Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1072: Lu Jinnan! Your leg!

Chapter 1072 Lu Jinnan! Your leg!

Unexpectedly, this is the number one bodyguard company in China. The so-called most elite group has a mission for the first time.

To be honest, the tasks that these companies usually pick up are clearly protected. This time it is a task of secret protection. It is indeed difficult to implement!

"Let me go! Let me go! I want to kill Lin Han who is a curse! Let me go! Lin Wen... I want to go with you! I want to kill you!"

Lin Wen was just violently slammed by Lu Jinnan. The sunglasses fell on the ground, and the people around him recognized Lin Wen. They speculated that this woman was going to slash and kill Lin Bing with a knife in the broad public.

"That's Lin Lin!"

"It’s really Lin Wen..."

"Is this woman crazy, actually killing Miss Lin Wenjie in the street!"

"Don't it be a emotional dispute?!"

Lu Yuli's hat and mask were torn apart, and the unresolved Lin warmed her small round that was so scared to cry in her arms. Looking in that direction, it was Lu Lili!

"Sorry, my wife... I am shocked!"

Already controlled Lu Lili, the head of the security team came here and Lin warmed to apologize.

"Lu Lili, are you impatient?!" Lu Jinnan's eyebrows are all killing.

"I don't want to live at all. I am going to die... Naturally, I want to bring the person I hate the most!" Lu Yuli's double-bodied eyes looked at Lin Wen. "If it wasn't Lin Wen, how could I fall like this?" Next?! Hahaha..."

Lu Xiaoli laughed as crazy as she laughed, and she burst into tears: "I hate Fu Huai'an too! If I don't like it, I don't want me, why should I fund my college?! Give me money to arrange my life?! He raised him. I take care of my father and my mother, let them treat me as a cash cow! I want to sell me to that place to make money for them!"

With such a big movement, Younai and Yunlili have come back with two children!

Younai knows that he is derelict, picks up small candy and trots to Lin Bing!

"It's okay?!" Unnay didn't wrinkle.

Lin warmed his head and whispered round.

The group picked up the toes and licked Lin Wen’s trouser legs: "Mom... I am coming! I am... I am a sister!"

Lin Wen held the child to bend over, the little girl saw her brother, more grievances, the original watery eyes accumulated more tears.

"It’s round, don’t cry, don’t cry! Round is good! Round is good!”

The group was serious and caressing the round little head. The little girl who was crying started to smoke for a while, but she didn’t cry so badly.

Bai Xiaonian kept his heart, and his heartbeat was very fast. He heard Lu Luli’s words when he took the chair of the open-air coffee and was going to pass, but he was pulled by Lu Jinnan.

"What are you doing for me!" Bai Xiaonian opened Lu Jinnan's hand and stared at him.

"Hit her dirty your hands!" After Lu Jinan appeased Bai Xiaonian, he looked at Lu Xiaoli as if he was looking at the garbage. "So it is wrong for Laofu to help you to go to college?!"

Lu Jinnan’s voice is so cold that there is no emotion: “What you mean is that you are not yet adult... When your parents want to sell your first night, you should not look at the land of Lu Xiangsi. One should let you be ruined by those birds and beasts! Others have sent you kindly to help you go to college, you must also like you to marry you, your face there?! You are ugly! ”

Bai Xiaonian loosened the chair in his hand and said after Lu Jinnan: "Others help you to be kind, kindly send a kind heart to help you go to college. You don't figure out how to repay you. You are good... but it is a picture of people who want money to be a wife! The murderer's wife, you are very slippery to play with your hand! But you also sneak in your own look like a ghost, should you say that you are overconfident? Or are you too narcissistic?!"

When Bai Xiaonian spoke, the preservation of the amusement park had already arrived. He temporarily took over Lu Lili and prepared to supervise Lu Lili first.

"What kind of enemies will be enemies!" Lu Yuli's state is in a state of madness. "If Fu Huai'an is really so kind, why shouldn't he give me when my mother wants to jump off the floor and force him to give money? If he is really good... why not kill me? My stepfather, the **** family, let them bully me like this?!"

The onlookers who were eating melons were shocked to hear Lu Xiaoli’s crazy words!

"Where I have seen a shameless face, I have never seen such a shame!"

"Heart is good to help her kill! What she thinks!"

“It’s enough for people to sponsor her to go to college, she wants to kill someone’s wife and children! How can there be such a terrible person in this world!”

"This makes me poor and reasonable. I am weak and the world should pet me!"

Throughout the whole journey, Lin Wen only looked at the round and round, until the group sat there and embraced the round, and the circle did not cry. Lin Wen looked up and looked at Lu Xiaoli.

"Don't talk to her!" Bai Xiaonian licked Lin's warm arm. "It's dirty to talk to such people. I don't know how many teeth to brush when I go back. Don't dirty your mouth." !"

Lin warmed his nod and reached out and took a picture of Bai Xiaonian holding his arm, indicating that she was at ease.

There is nothing to say about Lu Xinlin, even if Lin Wen said nothing, passers-by said for Lin Wen...

"My mom also funded a student. I think I have to tell my mom that I don't have to fund it. I will get a white-eyed wolf when I get it!" Passerby said.

"I saw photos of those who wanted primary school and said that they wanted to fund a child. Now I am a little hesitant!" Passerby B also has a heart.

"Lin Wen... I will not let you go even if I am a ghost! You and Fu Huai'an must not die!"

Lin Wen looked at Lu Xiaoli screaming and was taken away by the security guard.

The passers-by once again shocked Lu Xiaoli's shamelessness.

"Do you have a good time to raise your rice and raise your hat to raise your hatred!" Bai Xiaonian opened his mouth.

The group was round and round, and the little ones were not crying now. The small claws clung to the clothes on the chest of the group, and they twitched, black and beautiful eyes licking the plush toys in the hands.

"Yeah! Lu Jinnan! Your legs!" Yun Liuli shouted.

Bai Xiaonian bowed...

At the foot of Lu Jinnan is a piece of blood. His trousers have broken a long leg and the lower half is wet!

Just now Lu Jinnan flew Lu Luli, but Lu Yuli’s knife in the hand was a cut of Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan looked down and frowned. "It doesn't matter, little things!"

Bai Xiaonian’s face is white...

"It doesn't matter?!" Lin Wen was shocked by the blood of Lu Jinnan's family. "Nana, you should drive first... send Lu Jinnan to the hospital!"

There is an infirmary in the playground, and the security guards are busy pointing them to Lin.

The third is to ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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