Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1106: That is because you and Gu Qingcheng are too like!

Chapter 1106 is because you are too much like Gu Qingcheng!

"In addition to the most famous Liu Zhiqiang Liu guide knife in the industry, Lu Tianyu has invited his little sister to help the MV! It is a big fever! Once released... The top of the list won! The little sister of Lu Tianbiao is famous for his thrilling appearance. So let's take the MV of "Fake Aristocrat" and listen to the first album after Lu Tianbiao's fame. Stunning..."

In fact, before the dialect, I had a vaccination with Yunli Glass and told her... As long as she showed her face, there would be a place for cloud glaze.

It’s just that Yunli Glass thought that at least until the filming of the film "Warrior" was released, the cloud glaze would only be known by the public. Didn’t you think that a MV could start? !

Telling the truth, Yun Liuli feels that the MV does not test the acting skills at all. Is it really like a dialect saying that only one face is on fire? !

Clouds and glazes look at Lin Wen: "When is the name of the word so loud, it can be used like this, and it has appeared in a MV and has a face, can it really fire up?!"

"Yes... because such a good value like our glass is rare!" Lin warmly chuckled. "Beautiful is also your advantage, but you are just getting started, be careful about everything! Do you know?!"

The cloud glazed for a moment, and asked Lin Wen: "Since I have a reputation now, I am using this identity to entangle Jacob Beru. Is it better for him? Put him in the sight of everyone. in?!"

Lin Wen did not think that this is good for Gu Qingcheng, but since Yun Liuli should develop in this circle, this is really not a good thing for the cloud glass that has just started.

Considering the cloud glaze, Lin Wen will remind the cloud glaze to pay attention...

I didn't expect the little girl to rush on Gu Qingcheng's body, not taking her own future seriously!

Now, such a pure person like Yun Liuli has been too little and too little, Lin Wen is both gratified and distressed.

She nodded: "That's right!"

The glazed corner of the cloud hangs up: "What else do I cover up?! It is still a big way to chase it!"

"You have a reputation now, and then chasing Jacob Beru... Others will definitely take the relationship between you and make a fuss, do you not care about rumors?!" Lin Wen asked.

"Where did you care about the little warm sister?!" Yunxiao glass humbly asked Lin Wen for advice.

Lin warmed a little, then shook his head: "Not a person who is important to me... What does their opinion have to do with me!"

"Then I am like a little warm sister!" Cloud glazed.

Lin warmed and smiled, although the cloud did not care, but Lin Wen still had to call the dialect in advance to talk about the idea of ​​cloud glaze, when the province got the dialect caught off guard.

Early the next morning, Yun Liuli had breakfast, like a fighter who was about to go to the battlefield. Please clean up and ask Lin Wen to help arrange the car to send her back to Yunding Apartment.

Lin Wen said in the room and Yun Liuli Gu Qingcheng: "I know you love Gu Qingcheng, but you must pay attention to your performance outside, and don't... um... don't be sad because of his attitude towards you. Because he is Jacob Beru outside, his behavior should be done according to Jacob Beru’s behavioral trajectory. It’s not that Gu Qingcheng’s friendship is like this to you. I hope that you are clear, no more... no. Feeling sad, okay?!"

"I don't know if I know it's fake! You can rest assured!"

Lin warmed his lips: "Good!"

Yun Liuli intends to change clothes, then take a taxi to the hotel to find Jacob Beru...

Clouds and glazes changed clothes and cleaned up before they came. The group of fans who came from the field to attend the Futianci singers’ meeting today took the elevators and the elevators that were at the same time as Jacob Beru.

Coincidentally, Yunli Glass just came down from the taxi and saw Jacob Beru, who came out of the elevator. He carried his backpack and walked out with his suitcase.

The cloud glaze was not covered at all, and the original model came in from the hotel door and ran in the direction of Jacob Beru: "Jacob Beru!"

The sound of the cloud glaze is crisp and nice, and it is particularly penetrating in the magnificent hall of the hotel.

Fu Tianci, the loyal little fans, almost recognized the cloud glaze at a glance, you see me, I see you whispering.

However, at this time, Gu Qingcheng, who is Jacob Beru, saw the cloud glaze, and his brow was tight. He didn't seem to want to take care of the cloud glaze.

Who knows that the cloud does not care at all, directly rushing over and opening his arms to stop people: "Jacob Beru... I am here to apologize to you, sorry to be drunk last night, ran to you! That's because you are too much like Gu Qingcheng!"

Jacob Beru nodded, he had to go over the clouds and glaze...

Cloud glaze continues to stop.

"You really look like Gu Qingcheng. I don't know if Shengkang told you... I used to like Gu Qingcheng especially, but Gu Qingcheng didn't want me to be his woman. I also prepared to force Gu Qingcheng. What's the matter?!" The words of Yun Liuli are straightforward and bare.

A girl's family said this in a large audience, and Jacob Beru frowned.

Yesterday, the little girl A and the little girl B who met in the elevator saw the cloud and glared, and they forgot each other and clenched the other hand: "That... is the young lady in our big baby MV!"

The two little girls seem to be famous among the fans. So, everyone sees the direction of the cloud glaze...

I saw a cloud of glass holding a man with a long leg and talking about it. The girls immediately took out their mobile phones and took a burst of madness.

"Really Miss Miss Tianxian!"

"My Scorpio! What the gods are in the end! It's too good to watch!"

"Miss Tian Xian is our big treasure! How to be with other men?!"

“Would it be that we admit it?!”

"What Miss Tian Xian is a big baby?! Big baby is ours! Miss Tian Xian is beautiful and just a sister of our big treasure!"

"Yeah! You see your mother powder, how can we not allow our big Baoer daughters in the future!"

A group of fans stood in the stairwell not far away, while walking outside, they talked about it.

Fu Tianci, those who only see the cloud and glazed with other men, finally breathed a sigh of relief...

Seriously, when they saw the MV, it was really scared by the stunning facial features of the cloud, and I was afraid that Fu Tianci would be fascinated by a woman like the lyrics.

This is good, cloud glaze and other men are entangled together!

Plus, the next month's ticket is over a thousand plus!

(End of this chapter)

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