Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1116: So beautiful and so good!

Chapter 1116 is so beautiful and so good!

However, Yun Liuli said that she is currently pursuing it. I hope that everyone will not delve into who this person is, so as not to hinder his normal life, or she will not dare to tell the truth to everyone.

This statement is quite sincere. The bottom of the message is all about supporting the cloud and brave to pursue the love, but also does not affect the normal life of Yun Liuli and the gentleman. I hope that the cloud glass can hold the beautiful man as soon as possible.

Of course, there are also many people who are curious, the value of the cloud glaze is so high, so how high the value of the man who is liked by the cloud glaze!

Seeing all positive comments, the dialect is in a good mood, and hesitated without hesitation: "Okay, you can rest assured, I must say warm!"

"You are so happy, I will give you another favor. Then the crew will start to receive the announcement on the variety show. As the actress with the most face in the crew, I will bring your home cloud ribbon. I think this little girl. Very talented, very good, I like it very much!"

This made the dialect unexpected. Hu can make the cloud glass account for several shots in the notice. The dialect has been very grateful. With the cloud glass to participate in the variety show, this is clearly promoted!

The dialect put down the pen in his hand and smiled more and more sincerely: "You are forcing me to do my best to help you in the warmth!"

"Look, I don't bother to talk to you! Everyone is helping each other in this circle! I am really optimistic about Lin Wen! It's too aura..." praised Lin Wen, Hu guide also praised Boast the glaze, "But the little girl in your family is also very powerful," is a piece of jade! You have to sculpt well, so... If Lin is warm, then I will give Yunzhu a lovable character in this film. How about? ! ”

Hanging up the phone, the dialect can't sit on the chair!

Yunlili has not yet fully received orthodox training. It is beneficial to increase the popularity of participating in variety shows. However, if she says something on the show that should not be said, it will not benefit her.

The dialect took his coat, came out of the office, and walked to the desk of the little assistant she gave to the cloud glaze. She knocked on the table: "Take the script of the glass and follow me!"

The small assistant is holding a tablet computer and watching the warnings of "Warrior". When he heard the dialect, he quickly stood up and took out the script from the drawer, grabbing the dial on the seat back and chasing the dialect.

"Sister, are we going to see Miss Liuli?!" The little assistant was a little excited.

She was chosen as the assistant of Yunli Glass for a long time. She is the super CP powder of Yunlili and Fu Tianci. She hasn’t seen the true content of Miss Sister for so long. Today, I finally have to see Miss Sister. The little assistant is happy. It is.

Just walked to the elevator door, the dialect saw Miss Summer looking down at the program planning plan in his hand, and the wind came out...

"Cuifen, how come you didn't go to the TV station?!" The dialect pressed the elevator and asked.

Today, MISS Xia did not care about the dialect called her "Cuifen", only said: "I saw a better program planning, is preparing to come back to discuss with you!"

If MISS Xia is not in a hurry, probably won't be so hot.


"I am going to the glass now..." The dialect was frowning.

"That doesn't matter, you go first, I will have a discussion with the group first, and then talk to you again!" MISS Xia Dao.

The dialect dagger, press the elevator is about to enter, I saw the MISS summer just came out of the two-headed over and suddenly opened: "The variety show of the "Jungle Adventure" filmed by Zhou Yuxiang, said next week Lu Tian bath That period... I want to ask Xiao Liu to go up too, Zhou Yuxiang asked me to discuss with you!"

In the dialect, the first issue of "Jungle Adventure" is a big coffee. At the beginning of the program, it can be said that the first fire was not broadcast. In the next issue, Sumanman joined, and the ratings were high. !

"I know!" The dialect echoed into the elevator.

The little assistant stood in front of the dialect with the script and whispered: "The "Blind Adventure" has a high audience rating. Do you think that Miss Sister Liu will go there?!"

"I still don't know what Zhou Yuxiang is playing. Next week, Lu Tian will go to record "Jungle Adventure" and publicize his new album. Zhou Yuxiang estimates that the MV of "Fake Aristocrat" is going to call the little glass in the past. And Lu Tian bath to take the class to drain!"

This program is a good fire, but now the cloud glaze is a girl who loves it, but the person who likes it is going to go to the Lutian bath group CP, especially if the program group deliberately edits the pink picture, the person who has just set up the cloud glaze is set up. Do you want it? !

Therefore, it is good and bad to promise to participate in the "Blind Adventure". This requires a dialect and Zhou Yuxiang to discuss in detail.

Yun Liuli was fidgeting at home this morning. Before she was thrown out of the hotel by Gu Qingcheng last night, Gu Qingcheng said... Fu Huai’an arranged there, maybe it’s going to be done today, just in case I let the cloud glaze myself Find something to do, don't look for him in the past to avoid being accidentally injured.

I can think of this time, Gu Qingcheng is afraid that it is necessary to suffer some injuries, and my heart is particularly difficult.

Until the dialect came with a small assistant, Yun Liuli had some people to accompany him.

"This is your little assistant Xiaomeng. After that, Xiaomeng will follow you, take care of your daily life...and the itinerary!" said the dialect. "At present, Xiaomeng can follow you, if you are famous later." When you are older, you will be given an assistant."

Cloud glazed nodded.

Xiaomeng was shocked when he saw Yun Liuli. He didn’t think that Miss Yan’s sister Yu Yan was so beautiful, couldn’t help but whispered: “Miss Liuli is really beautiful!”

Clouds and glasses are not high in emotions, but they laughed. Xiaomeng didn’t mind at all. He felt that the clouds were like the flowers of Gaoling, which was perfect!

After all, people are so beautiful and so good!

Beautiful and good people should be so high, so that these mortals can't touch them.

"This is a script..." The dialect gave the script to the cloud. "It’s a TV series. You play the female number three. Although it’s a female number three, the character is very pleasing... you have to ponder and ponder. It’s awkward.”

"Okay, I know!" Cloud 乖 乖 乖 。 。.

"I have already consulted with your college leaders in your school, because your academic performance has always been excellent, so as long as the exam is on the scene, the results can not be closed. The school can close one eye!" Again, "Do you have a classmate named Zhou Yuchen?!"

May! May! The 1-7 monthly ticket has changed two baby! Still the same three hundred monthly tickets plus more! So the babies will give the monthly ticket to thousands! Thousands will try to add more!

(End of this chapter)

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