Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1078: Strength shabu-shabu

Chapter 1078 Strength Shabu Shabu

Little girl, oh, screaming, tearing up, still holding a bowl and drinking a big soup.

She secretly made up her mind in the heart, tonight... she is going to become a woman of Gu Qingcheng!

Yun Liuli originally wanted to learn about the film that Bai Xiaonian sent to her, and then gave Gu Qingcheng an unforgettable love!

But when I thought of being separated from Gu Qingcheng for so long, Yun Liuli couldn’t take care of it.

See Gu Qingcheng's bowl of noodles, holding the sleeves to wash the dishes in front of the sink, the cloud-glass eyelids are sour...

The warm-colored ceiling lights illuminate Gu Qiancheng's well-defined and resolute facial features, and the cloud glaze only feels that his heart is plopping.

She looked back and stared at her fingernails and made up her mind tonight!

Yun Liuli got up from the dining chair and said to Gu Qingcheng: "I am tired and go back to the room first!"

Gu Qingcheng thought that the little girl was uncomfortable and didn't want to let her see her crying, so she nodded.

Watching the little girl enter the room and close the door, Gu Qingcheng's bottom of the heart has emerged as a little girl, sitting alone at the desk, the heart is sore.

The bowl Gu Qingcheng did not have the thought to wash it again. He rushed his hand and took two paper towels to dry his fingers. He walked to the door of the room with clouds and glass, hesitating to single-handedly pocketed and raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Small glass..." Gu Qingcheng screamed softly.

Did not hear the answer, Gu Qingcheng pushed the door open...

The little girl really sat at the desk as Gu Qingcheng expected, did not know what to look down, but also with headphones.

Gu Qingcheng gently walked over, the big hand was buckled on the head of the cloud glass, and the line of sight looked at the screen of the cloud glass mobile phone.

Yun Liuli was shocked. He stood up and hid his mobile phone behind him. He only pulled down a headset in a panic. Her eyes were still red, and her face was red and red.

"I will come back soon!" Gu Qingcheng stood in front of the clouds and whispered.

The ears of the cloud glass are redder, and the head is low.

"Don't worry!" Gu Qingcheng unexpectedly reached out to the clouds and hugged the clouds.

The heart of the cloud glass has to jump out of the mouth, especially in the ear, in conjunction with the voice of the heroine and the actor in the film sent by Bai Xiaonian.

The two were very close, and the room was quiet. Even if the cloud was carrying the headphones, Gu Qingcheng still heard the sound.

His eyes fell on the screen of the mobile phone hidden behind the clouds, frowning and taking the phone...

"Yeah!" Cloud glass is panic-stricken to grab, but the altitude is not enough, only grabbed the headphones, Gu Qingcheng single-handedly lifted high-cloud glass, there is no way.

Gu Qingcheng looked up at the high screen, and the two white flowers on the screen were entangled together. The phone didn’t have the headphones and was not ashamed to send out the sound of ah.

Yun Liuli just wants to dig a hole to bury himself!

She has a red face, because the voice of guilty voice is extremely low: "I don't know what it is, it was sent to me by Xiaobaijie. I just thought it was this kind of film! Xiaobaijie is actually this kind of film." Little white sister!"

Cloud glaze strength shabu-shabu.

Bai Xiaonian, who is inexplicably lying in the gun: "..."

Gu Qingcheng locked the screen of the mobile phone, and the breathing was slightly heavy. He pressed the heart of the heart and softly said to the cloud: "You have already said this age, adolescence is normal, it is nothing to be ashamed of..."

"No!" Yun Liuli didn't want to be misunderstood by Gu Qingcheng. She bit her lip and told her honestly. "I told the video that Xiao Baijie gave me. I thought... I have no experience, but I am with you. First night... I want to give you a wonderful experience, so I want to learn!"

Gu Qingcheng looked at the cloud glazed low head is a child doing something wrong.

His throat is rolling: "Glass... You are still small! This thing, when I come back to settle down, let's do it again!"

A "do" word has already made the heart of the cloud glass blasting.

Yun Liuli dared to look up at Gu Qingcheng, her throat shook her neck and followed a red: "No... is it tonight?!"

Gu Qingcheng's blood is boiling.

As a mature adult man, is Gu Qingcheng really not in need of this? !

If not, he will not dream back at midnight, dreaming of falling in love with the clouds.

His throat was swaying, but he did not dare to look directly at the clean and full of expectation of the cloud.

"You have to go for so long, I want to be your woman, I have to wait for so long, who knows whether it is a few months or a few years... Are you giving me a good time?!" Yun Liuli whispers, the soft body has been posted In the arms of Gu Qingcheng.

I noticed that Gu Qingcheng’s body was stiff, and the cloud was redoubled: “You don’t give me... I’m not practical! I just want you...”

Yun Liujia picked up her toes to kiss, but she could only hook into the squat of Gu Qingcheng. Her sight was Gu Qingcheng's **** throat. She surrounded Gu Qingcheng's neck and kissed her...

Devout, and oysters.

Gu Qingcheng couldn't hide his emotions. He closed his eyes deeply and pushed her away from the shoulders of the cloud-colored glass. "Glass, wait for me to come back!"

Gu Qingcheng thinks more...

What if there is an accident in the case of suspended animation? !

He wants the cloud and can't give her the future. What should I do? !

If there is an accident, he will not come back. He also hopes that other people can stand by the cloud and glaze. From then on, he will protect the cloud glaze for a lifetime, and marry him to make up for his regret that he can't give it to the cloud.

Therefore, at this pass, Gu Qingcheng did not dare or want to touch the cloud.

The dark eyes of the cloud glazed her tears. She saw Gu Qingcheng’s lips squint and smiled at her. She lowered her head and whispered in her ear: “Before I come back, study hard and learn to fight, when I come back, Give me an unforgettable night!"

Yun Liuli did not seem to think that this would be said from Gu Qingcheng's mouth, but he couldn't return to God and stared at Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng handed the mobile phone that he had been holding in his hand to the cloud and said: "I can give you some teaching films, you can learn!"

"Do you have that kind of film?!" Yun Liuli ran a question, some accidents...

In the eyes of Yun Liuli, Gu Qingcheng is the kind of work machine that has no selfish desire!

Gu Qingcheng: "..."

"I mean, let the assistant find some for you!" Gu Qingcheng said.

"That's still it, I still want to Xiaobai sister! It's too shameful!" Cloud glass bite his lip and bowed his head, only to realize that... he seems to have been taken away by Gu Qingcheng.

The cloud glazed the lower lip and the bottom of the eye was blurred again by the fog.

Yun Liuli never felt that he loved crying so much, suspended animation... After that, it was silent, quiet for a few years? !

Everyone knows that Yun Liuli is the foster daughter of Gu Qingcheng, so for a long time after Gu Qingcheng’s suspended animation, Yun Liuli should be monitored!

Seeking a monthly ticket, la la la la la...

(End of this chapter)

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