

The next day, Yunlili got up early.

She didn't have breakfast, and she didn't say hello to Gu Qingcheng. She went to the bedroom door and changed her shoes.

Gu Qingcheng, standing in front of the open kitchen flow table, took a deep cigarette and called his assistant to let him send the person to follow the cloud. Her every move must be reported in time.

Yesterday evening, Yun Liuli said in the door of Gu Qingcheng, Gu Qingcheng heard it!

Gu Qingcheng can understand the cloud glaze, this child...maybe just talk about it, she even reported the idea of ​​doing it now, but it really came to the end... she is still a conservative and restrained girl.

Gu Qingcheng's understanding of the cloud glaze is still in the childhood of the cloud glaze, or the cloud glaze a year ago.

However, they have not seen it for nearly a year. In this year, although Gu Qingcheng knows the current situation of Yunli Glass, he does not understand the psychological growth of Yunli Glass.

The little girl who once loved him has grown into a woman who loves him.

In this year's time, Yun Liuli has grown into a more brave, in the matter of loving Gu Qingcheng... Once she hopes for the cloud, she will not hesitate to fight!

Cloud glaze almost never sleeps, she came out from Yunding Apartment and went straight to the hospital.

The white eyes are all red **** clouds and the side of the glass looks out the window, she thought for a night...

At first, and Gu Qingcheng said that she did not want her own kiss and body, she gave others the ingredients to be angry.

Later, she calmed down, but found that while she was pressing on Qingcheng, she also put herself on the road.

If Gu Qingcheng really does not want cloud glass? !

Will she really give herself to someone else? !

The answer is obviously no!

This also makes Yun Lanli want to understand another thing. If she has come to this step, Gu Qingcheng still can't stop her, it means that Gu Qingcheng loves himself not so much.

Then... let him be free for a long time!

The faint tremble of the cloud glaze is an extremely difficult decision for the cloud glaze.

After all, Gu Qingcheng is the life of Yunlili.

To give up Gu Qingcheng, it is equal to Yunlili to give up his life.

Third, ask for a monthly ticket! Baby!

(End of this chapter)

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