Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1052: Desperate

Chapter 1052 is also giving up his life.

These Gu Qingcheng once said to the cloud glaze too many times, Yun Liuli is about to open the mouth to Gu Qingcheng to answer, just listen to Qingcheng and said: "Don't worry about the brain answering me, think about the glass, once you are with me, we will There is no room for retreat!"

"It has been so many years, I think very clearly!" The blood of the cloud glaze has never been so smashed, like reaching the boiling point, rolling, "As long as I can be with you, I will not shrink when I encounter anything." ”

"Promise me, think about it!" Gu Qingcheng's voice is low.

She nodded: "Good!"

Gu Qingcheng has already loosened his mouth, and the cloud can not help but smile at the corner of his lips.

Cloud glaze has been waiting for so long, is it still afraid to wait a few more days for the wound to be removed? !

Regarding Gu Qingcheng, let the cloud glaze think clearly, the cloud glaze has already thought very clearly...

She knows what Gu Qingcheng is doing. Knowing that she is with Gu Qingcheng means that danger will come at any time. Before anyone heard about the daughter of Gu Qingcheng, she was almost kidnapped. If it was a woman, she would be kidnapped. Finding the situation will only be more dangerous.

But as long as Gu Qingcheng is willing to take her for the sake of her, she will be willing to work for Gu Qingcheng, and she will not hesitate to give up her life.

"There is another point..." Gu Qingcheng bit his teeth, although he couldn't bear to say it, "With me, we may not have children. I don't want to harm my children."

Children, cloud glaze does not care!

The expression of the little girl, because Gu Qingcheng’s words have lived up, it’s not like just... It seems that the red dust is more than the heart and death.

She grabbed Gu Qingcheng's sleeves and wiped her tears: "I want to sleep with you before I think clearly!"

Gu Qingcheng held the small face of Yun Liuli with one hand, and the expression did not relax because of the cloud glass. His face was still heavy. He said: "Glass, you are still small, you may not know the meaning of the child to a person, you want Think clearly! Think more for you later, understand?!"

No children, if Gu Qingcheng is dead... What should I do? !

This is not Gu Qingcheng's thoughts on Geely's unlucky things. The age of Gu Qingcheng itself is bigger than that of Yunli, even if it is the end of life, it will definitely die in front of the cloud.

The little girl was stunned by love, but after Qingcheng was soberly named for the little girl, this is the person he loves deeply on the apex of the heart. He does not want Yunxiaoli to regret this relationship.

Yes, I haven’t thought about the children’s problems. I even thought that the group and the round are so cute. Yun Liuli did not imagine that I would have children in the future... What would the child look like!

In the view of Yun Liuli, these things are not absolute, they are taking a step by step!

Just like Gu Qingcheng’s heart in the past, I’m afraid I’ve decided that I’m not going to be with the cloud anyway, and it’s not loose now.

On the delicious tongue, Yun Liuli does not want to argue with Gu Qingcheng.

At present, the most important thing for Yunlili is to stay with Gu Qingcheng and let him accept himself.

"Without you, the world doesn't make sense to me. What do I want my children to do?!" Cloud glazed sucked his nose. "Even if the child is built with us, I can have children! I know you think I said This is childish, I promise you will think about it, and you promise me... I will never push me away if I decide to be with me!"

Yun Liuli heard Gu Qingcheng’s unspeakable sighs. She leaned over and buried her head in Gu’s neck. She choked and said: “If you push me away because of my father, I will personally ask my father... Really don't want us to be together!"

Gu Qingcheng closed her eyes and hugged the little girl in her arms.

Because Gu Qingcheng cares about the glaze of the cloud, he is still more than his own life, so Yun Liuli can take her life to threaten Gu Qingcheng.

The two men were lying on their necks, but they all stayed up all night, until they were fascinated by the bright clouds.

Aunt Li today deliberately made breakfast early and went downstairs. She was afraid that Gu Qingcheng got up early. I didn’t expect Li Ayi to come out of the elevator and just came across Gu Qingcheng from the cloud glass room.

Aunt Li’s heart jumped and stabilized his heart and said: “Mr. Gu started so early, is the small glass also up?!”

Aunt Li was smashed into Gu Qingcheng’s heart, but he was accustomed to being quiet and looking like a regular voice: “She is still sleeping...”

Li Ayi sees Gu Qingcheng's expression without any color. He thinks that Gu Qingcheng is going to go to the room to see the clouds and glazes in the morning. I can think of the room where Yun Qingli and Gu Qingcheng sleep in Gu Qingcheng. Li Ayi feels strange, but in the end, The two wanted to marry.

After giving breakfast to Gu Qingcheng, after cooking the coffee, Li Ayi went to the pot in the pot as usual.

It’s not that Aunt Li likes to gossip about things, but Li Ayi always thinks that he should talk to Lin Wen. The adoptive father and the daughter are dependent on each other and some of them can understand, but it’s not good to be too close.

At nine o'clock, Lin Wen received a phone call from Aunt Li.

On the phone, Li Ayi and Lin Wen said that Gu Qingcheng might sleep with Yun Lanli. She used the words very much, but she hoped that Lin Wenn could talk to Gu Qingcheng and Xiao Liuli, in fact, men and women are different, adopting father and daughter. The two are still not too close, maybe because there is no hostess at home, that degree is not very good.

"Mrs., if Mr. Gu is worried that the little glass is hurting and sleeping alone, I can play the floor in the small glass room. How can I say that the little glass is now a big girl, or to avoid it!" Aunt Li said Added a sentence, "What do you say... madam?!"

After listening to Aunt Li, Lin Wen’s lips have been hooked up.

Lin Wen hits the heart from the bottom of the heart for the glass glaze happy, cloud glazed this is ... ... keep the cloud open to see the moon!

"Aunt Li..." Lin Wenxiao said, aunt Li said, "Who said that they are raising a father and daughter, Xiaolili is already a big girl by Gu Qingcheng, and you see Gu Qingcheng is a good friend of Huai'an. But the little glass is always called my little warm sister when we are in Fu House. You know it too!"

Aunt Li listened to some embarrassment.

"Auntie Li, Xiao Liuli and Gu Qingcheng are very different, but they are a pair... Do you understand?!"

Aunt Li was even more embarrassed: "But... Little glass is called Uncle Gu!"

"That is a nickname! In private, I will also give Huai'an some nicknames!" Lin Wen smiled lowly. "It may be that this nickname misleads you, but we all know about small glaze and Gu Qingcheng!" I think that you may have seen it at home before, but I didn’t tell you..."

(End of this chapter)

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