Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1136: You have a wool!

Chapter 1136, you have a wool!

Excuse me, he should not come today, he should not promise to have lunch with them!

I haven't eaten lunch yet, and the dog food Shengkang has not been able to eat it. It is really disturbing!

When Shengkang came out from Yunding Apartment, he thought of Gu Qingcheng...

I don’t know if Gu Qingcheng knows what to do under the spring, knowing that he is on the tip of his heart... It’s a good thing to know that the loved one who is dying but who can’t bear to be together and his own brother is together.

However, this is okay!

Shengkang looked at the sun outside, he was wearing sunglasses, his lips were smiling...

Cloud glaze can be with Jacob Beru, who has the same face as Gu Qingcheng, and should be happy!

Gu Qingcheng should also be able to rest in peace!

Shengkang sat in the car and took out the miniature monitor from the pocket of the living room coffee table in Yunding Apartment, and then dialed Fu Huai'an's phone.

"Mr. Fu, in Miss Liu Li and Jacob Beru, I found a monitor under the coffee table. I think since these people can put in the monitor at Yunding Apartment, it should have penetrated you, it is time to check Look at the people around you!" Sheng Kang opened his mouth.

After receiving Fu Huai's reply, Sheng Kang started the car.

After Shengkang’s call, Fu Huai’an and Tang Yan began to extensively investigate the people around them and the people in the company. Soon a large number of dark lines were cleared.

Fu Huai'an has also strengthened the secret protection of Jacob Beru.

Happy days are always very fast.

Soon, the cloud was told to enter the crew.

Jacob Beru, who couldn't help himself, was ready to pack his bags and go to the scenic spots in China to take pictures. However, people had not yet had time to go, and they were stopped by Tang Hao.

The meaning of Tang Yin is to temporarily let Jacob Beru stay in Haicheng, otherwise... they are in danger and they can’t save.

Jacob Beru, a man who was more reluctant, finally agreed.

Subsequently, Jacob Beru, under the introduction of Tang Yin, resumed the old business without pre-name... Take photos of the supermodels participating in the big show.

Jacob Beru has not photographed characters for many years, but now the popularity of Jacob Beru is there.

Moreover, the models that were once photographed by Jacob Beru have a place on the runway as long as they don’t die on their own.

So when the chief designer of the luxury brand GF saw Jacob Beru himself again through Tang Hao, he was very excited.

"Mr. Jacob Beru, I haven't seen you for many years!" Francis Monnier, chief designer of GF, Italy, saw Jacob Beru very respectful to him.

Obviously, Jacob Beru, who is not good at dealing with people, did not recognize Francis, and he was in doubt.

“A lot of years ago, when I was just a designer assistant, I was fortunate to have seen you!” Francis said very politely.

Jacob Beru bowed and shook hands with Francis.

Later, Francis told Jacob Beru about the design theme of their team this time, and the effect that Jacob Beru could have made.

In fact, Tang Yan’s heart squeezed a sweat for Gu Qingcheng!

For the first time, Fu Huai'an arranged a job for Gu Qingcheng, who was Jacob Beru. He arranged a brand like GF. What if the photography technology of Gu Qingcheng is not enough? !

Although... Fu Huai'an is really right, not a luxury like GF, it is not enough for Jacob Beru to take pictures for them.

Tang Yuming clearly worried about Gu Qingcheng's photography technology, but he still had to pretend to be light and light. He single-handedly put a pocket, and the handcuffs in his trouser pocket became a boxing suit, secretly praying that Gu Qingcheng would pass smoothly!

Although Tang Wei is a matchmaker, but before the start of the GF new product show, the work can not be leaked, so Tang Yan can not go with Gu Qingcheng to shoot the scene. When he returned to the company, he went to Lu Jinnan's office. The nervous look, Lu Jinnan could not see.

Lu Jinnan, who signed the last document, handed the signature pen and frowned at Tang Yan: "When you milled my morning work here today, when are you going to sit?!"

"I just worried..." Tang Yan frowned. The rest of the words were not finished. I bent over to take the coffee on the coffee table, but found that it was empty. He lifted the cup and looked at Lu Jinnan. "It’s empty, let your assistant. Come in and refill me!"

"Renewal cup?! Are you a coffee shop here?! This is the sixth cup of coffee you drink here. You are not afraid of heart?!" Lu Jinnan got up and took the suit jacket on the back of the chair.

"Where are you going?!" asked Tang.

"Dawn's father said that the lamp in the bathroom at home was broken, let me change it in the past!" Lu Jinnan replied.

Tang Yan’s big eyes, Lu Jinnan, spread his hand and looked like an incredible look: “Busy for one morning, I have to wait until you have lunch, you and I said that you are going to change the lamp for your father-in-law’s bathroom?! ”

"The son-in-law who has not been called, is the son-in-law who has not been approved by the father-in-law!" Lu Jinnan picked up the mobile phone on the big desk and put it in his suit pocket. His expression was like laughing and laughing. He was provocative. "Why, you are not being your mother-in-law." Have you called it?! Ah... yes! You haven’t got a license with Younai, Younai’s mother is not your mother-in-law!”

Lu Jinnan said that he is happy to go out...

The blocked heart hurts Don Juan, biting his teeth to Lu Jinnan: "I am good and Nene has children! You have a wool!"

It is not clear that Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian once had a child's Tang Yan, which was found in Lu Jinnan's heart.

Lu Jinnan did not say anything, opened the door of the office.

"Lu Jinnan, you see the color forget friends!"

Tang Yan did not leave Lu Jinnan, so Tang Yan could only go upstairs to find Fu Huai'an for lunch, and once he entered the Fu Huai'an office, he found that Fu Huai'an had a love meal that Lin Wen sent people to send.

Don Juan was heartbroken.

While eating with Fu Huai'an, he complained about Lu Jinnan: "I sent Jacob Beru to the GF's chief designer this morning. I was so worried that I was afraid that the photo would not be good. Lu Jinnan is good... Actually, he went to Bai Xiaonian’s house and changed his light bulb to his old man! Don’t worry at all! You can’t be angry?!”

Fu Huai'an took a sip of soup and looked at Tang Yan, who was licking the rice in his mouth, and asked: "Are you not developing with Uninai recently?!"

Tang Wei: "..."

Which pot does not open which pot!

"What's wrong?!" Fu Huai'an put down the soup bowl in his hand and took a piece of paper into the mouth.

"The students of the group and the small candy... that little happy, do you still remember?!" Tang asked.

Fu Huaian nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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