Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 105: Ask her what to hide [101]

Chapter 105 asks her what to hide [101]

"I don't know if this is a trivial matter, but you think that you are on the line for yourself! If the person in charge of the Broadcasting Department is replaced by a young man, look good, look at me. The desire of the news anchor for that position, I may have already gone!"

The words of Bai Xiaonian and Song Yu continue, but Lin Wen has been lost in a half dream and asleep.

Probably lying around the group, Lin Wen’s dreams are all full of Fu Huai’s suits.

She dreamed that she came out from the live news room and saw that Fu Huai'an was standing next to the trash can at the door. He put a hand in his trouser pocket, holding a cigarette in one hand and facing the ash storage box on the trash can. The ash, action suits outline his perfect shoulders, revealing the cuffs of the shirts with exquisite cuffs, and the watches that are specially matched with his suit. The whole person is exquisite and eye-catching, very eye-catching.

In the dream, Lin warmed up in the upper body wearing a white small suit, the lower body is comfortable sweatpants and slippers, many hosts are this look, after all, the live broadcast only the upper body!

There was nothing at all, but this kind of appearance met Fu Huai'an, and Lin Wen was so overwhelmed...

Lin warmly turned and wanted to go back to the live room, but was caught by Fu Huai'an, who was caught by the deep-hearted person. The low-pitched voice called her, and she turned around and looked at Fu Huai'an with a smile.

Fu Huai'an extinguished the cigarette, and a pair of smiles like a smile came to Lin Wen's face, his hands were inserted in the suit pocket of the pen, and the suit was open. He looked at Lin Wen, who was trying to escape, and asked her what to hide.

Lin Wen is not clear about reality and dreams, can't help but blush.

Fu Huai'an asked Lin warm about how he thought about it. He would like to fall in love with him. The strong and overbearing Lin Wen has been going backwards, and he can't answer it... It almost suffocates his mind.

In the ear is the anxious voice of Bai Xiaonian. She stood at the end of the corridor and shouted to Lin Wen that the teacher had come. It was discovered that she had finished her early love. Lin Wenming knew that it was not right, but she still couldn’t help herself, pushing Fu Huai’an The chest, but in the moment of pushing Fu Huai'an, I saw the warm and deep face.

Lin warmed and was awakened.

Bai Xiaonian held the doorknob in one hand and held the door frame in one hand. He warmed up Lin: "Get up quickly! The Taiwanese director and several deputy directors were suddenly dismissed without warning, and a director and several deputy directors were airborne. Now let us all go back to the meeting urgently."

Lin warmed her heart and her heart jumped quickly. She looked back and looked at her still sleeping group and nodded.

After getting out of bed, she went to wash her face and entrusted the group to Song Yu for care and rushed back to Taiwan with Bai Xiaonian.

The place where Lin warmed up was closer to Haichengguang Radio. When they arrived, the meeting had not yet begun, and many people had not yet arrived.

There are a lot of people in the radio station. The staff and the host who did not have the program are all three people and a bunch of people discussing the sudden withdrawal of the director and several deputy directors.

Miss Xia’s assistant Yang Yuze is a Pepsi of the radio station, but it’s a bit of a noise.

Seeing Lin Wen and Bai Xiaonian rushed over, Yang Yuze, who was sitting in the plaid room and discussing the matter with his colleague, waved at them.

The third is to come to the bird, the babies remember to vote for the recommended ticket! Messages in the message area have been seen! Very happy... you are all with thousands! With you and thousands of people along the way, thousands will be more motivated! Thank you baby's gift, love you...

(End of this chapter)

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