Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1147: Why are you talking about the truth!

Chapter 1147 Why are you talking about the truth!

Then the cloud glaze opens its own brainstorm...

"The program group sent a partial map to the Red Team and the Blue Team. I guess either the maps that the two teams got are partial maps, two teams... one takes the first half of the map, and one team takes the second half. Part of the map! Even according to the style of the program group... they may get one-third, one-quarter of the map... one-fifth of them may not be complete, in short!"

The director Zhou Yuxiang sitting behind the monitor is scalp numb, is the cloud glaze the devil? !

Inside the monitor, the beautiful and delicate little girl, slowly behind the red team blue team, continue to give the little tent around the popularity: "But the red team and the blue team know that the map they take is different from their own, so they I will definitely go together! The red team left and the blue team only followed, which shows that the red team took the first half of the map, and the blue team took the second half of the map!"

Red team: "..."

Blue team: "..."

Director group: "..."

You are the audience of the program group? ! Demolition? !

Do you know everything, let's go through the show? !

The Red Team and the Blue Team looked at each other and smiled.

Then I saw Yun Liuli groping a bottle of mineral water from his backpack. The cloud glazed in the heart, Gu Qingcheng was so careful that he prepared the water, and then he burst into happiness.

The cloud glaze unscrewed and took a sip. After running the scorpion, he continued: "Unless they won the map in the next level, how can they separate?!"

Red team: "..."

Blue team: "..."

The Red Team Blue team looked at each other and looked at each other, laughing.

Director group: "..."

Yun Liuli, have you arranged the spies in the director group and the editorial group? !

The blissful cloud glaze handed the mineral water to Liu Yuxi: "Do you want to drink?!"

"Thank you!" Liu Yuxi took over the mineral water, and Yun Liuli had taken the tent bag from Liu Yuxi's arms and carried it on his shoulder.

The next moment, the inferior team behind the red team's **** and the red team suddenly fell into a trap pit, no one was spared.

Dong Yijie, who fell down and licked his mouth, wowed: "I am going! It’s really bad luck with the bad guys!"

It is said that Dong Yijie has stepped back a few steps, for fear of being squashed by the unlucky team.

Liu Yuxi looked at the water that had already been sown in his hands before he could drink it. He quickly picked up the mineral water bottle, but only a little left.

"Liu Sister..." Liu Yuxi was crying.

"Nothing!" Yun Liuli touched Liu Yuxi's head. She looked down at the bag and wanted to see if Gu Qingcheng had any magic weapon for himself.

Can turn over a circle of cloud glaze and found no use, can only take out a bag of compressed biscuits from the bag and hand it to Liu Yuxi to appease the little girl: "Eat?!"

Liu Yuxi nodded, picked it up, and then took a sigh of worry and asked: "How do we go out with the glass sister?!"

Red team: "..."

They are not worried about how to get out of the cloud. ! Also eat cookies!

"I will go up first, then pull you up with the rope!" Red team Zhang Yihan is a sports athlete. See the equipment group for the equipment package with a rope.

"Good! At the crucial moment, the athletes are reliable!" Yang Feifei moved and nodded.

Then they heard the voice of "Huha", suddenly burst out of a group of wild people, holding spears and bows in their hands, standing on the edge of the trap, scared the athlete Zhang Yihan who was about to climb a step back.

Yang Feifei also screamed and hid behind Dong Yijie.

"Silver sister!" Liu Yuxi grabbed the arm of the cloud glass.

Yun Liuzhu looked down and saw the program group seeing some reptiles on the thick soft grass paved in the trap pit. She was glad that she was all covered with anti-mosquito foot ring wristbands, and took out Gu Qing from her shoulder bag. The city prepared the insect repellent spray, sprayed on her and Liu Yuxi's circle!

"Yeah! There are worms!!" Yang Feifei's eye-catching spot found the bugs crawling out slowly on the hay, scared to the edge of the big pit.

"I am going, where is the insect?!"

Even the blue team above the trap found bugs at the feet, and Fu Tianci and Du Wenjie panicked away.

According to the truth, in this deep forest, these things are very common.

Then the cloud glaze sits down on the hay and pulls up his trouser legs...

After Yang Feifei saw the cloud glass sitting down, she showed her calf, and the whole person was shocked!

Director group: "..."

What is the operation of the insect repellent ring with a whole calf? ! It’s really well prepared!

The cloud glaze was taken from his own leg and handed to Liu Yuxi: "Take it!"

Now Yun Liuli said that Liu Yuxi is obeying, and Yun Liuli is her main heart.

Looking at the red team, the cloud looks like a profiteer who is doing business: "Let's take a look at the map, I will give you a insecticide spray and an insect repellent bracelet!"

Speaking of the cloud glaze, I pulled up my two sleeves, and both arms were all insect-repellent bracelets!

Director group: "..."

Can you still play well? !

At the beginning of the cold, he stood on the edge of the trap with the indigenous people, and carefully avoided the worms that were not toxic. He shouted to the red team: "The red team gave us your map, we will save you!"

"Give the map to the blue team, the blue team will go!" Cloud glazed openly, "This is the game you have to know! The soldiers are not fooled and cautious! And... you see, our unlucky team is more kind, we just have to take a look The map will do! You will also be given an insect repellent potion and an insect repellent bracelet!"

Seeing the red team's expression struggle, Yun Liuli patiently waited.

Zhang Yihan, a sports star who has never said anything, said: "Even if you give the map to you, everyone can't go out, what's the use?!"

"Do you think that the program group spends so expensive appearance fees to invite you, just to let you spend a few hours in this big pit and then the show ends?!" Yun Liuli looked at Zhang Yihan with a look of confusion, a bit skeptical of Zhang Yihan IQ, she looked at the watch distributed by the program group, said, "It has been nearly half an hour since the program started. We just have to sit down and wait for a while. The program group wants to enlarge the home, otherwise the blue team does not have the first half. Some of the maps can't go, let's get stuck here, what do you want to broadcast when the show is broadcast?! Let everyone sit around a big pit for an hour?!"

Director group: "..."

Why do you want to tell the truth! Is there any way to continue to record happy? ! You know that it’s hard to do this. !

(End of this chapter)

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