Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1087: Gu Qingcheng

Chapter 1087 Gu Qingcheng叮嘱

So... she wants money and has the ability to make money.

Seeing that the little girl has her own little secret, Lin Wen did not ask more questions. He only said, "Well, if you have any difficulties, remember to tell me that the studio is really good under the leadership of the sister, you can eat less. bitter!"

"Yeah!" Cloud glared nodded.

"Just, glazed... I want to know, do you really like it?!" Lin Wen asked.

In this world, there are not many people who can really like things, because life will limit you!

Clouds and glazes are different. There are Gu Qingcheng and Lin Wen warm behind the clouds.

Both Lin Wen and Gu Qingcheng feel that children like Yunlili should do what they like, not what they are forced to do.

After thinking carefully, Yun Liuli said: "I don't know!"

"That... do you have something you like?! Want to keep doing it?!"

"I want to always like Gu Qingcheng!"

Lin Wen: "..."

"I am talking about the interests of life, such as... painting, such as... dancing."

Yunlili seriously thought about the problem of Lin Weng, shook his head and said: "These are too simple! I have tried more. When Gu Qingcheng and Xiaowenjie said what you said, I want to find me. I like the hobbies, but I don't feel any challenge, but I haven't tried acting singing. I also want to try it. If you can make money as you say, you can't do it!"

In the past, Lin Wen’s voice was heard by Fu Huai’an. The wisdom of Yun Liuli is very high. He once showed his talent in elementary school...

Lin Wen thinks that this type of cloud glaze is probably a genius. Lin is smart but not a genius, so he can't understand the feeling of loneliness.

The paintings of the clouds and glazes have been seen warmly, and the paintings are really great!

Although Lin has never seen the dance, I heard that it seems that Yun Liuli once tried to go to class... The teacher waved back the tuition fee to Gu Qingcheng’s assistant, and almost pleaded with Gu Qingcheng’s assistant to bring the cloud glaze back.

Lin Wen also heard that Tang Yu said that Yun Xiaoli had participated in the international Olympics competition at a young age, and another small genius was too, and the people who stunned the competition group, Yun Liuli still looked blank.

The black history of cloud glaze is quite a lot, but... most of them are related to being smart but not emotionally high.

Seeing the car driving into Fu Zhai, Yun Liuli thought that Gu Qingcheng was in Fu Zhai at this time, hurriedly got out of the car and asked the maid: "Gu Qingcheng?!"

The maid looked awkward: "Mr. Gu?! Mr. Gu is not here!"

"Gu Qingcheng will arrive soon, you are too anxious!"

Lin warmed off and closed the car door, holding a thermos cup in his hand, the lips could not hide the smile.

Cloud glaze nodded, and the mood was obviously not as high: "Oh..."

Sure enough, it is Gu Qingcheng.

Lin warmed the door to change the shoes, handed the mug to the maid, went upstairs and saw the round is very well-behaved in the fitness rack, full of vitality.

Seeing the roundness, the bottom of the cloud glazed heart disappeared without a trace, and used the mobile phone to madly take pictures of the circle.

Until the servant said that Fu Huai'an and Gu Qingcheng came back, Yun Liuli threw the round into the back and flew downstairs.

Gu Qingcheng, who entered the door with Fu Huai'an, apparently did not expect to see the cloud glaze in Fu Zhai.

He is still a mature and calm appearance, wearing a shirt and a blue cardigan sweater, and the masculine and masculine facial features are handsome.

Clouds and glass saw Gu Qingcheng as if he hadn't seen it for a few years. When he was hot, he threw himself into the arms of Gu Qingcheng.

"Be careful with your arms!" Gu Qingcheng said, the clouds and glazes are more tight.

Although Gu Qingcheng was caught off guard, he still held the cloud glazed in his arms. His expression and voice were slowly indulgent. He stroked her long hair and whispered, "I don’t want to take the exam tomorrow, why didn’t I review it at school. ?! Not afraid of others stealing your first throne?!"

Gu Qingcheng's low and mellow voice is like an elegant cello. It makes people want to cry.

"I miss you!" Cloud glazed.

Fu Huai'an took off his suit jacket and handed it to the servant. He smiled and didn't make a light bulb. When he changed his shoes, he went inside and waved his hand to indicate that the maid was going down.

"Mr...." The servant suddenly called Fu Huai'an and then gave Lin Wen's mug to the spoiled. "Mrs.'s longan red dates tea is not finished today!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Know it."

Downstairs, the cloud glaze is in the arms of Gu Qingcheng, you yell at me, Lin Wen has slept in a round, put the little one into the cradle.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, he was warming up the quilt of the round quilt, and made a "sleeping" mouth shape for Fu Huai'an, meaning that Fu Huai'an was lighter.

Put down the round and let the nursery be accompanied, Lin Wen accompanied Fu Huai'an back to the room to change clothes.

As soon as he entered the door, Fu Huai'an put his hands in his pockets and stared at his little wife.

Lin Wen was somewhat hairy by Fu Huai'an and smiled and hugged Fu Huai'an's narrow waist: "What's wrong?!"

Wen Xiang soft jade into the Huai Fu Huai'an is not moving, still keeps his hands in the pocket, ask: "Today's longan red jujube tea did not finish?!"

Lin warmed a glimpse: "Oh, today, the glaze came, and I said a few words forgot, I will make up at night!"

"You are guilty of blood deficiency, especially when you come to vacation, don't play kid's temper because you are tired." Fu Huai'an was pinching on Lin's warm white face. "You are already a child's mother, you have to give Group and round as an example!"

Lin nodded warmly, smiled and gave Fu Huai'an a home service to talk about the fact that today's dialect is going to let the cloud glaze enter the entertainment circle.

"Although the small glass enters the entertainment circle, there are dialects that look like nothing will happen, that is, I don’t know if Gu Qingcheng is willing or not..."

Fu Huai'an untied his tie and his brow was tight.

Lin Wen is still saying that Fu Huai'an has some inaudible. He pulled his tie and pulled it out in his hand. He turned to look at Lin Wen: "You said... let the old Gu stand in the media and the public's sight?"

I will escape from the false death. From then on, this person must live in the darkness, and never see the light...

Just like the present Chu Yu, she is not called life... just alive, restless and alive.

This kind of life is the most retreat of Gu Qingcheng.

Fu Huaian and Gu Qingcheng said that after a few years, the limelight can return to Haicheng, but it is a good wish. Gu Qingcheng and Fu Huai'an both know clearly.

Lin warmly understands what Fu Huai'an is saying.

"Do you want to give Gu Qingcheng a new identity to the public, or is it going to let Gu Qingcheng appear in the public?!" Lin Wen asked.

"New identity!" Fu Huai'an lips suddenly evoked, "Of course... is a new identity that has existed in reality!"

(End of this chapter)

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