Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1092: I want to do it well!

Chapter 1092 I want to do it well!


Yun Liuli heard a cool male voice with a bit of magneticity. When she turned back, she saw Zhou Yuchen, who had changed her clothes, and walked towards her.

Today's Zhou Yuchen, wearing a high-necked black cashmere sweater, is covered with a black long-length texture and a good woolen coat. The shoulders of the right shoulder are carrying a backpack. The whole person feels different from the previous gloom. At this time, he is clean and elegant. ... is like a nobleman coming from the night.

Yun Liuli stood in the footsteps and waited for Zhou Yuchen.

The dialect looks into the past, even if it is far away from the experience of many years of brokers, she is keenly aware that Zhou Yuchen is not a product.

Sure enough, when Zhou Yuchen approached, the dialect saw that Zhou Yuchen was quite tall and timid and extremely gentle and full of exotic colors.

"How come you come out in advance?!" Yun Yuli asked Zhou Yuchen.

"I have handed in the paper in advance, it is not difficult." Zhou Yuchen smiled shallowly at the cloud, "I know you will pay in advance."

"Do you want to chase me?!" Yun Liuli is talking about the ranking of learning.

Knowing that he handed it in advance, he also handed in the paper in advance. Should he want to raise a challenge? !

Zhou Yuchen knows clearly that he can hear the words of cloud glaze, but he still smiles without blinking: "Yes!"

The dialect scorpion is half a squat, the sun... The boy with the wound on his face, the corner of his lips, smiles, and inexplicably makes the dialect think of the king of the elves in The Lord of the Rings. The image is very similar, and the beautiful eyes are hot.

Cloud glazed nodded: "That's good! I look forward to your results! Today's clothes look great, it's perfect for you..."

Zhou Yuchen's lips are tilted up: "Well, I didn't quite match it before, it was Guan Nina who accompanied me to pick it up."

"The next time I take the exam, I will come out earlier than you, buy milk tea and wait for you here!" Zhou Yuchen said again.

Yun Liuli still nodded: "Then I will go first!"

Zhou Yuchen subconsciously stretched his hand and held the cloud: "Where are you going?! I... Let's go eat together, okay?!"

Cloud glass refers to the car in the dialect, Zhou Yuchen looks at the line of cloud glass: "I have an appointment."

Zhou Yuchen saw that the driver's seat was a "male" with short hair wearing a sweater. The heterosexual scorpion was slightly locked, and the hand of the cloud glazed wrist was too late to tighten. The cloud glaze had already drawn out and waved goodbye to him.

Zhou Yuchen stood in the same place watching the cloud glazed into the co-pilot, his left hand squatting on the book, and the bones were white.

When the little girl opened the door and sat in it, she listened to the dialect and asked: "Is it not at 11:30?"

"Well, I handed it in advance, there is nothing to test!" Yun Liuli put his small book into his shoulder bag.

Regarding the talent of Yunlili, the dialect has faintly heard about it in Lin Wen, and I have seen some of it before I got along with Yunli Glass...

When the little girl used to warm up and her brother in the army, she glanced at the desk in a rough way, but after Lin Wen’s words on the line, she whispered that Lin Wen had several places to make a mistake.

The dialect was at the side, listening to Lin Wenxiao and the little girl explaining that when shooting, there is no need to memorize the words word by word, as long as the general idea is correct.

Therefore, the dialect wants to let the little girl try to pat the TV series. After all, this kind of thing that has been remembered and remembered is what all movie and TV actors dream of.

However, Lin Wen said that the situation of cloud glaze is special. Let the little girl touch these things and see what the little girl likes... let the little girl choose her own.

Dialects, when the broker has been for so many years, for the first time, I feel that a person is probably the daughter of the **** of luck. There are people who have no brains in the cloud, and there are resources that others do not have. It is not easy to be red.

Yun Liuli took the dialect to her file bag, did not hesitate to directly turn to the last page to sign the word.

The dialect sees the little girl so happy that she can't help but joking: "Hey... don't look at it, don't you fear that I sold you?!"

The cloud glaze is combined with the signature pen: "I believe in the little warm sister and sister!"

When the dialect hears this, the corner of the lips evokes: "Reassured, the sister must make you the most dazzling star!"

For the word star, the cloud glass does not have much feeling, because the cloud glass itself does not chase the stars, even those who have the stars around are automatically shielded by the cloud.

However, the cloud glaze still nodded gracefully.

The dialect took the vocal test with the cloud and the glass, and the dialect almost came out of the studio with his ears!

The song of the cloud glaze is simply a word of difficulty, and the magic sound is around.

Originally thought that if the voice of the cloud glass is good, you can come to a polytropic development.

After the test teacher came out, he shook his head in the dialect and said only: "This child... this is a word that is not bad! Also... the eyes are quite aura, but I don't think it is suitable for this line. If you let her go... it is a vase of action."

The teacher looked at the dialect's expression and felt that his words might be heavy. He said: "But it may be that the child has never touched this line. You should find a teacher training training for her!"

In addition to the back lines, there is absolutely no merit!


Ha ha!

Cloud glazed put on a coat and came out of the classroom. I saw a cigarette in the dialect and asked the dialect: "Sister..."

The dialect thought for a long time, how to say to Yunlili, the cloud glaze is the first to open: "Sister, I think acting is very interesting!"

"Interesting?!" asked the dialect.

"Yeah!" Cloud glared nodded. "I don't think I know what to do, so... I want to do it!"

Said, the cloud glazed dialect revealed a big smile.

This is the first time that Yunlili has been in contact with the script. Although the teacher just started to talk about it, the cloud can still not understand!

Because I don't understand, I want to understand it!

The dialect thinks that the little girl of Yunlili is more savvy than a monkey, and she is stupid, and she is simply stupid.

She nodded and said to the cloud: "You can't do it right now. I just talked to the teacher, but the lines you have read will not forget that this is your advantage!"

Yunluli listened without any irritability and nodded.

"I am going to ask you a teacher to teach you to perform. Can you take time to study while taking care of the school curriculum?!"

"Yes!" Yun Liuli answered simply.

After listening to the lessons in the school, I can remember the key points and learn to be an instinct of cloud glaze. She is very good at it.

Make time to learn what you are not good at, Yun Liuli likes this arrangement, and even some sullen expectations...

"So, before this..." The dialect smiled at Yunxiaoli. "We will give you a stir-fry first, then go to a variety show reality show, do you want to try?!"

(End of this chapter)

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