Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1068: Think about cloud glaze

Chapter 1068 thinks about Yunlili

"Hmm..." Gu Qingcheng responded.

"I won't bother!"

"I don't worry if you go to the hospital alone!"

"Then you let me send me to the hospital for inspection. After I have finished, I will send me to the playground. Do you think it is good?!" Yun Liuli and Gu Qingcheng discussed.

Gu Qingcheng is slightly silent...

"Well, good!" Cloud glazed hand twitched Gu Qingcheng's sleeves, and the black eyes were particularly beautiful.

Gu Qingcheng compromised: "If I don't come out in twenty minutes, let the assistant accompany you. You don't have to worry about the hospital. I will talk to Bai Yuyu in advance so that he can take you to check!"

The previous inspections were accompanied by Gu Qingcheng. In the heart of Gu Qingcheng, the cloud glaze is a delicate girl, and even a CT must be nervous for a long time.

Cloud glaze nodded.

As expected by Yun Liuli, Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng talked for more than twenty minutes.

After drinking the last juice from the last manager, she wiped her mouth with a paper towel. She just told the manager to arrange for her to send her to the hospital. She saw Gu Qingcheng’s assistant walk toward the cloud glass.

"Miss Liu Li, Mr. Gu asked me to send you to the hospital to check my body, and then sent you to the playground and Mrs. Fu to meet them!" The assistant said that he had bent over to help the cloud glass pick up the backpack resting on the sofa.

Cloud glazed nodded, not as unwilling to leave as before, just said: "Okay!"

The assistant was very surprised. I originally prepared a bunch of words to appease the cloud glaze, and the result was not used.

Inside the private room.

Gu Qingcheng's face is not particularly good-looking. He looks at Fu Huai'an with the same black, and he has a little cigarette in his ashtray. He is going to let me die?!

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Although I change my name and change my identity, you and the future life of Liuli can at least be stable."

Gu Qingcheng did not say anything, and he saw Fu Huai'an pushing a paper bag in front of Gu Qingcheng: "This is the retreat that you and Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan prepared for me. This line has been there, just now. You use!"

At the beginning, Fu Huai'an was sitting in the position of Mr. Moral. Gu Qingcheng, Lu Jinnan and Tang Yan were also worried about Fu Huai'an's future, especially Fu Huai'an.

So the original plan was prepared for Fu Huai'an, and I was preparing many years ago...

However, officially because Gu Qingcheng, the three of them were the people who originally made this plan, Gu Qingcheng is very aware of the shortcomings in this plan.

This drawback was also the reason why Fu Huai'an vetoed this fake death proposal.

"Then what I want to ask is the question you asked us before. If I am suspended, what should I do with the entire dark line business?!" Gu Qingcheng opened his mouth. "Before I let you go back, we did not consider it when we made this plan." What should be done by people inside the dark line, so now you have a charter?!"

Before Gu Qingcheng did not take over, the dark line business was not as big as it is now...

Now the entire organization is several times the size of the original organization. What should those people do? !

If, after Gu Qingcheng’s suspended animation, no one took over, what should happen to internal disturbances within the organization? !

What should Fu Huai'an's identity be hidden? ! Is it difficult to make Fu Huai's fake death? !

If, then, the people who took over the organization did not follow the rules set by the original "Mr. Morality" like Gu Qingcheng. What kind of drugs and the kind of behavior that forced them to be good, they should use what as a reins to constrain the new takeover organization. people? !

"Or, or say, resolving the dissolution?!" Gu Qingcheng frowned into a word, and the cigarette in his hand was extinguished in the ashtray. "Now our organization is several times before. Once the organization is dissolved, what should be done inside the organization?" Do?! How to place?!"

See Fu Huai'an picking up the teapot and filling the tea cup in front of him with water. Gu Qingcheng then calmly opened his mouth. As if these questions had already been asked many times before, he whispered softly: "Let them become ordinary people's lives?! They are all It’s a person who has tasted the taste of blood, can you?! Now they are transferred to Lin Wen’s side to protect the warmth of the forest, they are because they are ordering role-playing in life, really let them live this life... How many people can survive?! We have not experimented, they finally came back to organize!"

Gu Qingcheng said that there was a lot of business talks. He picked up the teacup: "The groups of actions in our organization are all eye-catching! If they switch to others, we will train the devil forces for those people! If I Retreat... The cleanest way is to bury the entire organization, but Lao Fu...we are not such people!"

These problems are Gu Qingcheng’s repeated rethinking.

Especially what should be done by a large organization?

Gu Qingcheng never felt that he was a good person, but he also had the bottom line he wanted to hold on. Just like Fu Huai'an at the beginning, there were things he didn't want people to touch.

"At the beginning..." Gu Qingcheng’s throat was slightly swaying. “Cloud Shoushan... and his wife, the United Nations, he was... my retreat! It’s the retreat of the whole organization, but he and his wife are dead. ......"

"Old Gu, you think so much, why not for you... Think for the clouds and glaze?!" Fu Huai'an slowly asked.

Gu Qingcheng's throat is swaying, not snoring, the taste of tea spreads on the tip of the tongue, very bitter.

Cloud glaze, Gu Qingcheng thinks most about Yun Lanli, because I don’t know when... The little girl who always wants to hang out in a daze, has occupied such an important position in the heart of Gu Qingcheng.

In the beginning, it may be because of pity.

Later, it was because of apology...

after that……

There is something that can't be said about the heart of Gu Qingcheng.

He used to have countless arrangements for cloud glaze in his heart...

I even thought, holding back the instigation in my heart, so I guarded the little girl in the dark, escorting her life, watching her fall in love, getting married, having children!

If he can live to the end of his life, he hopes that under his secret protection, the little girl will live a happy and beautiful life!

But in the end, he still seems to be unable to control his own heart. He wants to be with the little girl who is placed in the most important position in her heart, like a lover!

"If you do anything like this, what can you do?!" Fu Huai'an squinted at Gu Qingcheng, calmly and calmly, "Thinking about the cloud, how brave to be with you?!"

"I am not her, there are too many braces behind me..." Gu Qingcheng's eyebrows are getting more and more stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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