Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1109: I have already called the police!

Chapter 1109 I have an alarm!

Lin Wen whispered: "But he is Jacob Beru, not Gu Qingcheng! You take him as an alternative... this is not right!"

Clouds and glazes look at Lin Wen, biting his lower lip, and more and more tears.

"What do I have to do?!" The voice of the cloud glaze is all shaking and crying. "What should I do with the little warm sister?! He is gone... He chose to separate the yin and yang in order to escape me. What should I do? do?!"

Lin warmed and sighed and reached for the cloud.

"Little warm sister... I thought about it!" Yun Liuli cried. "I want to wait for him to leave after the funeral. Even if it is in the underworld, he doesn't want to open me! But... Jacob Beru is coming! He is exactly the same as Gu Qingcheng! I even think... because Gu Qingcheng knows that I have embraced the determination to die, so I sent Jacob Beru to my side! ”

Shengkang heard the words of cloud glaze, it was difficult to cover the shock, and the lips were smashed.

He probably didn’t think that Yunli Glass would love Qingcheng and would love this one...

"Little warm sister..." Clouds are still crying. "There is no Gu Qingcheng, then Jacob Beru... I will not live!"

Shengkang’s body trembled. He remembered the phone that Gu Qingcheng’s assistant had killed himself before he died. He said that Gu Qingcheng had encountered an accident and let him properly arrange the things in the organization. Then he paid for his own body regardless of the cost. Retired, even if you betrayed Gu Qingcheng, it doesn't matter!

Gu Qingcheng's assistant also advised him not to think about revenge, as long as he returned to Haicheng not far from the cloud glaze... Protect the cloud glaze for a lifetime!

Shengkang’s fists are tight.

When Gu Qingcheng’s assistant said that he hadn’t finished speaking on the phone, Shengkang, who was on the phone, heard the gunshots. Then the phone was quiet, and then the person who picked up the phone was replaced by Saihande!

Shengkang’s fist was tight and he breathed a sigh of relief...

Fortunately, he brought Jacob Beru back!

At the beginning, he went to find Jacob Beru for you, and he said that after the beginning and end of the matter, he returned to the hotel... I thought, he only waited for three days, and three days later, Jacob Beru would not come. He will return to China to attend the funeral of Gu Qingcheng.

That day, he had packed his bags and was ready to go. At the last moment, Jacob Beru came!

It's hard to imagine that if Shengkang left for ten minutes at the time, he missed it... it was the life of the cloud, so he had to take care of Qingcheng.

What should I do about this? !

He is now a man of Saihande, and Saihande let him stay in Haicheng to monitor Fu Huai'an's every move. He fears that if he wants to intervene in Jacob Beru, he will let the game Han De mistakenly thought that Jacob Beru was Gu Qingcheng's killing, then he did not harm Gu Qingcheng's younger brother? !

For Jacob Beru... To be on the safe side, it is best to leave Haicheng, and there is no connection with the personnel of Haicheng.

Shengkang is also a dilemma. He doesn't know what to do. He once again subconsciously looks at Fu Huai'an.

Fu Huai'an is still a deep and calm look of the faction. He warmed up Lin: "First take a cloud and go to rest for a while!"

Lin nodded warmly, holding the cloud glazed upstairs...

The camera, it seems that Shengkang is not taking it away today.

Shengkang can only call Jacob Beru, saying that Jacob Beru may need to come over and take a camera!

But Jacob Beru, who can call the other end, said: "No, I have already called the police!"

Sheng Kang has widened his eyes.

"Mr. Jacob Beru, this... this is not the case!" Shengkang’s voice is all difficult. "Miss Yun and you are also a family!"

"Isn't the domestic law different from that of Venice?! You can't call the police if you are robbed?!" Jacob Beru's overwhelming voice is full of doubts, as if he really doesn't understand.

Shengkang: "..."

Hanging up the phone, Shengkang’s heart is really tens of thousands of grass mud horses whizzing past...

Is this Jacob Beru really the younger brother of Mr. Gu, how to do things and leave a little room! Grab his camera... How to say it is the adopted daughter of his brother Gu Qingcheng, it is also his daughter!

How can I not close the door and solve it myself? ! Do not have to call the police!

And even if you don't even call, you will call the police!

Did he make a mistake, this Jacob Beru is not the brother of Mr. Gu? ! In the end, where did the pure copper people come out? ! Not at all close to human feelings!

Hanging up the phone, Shengkang had to say to Fu Huai'an: "Mr. Fu, Mr. Jacob Beru, who is reporting the police, what can I do?!"

When Fu Huai’an heard this, his brow was tight, and he said to Shengkang: "You call Mr. Jacob Beru’s phone, I will..."

Sheng Kang quickly dialed the phone and handed the phone to Fu Huai'an.

When the phone is connected, Fu Huai'an is standing in the gallery with one hand, and the mellow and low voice is slowly: "Mr. Jacob Beru, I am Fu Huai'an, Gu Qingcheng's good friend, now Yun Liuli is here, your camera is also If the child is not sensible, I hope you don't forget to let it go. I will bear all the expenses you have stayed in the country! If you don't want to give up... I sent someone to pick you up at home to have a meal, and take a look at the camera. , we all compensate!"

The phone didn't know what to say. Shengkang saw Fu Huai'an face sinking down: "Probably Mr. Jacob Beru does not understand, in Haicheng... I am not afraid that no police dare to take away from my house. Cloud glaze."

This is a serious sentence, Sheng Kang's heart jumped slightly.

"Good!" Fu Huai'an hung up the phone and handed the phone to Shengkang.

Sheng Kang looked at Fu Huai'an face with a mobile phone. He asked a question: "Mr. Fu, how do you say that?!"

Fu Huai'an shook his head and used his mobile phone to make a phone call to Xiaolu: "Small land is a little bit, and the deputy director of the provincial department Wang said, the children's children smashed the glass and robbed the uncle's camera at the airport and wanted to leave the uncle more. In a few days in Haicheng, the uncle who came to Venice was angry and reported to the police. He made a big joke and let him think about it!"

Shengkang heard, this means... Jacob Beru insisted on the police!

Xiaolu is a personally refined person. Upon hearing this, he immediately understood that he was related to Jacob Beru of Venice. He even went down and said that he would go to the provincial hall in person.

Hanging up the phone, Shengkang looked at Fu Huai'an and hesitated for a moment: "Or, I will go to Mr. Jacob Beru and try to get Miss Liu to return the camera. Don't make trouble. It’s such a big move!"

Fu Huai'an beheaded: "Small land here to go to the provincial hall, you are here to persuade Jacob Beru, soft if not..."

The third one, there is a more monthly ticket plus more immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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