Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1066: Good woman afraid of being wrapped around

Chapter 1066, a good woman is afraid of being wrapped around

When Bai Xiaonian lost his mother, Bai Xiaonian’s father felt embarrassed about his daughter, so he doubled his daughter and did not expect to have his daughter become this deputy.

Lu Jinnan nodded again and again: "Dad is right! In fact, Xiaonian is not a bad temper, but a temper is relatively large, but the girl's temper is relatively big, and Xiaonian is a reasonable girl, never ignorant, temper, It also makes sense."

When Bai Xiaonian’s father listened to Lu Jinnan’s words, his mood became better and better: “In the end, it’s a couple, or you know Xiaonian!”

Lu Jinnan smiled and Bai Xiaonian's father went upstairs.

"Dad... I am not happy this time, you have to give me help..." Lu Jinnan asked Bai Xiaonian's father.

Bai Xiaonian’s father nodded: "You can rest assured, I will say Xiaonian, this is all married and still trouble!"

"I don't mean Dad!" Lu Jinnan sincerely looked at Bai Xiaonian's father. "Dad, I hope that you will stand on the side of Xiaonian no matter what happens, even if you follow me with Xiaonian, I can do it. You are the only one in Xiaonian. Relatives, if you stand on my side, Xiaonian will feel that he is isolated, I don't want to make Xiaonian sad!"

Bai Xiaonian’s father rarely heard Lu Jinnan say so much. He looked at Lu Jinnan’s quiet and sincere dark eyes. He saw Lu Jinnan’s sincerity and nodded for a long time.

Bai Xiaonian’s father probably thought that the son-in-law’s pleading was full. He raised his hand and shot Lu Jinnan’s arm: “You are a good boy, Dad knows!”


I slept for a night in Lu Jinnan last night. Bai Xiaonian felt that it was Lu Jinnan's taste, so he went to the first thing and Bai Xiaonian took a shower.

When Bai Xiaonian was blowing his hair in the bathroom, Bai Xiaonian’s father had already entered Lu Jinnan with his door.

When Bai Xiaonian turned off the hair dryer and heard the voice of his father and Lu Jinnan's dialogue, he opened the bathroom door and saw that Lu Jinnan had taken off his coat and was bending over to mop with a mop.

Bai Xiaonian’s brow was tight. Before he could talk, she heard the voice of her father in the kitchen: “Jin Nan, what do you want to eat at noon?!”

Lu Jinnan straightened up and saw Bai Xiaonian, glanced at the mop in his hand and said to the kitchen: "Dad, what do you eat, I am not picky eaters!"

"I just bought the shrimp. I heard Xiaonian say that you like to eat shrimp... You can't see the oily prawns?!" Bai Xiaonian's father had a bit of joy in his voice.

Usually, my family is too deserted. Now my daughter-in-law is there. Bai Xiaonian’s father is in a very good mood and wants to show his hand...

Looking at the long-haired shawl wearing a white pajamas, Lu Jinnan raised his lips: "Dad, I still want to eat fried vegetables, I just saw that I bought eggs, tomato scrambled eggs, and I want to taste the fried meat. Taste, listen to Xiaonian said that smashing meat is the best dish for Dad!"

When Bai Xiaonian browed, he heard his father’s cheerful reply: "Okay, no problem!"

Bai Xiaonian secretly slammed Lu Jinnan in his heart and turned back to the room.

Lu Jinnan had a strong presence here. When he was eating, Bai Xiaonian raised this topic: "From today, Jin Nan lived here. Bai Xiaonian cleaned up your pig's nest, and the wardrobe vacated half of it to Jin Nan... ”

"I refuse!" Bai Xiaonian said with a corner of his lips. "I can tolerate Mr. Lu and I have dinner at the same table. I have cultivated it very well!"

Bai Xiaonian’s father did not force Bai Xiaonian, only to Lu Jinnan: “If this is the case, then you will live in the living room. You will see what you need for a while. Dad will go to the supermarket to buy it for you!”

Lu Jinnan nodded and thought about the opening: "Need... towels, toothbrushes, slippers, razors, shaving foam..."

Bai Xiaonian clenched the chopsticks and smiled at Lu Jinnan: "Why don't Mr. Lu want your face?!"

"Yeah!" Bai Xiaonian's father nodded. "The face is very important, especially the face of my son-in-law. I need a facial cleanser in addition to the razor and shaving foam! I will see the cousin of Xiaonian! The mask is either ......"

Bai Xiaonian looked at his father: "Old white, have you taken the wrong medicine?!"

Bai Xiaonian had to get his father’s father to smile...

Bai Xiaonian: "..."

Lu Jinnan thought about it: "The mask is not needed, I am not used to..."


Because Lu Jinnan began to take a long vacation, Fu Huai'an and Tang Yan were busy.

After the meeting, Tang Yan took his own eye and went to the office with Fu Huai'an. I thought Lu Jinnan complained about Lu Jinnan: "Old Lu is really good, I and Nana are not allowed to progress a bit, Nana promises to bring small candy and I went out for a trip together, but the old man first took a step off for me! It’s really... people hate to gnash their teeth!”

Now Lu Jinnan is on vacation, Tang Yan’s plan is naturally a bubble, although Unina thinks it doesn’t matter, but Tang Yan has lost a great opportunity!

However, if this long holiday can make progress for Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian, Tang Yan is also happy to see it...

He asked Fu Huai'an: "I heard that Lu Jinnan started the shameless mode and followed Bai Xiaonian in twenty-four hours!"

Fu Huai'an mentioned that there was a smile between the eyebrows: "I heard Xiaowen said that it is such a thing!"

"Hey... I told Lu Jinnan before that I was afraid of being a man! I don’t want to face him... he said that I have a self-respecting dog!" Tang Yan patted the folder in his hand, "Now. ......I want to ask Lu Jinnan now that it hurts!"

Fu Huaian only laughed.

It will be back at 8:30 in the evening. When he enters the door, he will see Lin Wen holding a round and accompanying the group to draw in the living room.

In the living room, Lin Wenhe’s group also has a white t-shirt with the same paragraph and a pair of jeans. The three people look warm and seductive under the warm light.

Fu Huai'an took off his suit jacket and handed the servant toward the living room.

Seemingly inductive, Lin warmed back in the direction of Fu Huai'an: "I am back..."

Fu Huai'an smiled and nodded. He loosened the button on the neckline of the loose shirt. He walked over and kissed Lin Wen and his round cheeks. He bent over and smashed the top of the group, and held the painting on the coffee table with one hand.

Nowadays, the magical style of the group has been changed, and the painting is quite different.

"How do all three people wear this body?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

"Tomorrow, I am on vacation, ready to take the group and there are round and white Xiaonian, small glass and Nana, small candy to the playground, the three of us plan to wear this body tomorrow, how do you see?!" Lin warm picturesque eyebrows It is especially beautiful to laugh.

Fu Huai'an beheaded, straightened up to unbutton the shirt cuffs and took off the watch: "Good-looking..."

Looking at Lin’s warm smile, Fu Huai’an’s heart moved and asked, “Would you like me to accompany you?!”

Seeking a monthly ticket, la la la la...

(End of this chapter)

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