Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1142: Have you ever played? !

Chapter 1142, have you not played? !

And... this time the fans came back, Xing Joman hopes to turn them into fans of super-viscosity!

In Xing Qiaoman's thinking, the number of fans is nothing. The high number of fans with high viscosity is the cornerstone of an artist's success. The cornerstone is the most important thing when building skyscrapers.

Xing Qiaoman wants Fu Tianci and Yun Liuli on his hand to become a new benchmark for the future entertainment industry.

After the cloud glazed on the plane, he sent a message to Gu Qingcheng saying that he had already got on the plane. After the plane landed, he gave him information and attached a sly expression.

Xiaomeng’s side also received Xing’s phone call before the final shutdown, until the flight attendant gently came over and urged to turn the phone to flight mode. Xiaomeng hung up the phone.

"Miss Liu Sister, Ms. Man said that letting you get off the plane for a while before seeing her, don't say a word to fans and the media! Also, if you have WIFI on the plane, you will send Weibo, she has arrangements!" Xiaomeng Dao .

Cloud glaze nodded and answered very well: "Okay!"

Fu Tianci and Yun Liuli are the same studio, and they are starting at the same time. They are arranged in the first class of the same plane by the studio, and the seats are adjacent. There is an aisle between the two people...

Fu Tianci had been tired of this non-stop because of the promotion of the new album. He fell asleep on the plane with the blindfold. He did not know that the cloud glass was separated from him by an aisle, and he slept so sweetly.

The cloud glazed back and found that Fu Tianci’s illegitimate rice was on the plane. The two people were together in the first class. It seemed that they were still very unhappy. Yun Liuli and Fu Tianci were on the same plane, and they were only separated. An aisle.

Fu Tianci's assistant knife heard the camera sound, got up and looked back, smashed the past, the illegitimate rice, then put away the camera to avoid the knife's sight!

If it wasn't for Fu Tianci, it would be too hard to rest for a while, and the knife would like to wake up Fu Tianci to change position and let Fu Tianci sleep in it.

After the plane flew smoothly, Yun Liuli took out the script of "Red Makeup Mountain River".

After recording the "Jungle Adventure", Yun Liuli will enter the most important scene of the "Red Makeup Mountain" crew. Although she has prepared enough, she still feels that she has a lot of room to rise. So as long as there is time, the glaze will study the script over and over again.

Fu Tianci, who woke up and took off his eye mask, couldn’t open his eyes and asked his assistant: “How long does it take for the knife to land?!”

"There are two more hours..." said the knife.

Fu Tianci was confused and looked at the cloud glass that was watching the script. A glimpse... The whole person was awake.

"How are you here?!" Fu Tianci asked.

The cloud 眸 眸 眸 眸 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅

Fu Tianci moved some uncomfortably and nodded.

For the cloud glaze, Fu Tianci’s feeling is a bit... I don’t know how to get along!

This little girl looks soft and weak, especially good bullying, both beautiful and fragile, especially for people to protect!

Fu Tianci is really worried that the little girl will fall in love with her own beauty. After all, Yun Liuli is a little girl that Lin Wen particularly likes. Fu Tianci is worried that if the little girl likes to pursue herself, he refuses to cry. He can't explain to Lin Wen!

In addition, Lin warmed to Fu Tianci before calling, saying that since Fu Tianci wants to record this "Jungle Adventure" with Yun Liuli, let Fu Tianci take care of the cloud glaze. After all, it is a little girl, snake in the jungle. More worms and ants are afraid of those things.

Therefore, Fu Tianci wants to take care of the little girl, but also wants to maintain a proper distance from the cloud glaze. He can't think of the best of both worlds.

Yes, Fu Tianci is so confident in his own beauty!

The knife saw Fu Tianci woke up and said to him: "Let's change position!"

Fu Tianci thought of a cloud of glaze with her aisle. Seeing the girl’s watery glaze like a glass, she was looking at herself. She was afraid that the little girl would think that he would not be too close to her to change position, so she coughed. Two words, said: "No need... I am sitting here very well!"

After that, Fu Tianci took out his mobile phone and connected it to the WIFI on the plane. He planned to take advantage of the two glory of the king.

Usually, Fu Tianci likes to play games, but he never worked because the game was delayed, that is, he was waiting to board the plane in the lounge, or he could connect to WIFI on the plane, or he could play two games during the rest of the program. .

"Yeah! Little brother took me to fly!" The knife saw Fu Tianci open the game, and immediately eagerly took out the mobile phone and waited for Fu Tianci.

"Okay!" Fu Tianci promised to be refreshed.

Cloud glaze Yu Guang saw Fu Tianci's game interface and was attracted to the past...

Until now, the game until the cloud glaze has been limited to games like Snake, Tetris, or Minesweeper.

Before the cloud glaze saw this game interface in the crew, it seems that everyone is playing this game.

Her personal interest in this new game is still quite high.

Fu Tianci took the earphones, and the movements under his hands were extremely beautiful. Yunli couldn’t help but put his head together.

Yu Guang saw that the cloud glaze came in his direction. Fu Tianci looked at his eyes and his hand moved. He turned his head and looked at the cloud: "What?!"

"Yeah! Little brother don't want to go away! The operation of Li Bai is extremely coquettish, you have to be careful!" The knife was busy with his elbow and hit Fu Tianci.

"What game is this?! I see everyone seems to be playing..." Yun Liuli asked.

"The glory of the king?! You haven't played yet?!" Fu Tianci asked.

"Well, I haven't played, how do you play this game?!" The curious cloud glaze has put down the script in his hand and put the body together in the direction of Fu Tianci.

Neglected knife: "..."

Fu Tianci also made up the direction of the cloud glaze, and then gave the cloud glaze a demonstration: "You wait a minute, I will tell you this play!"

Yun Liuli looked very seriously at Fu Tianci’s play, frowning: “Why did you play a female character...”

Fu Tianci, who got Xiao Qiao, patiently explained the cloud glaze, and then did not play with a knife. He began to introduce the glory of the king to the cloud glaze. The detailed game is comparable to the game strategy.

The knife especially wants to remind Fu Tianci to follow the private school meal. When will the photos of Yun Liuli and Fu Tianci be put on the Internet? !

(End of this chapter)

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