Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1042: How much do you hate yourself? !

Chapter 1022 hates yourself more? !

He suddenly said: "Lu Jinnan's recent feelings with his wife... not bad?!"

Since Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian were together, Lu Jinnan’s expression became a barometer of their marital relationship.

Even the people of the company said that we have been wondering for so many years, who can think of a smile from Lu Jinnan’s face, which is always cold.

"Look at your expression... What trouble does the lost memory of the cloud glaze give you?!" Fu Huai'an looked back at Qingcheng, with a smile in his voice, and the action of appeasing the horse in his hand did not stop.

When it comes to cloud glaze, Gu Qingcheng hangs down and thinks about the dream that made people's heart beat faster and feel shameless last night. He was annoyed in his heart.

"No..." Gu Qingcheng loosened the pine collar and said two words. His eyes were not far away. A sun was shining on it. The light was very glaring. Gu Qingcheng closed his eyes and removed his eyes. .

Fu Huai'an looked back at the unsettled Gu Qingcheng. Since they started to do dark business, Fu Huai'an has never seen Gu Qingcheng have such an impulsive feeling that he can't stand it.

Thinking of agreeing to Lin Wen’s good advice to persuade Gu Qingcheng, Fu Huai'an patted his dark horse, signaled the staff to take the lightning back, reached out and took the overheated towel from the staff, and stood side by side with Gu Qingcheng.

"I intend to let you withdraw from the dark line business!" Fu Huai'an opened his mouth.

Gu Qingcheng didn't want to pull out, but now he is getting out... It's too late, those people are staring at Gu Qingcheng... staring at Haicheng!

In particular, Fu Huai'an's identity, as well as Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan who have been involved in this aspect.

Gu Qingcheng’s way of doing things in these years has been radical and radical, and many people are waiting to take care of Qingcheng’s head.

Can not find the right person to the top of this position, Gu Qingcheng one withdrawal, it is difficult to protect others will not follow Gu Qingcheng to find out the things of the year, then in front of Tang Yan and Lu Jinnan joke, Fu Huai'an here in the leisure life of Fu Ma will have ? !

Gu Qingcheng can't retire...

And retired, what should I do in a large organization? !

Gu Qingcheng has more thoughts. He intends to sit firmly in this position until the end of his life.

One is alone, he is not afraid of anything.

But Yun Shoushan and Yunlili are both variables!

Originally, Yun Shoushan was the retreat of Gu Qingcheng, but it was from Yun Shoushan. Because he died, Gu Qingcheng would no longer expect it, save it... put more people in it.

"No, now it's very good..." Gu Qingcheng's low voice is flat.

Fu Huai'an wiped his hand with a scorpion: "You can think about the glaze of the cloud, and the eyes of a person can't be hidden!"

Gu Qingcheng's hands in his pocket were slightly tightened and there was no buzz.

In these years, Fu Huai'an never intervened in his brother's feelings. This time, he could open his mouth. Gu Qingcheng felt that he was probably his own thoughts on Yun Liuli... It has been thoroughly seen by Fu Huai'an.

Sophistry is not intended!

"This time, the cloud glazed out of a car accident, lost my memory... The mind stayed at the age of seven, and you are glad in your heart, you can have a bright and sorrowful pain!" Fu Huai'an's hand in the fence is on the fence. Yourself?!"

Fu Huai'an's words are like a fire tongue, licking Gu Qingcheng's heart, making him feel a burning pain.

Why bother yourself? !

For the peace of the cloud for the rest of my life, for the only blood left by Yun Shoushan!

"I talked with Xiaowen and you and Yunlili, Xiaowen and I said... The biggest hope of being a father in this life is to see your child happy, think about it... If Yunshou knows because he used to Entrusting you to take care of his daughter, let his daughter regret that life can not be happy, Yun Shoushan ... hate yourself?!"

Gu Qingcheng's thin lips are not snoring.

It’s said that Fu Huai’an has already said...

If you can think of it, you have to look at Gu Qingcheng himself.

Fu Huai'an raised his hand and took Gu Qingcheng's arm: "Go ahead... Go in with you to drink tea!"

Gu Qingcheng beheaded, and Fu Huai'an turned into the lounge of pure wood and glass construction.


Gu Qingcheng spoke and counted, and came back at noon, and also took the velvet cake that Yun Liuli liked.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the little girl obsessed with holding a mobile phone and playing with Tetris. Li Ayi saw Gu Qingcheng in the door and glanced in the direction of the cloud glass. He rubbed his head with his apron and shook his head: "Mr. Gu, I see That mobile phone is a harm to the small glass! In the morning, I have been playing with my mobile phone all the time. I don’t want to listen to it, so how can a small screen hurt my eyes!"

Gu Qingcheng listened to Aunt Li’s words and looked in the direction of the cloud glaze. He frowned and said: “Cloud glaze, the mobile phone is closed for dinner, and then it will be confiscated after playing!”

Cloud glass looked up and looked at Gu Qingcheng poorly: "Before my father's mobile phone is always not playing, Qingcheng Shu, you bought me a mobile phone and let me have fun! I don't want to be tired!"

This is... it seems quite reasonable!

So, Gu Qingcheng nodded indulgently: "First eat, then play again!"

Aunt Li: "..."

She clearly said that she wanted to let Mr. Gu manage a small glass of glass. How can Mr. Gu be so indulgent and bright!

Aunt Li sighed, forget it, what can Mr. Gu do with her?

Yun Yunli Ming Ming mouth promised Gu Qingcheng to eat for a while before playing, but on the table, still holding a chopsticks in one hand, playing with a mobile phone screen to play Tetris.

Yun Liuli is deliberately testing the bottom line of Gu Qingcheng, and trying to find out where Gu Qingcheng can condone her!

Gu Qingcheng put a piece of ribs in the plate of the cloud glaze, frowning and whispering: "Say to eat first!"

"But I have to break through my previous scores!" Yun Liuli said that his movements did not stop.

For a moment of silence, Gu Qingcheng said: "Don't patronize playing, eat a meal..."

The glazed corner of the cloud can't stop her upwards. She tried to restrain her from seeing what Gu Qingcheng saw. She bowed her head to the mouth and then looked at the screen of the mobile phone.

Seeing the cloud glaze only paying attention to eating rice, Gu Qingcheng put a piece of mushrooms into the bowl of cloud glaze, see the cloud glaze only look at the screen of the mobile phone, knocking the small bowl of cloud glaze with chopsticks...

Cloud glaze quickly turned over his head and rushed to his mouth to take a sip of rice, along with the mushrooms that Gu Qingcheng clipped to her.

Sure enough, Gu Qingcheng's connivance for her is no bottom line!

A meal, cloud glaze while playing games while eating, Gu Qingcheng almost all the way to the cloud glazed dishes, Li Ayi looked straight and shook his head...

I have seen pets, I have never seen such a pet!

(End of this chapter)

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