Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1158: Is it something that happened to my brother? !

Chapter 1158 is something about my brother? !

Fu Huaian found that Lin Wen’s lips were always laughing, and couldn’t help but ask: “What are you laughing?!”

Lin warmed sideways and looked at the lights outside the car window. The clean scorpions that seemed to have been washed by the rain smiled and bent: "I saw Gu Qingcheng, I figured out where I was filming today..."

Fu Huai'an hit the turn signal, and the big hand grabbed Lin Wen's little hand. The mellow and low-pitched voice said: "Wearing..."

"Seeing Gu Qingcheng, I think... I had a slight deviation in the understanding of the role of Bai Yuyan!"

Lin Wen said that he was facing the side of Fu Huai'an's three-dimensional profile: "White rumor is actually not a belligerent person. Even if it is closed, her heart should not be grateful or excited. This waiting is not glory for her. But always remind her that she used to kill people and kill hundreds of thousands of troops! But that is her must, because in the world of Bai Yuyan, it is not that you die or I die!"

The reason is that Lin Wen saw at the table today that Gu Qingcheng had a smile that had not been relieved before he realized it.

In fact, Bai Ruyan is somewhat similar to Gu Qingcheng.

Gu Qingcheng should have been very eager to live today, but after Fu Huai'an was injured, he just picked up the banner and put himself in danger.

The white rumor was forced to pick up the banner of the White House and was forced to kill.

Before the death of his father and brother, Bai Ruyan was the eldest daughter of Bai Jiaxuan, the most benevolent white girl in the mouth of the people of Laos.

After the death of the father and the brother, the white rumor is a devil to the enemy, wherever he goes... but the enemy will not leave.

Lin Wen remembers that some people say that there are two sides of the flower, the Buddha of life.

But Lin Wen still thinks that what is really between the Buddha and the devil is humanity, not life!

How can anyone have absolute goodness and what is absolutely evil.

And the white rumors have seen the battlefield killing, while slaughtering the enemy, as a woman... will also be saddened by the wives and children whose soldiers will stay at home.

Whether it is the white rumors or the enemy forces, they are not wrong, they are all for their own country.

This waiting for the white rumor actually does not want, because her position... is exchanged for the bones and blood of others, she can not bear, this is her Buddha nature.

Killing is for the people of Laos to do, and the more the enemy is killed, the more peaceful it is, so that she will not leave room for every battle, so that they will not dare to commit another country for decades, and vow to kill other countries. Every soldier, this is her magic.

Therefore, when picking up the imperial edict, Lin Wen’s performance was wrong, and it should not be an excuse to be grateful to the emperor.

It was an accident, and the **** rush and excitement on the battlefield, which was awakened by the heart, would make her feel like a bloodthirsty demon back to the bustling emperor.

This is also the reason for the rest of the life, Bai Yanyan spent in the customs outside not to return to the emperor, Lin Wen guessed.

Lin Wen’s line of sight fell on the car that followed them in the rearview mirror. He asked Fu Huai’an sideways: “What happened recently?! I see that there are more people who follow me this afternoon...”

Lin warm can be sure that these followers will protect her, not tracking or anything else.

"The person who inks..." Fu Huai'an spoke.

Lin was warm and asked, "Is there anything wrong with my brother?!"

Because the relationship between Lin Wen and Yan Mo is not clear, in the outside world... Lin Wen is because of the relationship with Song Yu, so he will have an intersection with Yan Mo, if someone goes to the ink, not You should start with yourself.

Fu Huai'an actually understands that some things are not too warm, he is going to let it go. If Lin Wen knows it, he knows that he doesn't know better... lest she be scared.

"Hmm?!" Lin Wen asked.

"It's not that you should have passed the wind more smoothly than before." Fu Huai'an gently licked Lin Lin's warm and delicate fingers. "It's the exhibition around Li Muyang, he is dead."

Lin Wen is very surprised...

For Azhan, although he once broke into the TV station and forced to take Lin warm, Lin Wenwen did not have any excessive hatred towards Li Shangyang, a loyal subordinate.

Even Lin warm will appreciate the loyalty of Azhan as a subordinate.

If Azhan is not a master like Li Muyang, perhaps... the future of Azhan will be good.

"How is it dead?!" Lin Wen asked.

"Probably found that all the roads have been blocked, he can only use his own death to spell a path to Li Muyang!" Fu Huai'an also admired Azhan.

Lin Wen is a long-lost.

So what is the danger of sending a person to follow her? !

"The inks sent by the ink are all elites..."

Fu Huai'an admitted that he had narrowed his mind to Zhai Mo. He thought that Zhai Mo would have to take care of the elite groups in Qingcheng to help him do his own thing!

This is indeed true, and I have used this sword very smoothly.

According to Fu Huai'an, he gave the ten elite groups to Jimo. The original eight groups were sent out to perform the task.

But when the ink knows that Azhan is dead, he is afraid that the forest in Haicheng is dangerous. It is hard to bring back the group that is carrying out the task. There are already six groups to follow Lin Wen’s side. Silence is as shadowless as people can't detect.

Probably because the other two groups didn't come back, Zhai Mo didn't feel relieved... and the people who left him in Haicheng were transferred to understand Linhe's warm protection.

For Yan Mo, Lin Wen, the younger sister, probably looks more important than anything else, even if he doesn't usually contact.

Fu Huai'an now clearly understands that when he was willing to resist the death of Gu Qingcheng, it was not a joke that their peace was entrusted to him.

What ink is doing... it is this thing.

For his sister Lin warm.

After Fu Huai'an went back, Lin Wen made a phone call to Zhai Mo in the bedroom, and he let Lin warm his heart to live his life, take care of the two children, and don't care...

Although the words are overbearing, it can be all about the brother's love for Lin Wen.

Lin Wen looked at the round circle on the big bed and asked: "When will you come back to see the round?!"

When the voice just fell, the round was very loud and shouted to the face of "Oh."

Lin Wen heard the short smile of the ink, and the sound was hard to see: "I am still far away from you, you are safer! I have time to give some photos of the round and round, I see They are fine!"

The meaning of smog, in the future, let Lin Lin also play less, to contact and contact with Song, Lin warm only keep a distance from him will not be seen by others.

Now, Jimo has pushed his own position to a new height...

(End of this chapter)

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