Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1165: After I finished eating, I have to pick up my wife and go home!

Chapter 1165 After I finished eating, I have to pick up my wife and go home!

"Give you!" Lin warmed and smiled.

The little girl wants to quit, but she can't stand the heart and wants to stick out a small hand, not for anything else, just for this is my own love beans!

After Bai Xiaonian sent the British ambassador’s daughter back, he returned to Lin Bing to go to lunch.

"I originally wanted to take you to that hot pot restaurant. But Hu Dao seems to be particularly energetic today, saying that I will take another shot in the afternoon!" Lin warm makeup did not unload, only took off the heavy armor, a white shirt, "Do you want? I am having a meal with you near the studio?! Still let people go and buy what you like, wait for me to take you to the hot pot restaurant in the afternoon?!"

"I still have an appointment in the afternoon. My dad introduced me to a turtle. Let me see you in the afternoon. I am satisfied with seeing my dad!" Bai Xiaonian sat on the opposite side of Lin Wen, with his slender legs.

Lin warmed nodded.

"I let the Man Jianglou send it over there, hurry up!" Bai Xiaonian took out the phone and ordered a few Lin Wen like to eat.

"Isn't you able to contact you for a few days, have you talked to Lu Jinnan?!" Lin Wen asked Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian coveted the tea leaves floating in his disposable cup, and he sighed with a sigh of relief. He slammed the topic: "Do you have a small glass of this play?! I see that in addition to the test performance, it is quite physical... ..."

Today is the most important scene of Yunlili. On the battlefield, she asked her sister to kill her.

Cloud glaze has been repeatedly tested many times, Hu guide always feels that cloud glaze has more potential to dig, so let the cloud glaze come over and over again.

Knowing that Bai Xiaonian didn't want to talk about it, Lin Wen did not go deeper and looked at the direction of the cloud glass. Hu Dao was talking to Yun Liuli. She said: "Glass likes to act and enjoy it!"

Bai Xiaonian nodded.

At noon, Lin warm and cloud glaze are all dressed up with makeup and Bai Xiaonian. In this meal, Bai Xiaonian chats through... It can be seen that Yunlili really likes to film, and the whole meal is frowning to ponder her role, from time to time. Lin warmed a sentence.

After the meal, Bai Xiaonian left the cloud and added to the unit.

Busy continued until 6:30 in the afternoon when Bai Xiaonian’s father called and ended.

Bai Xiaonian’s head boy’s joy was a big disaster this time. He also tried to black and white, and she did not expect Bai Xiaonian to directly throw the recording of her and Shen Zizhou’s assistant’s call, and lifted the stone and licked her foot.

Therefore, in the unit Bai Xiaonian's heart is very smooth, received the phone call from his father is quite happy: "You don't need to remind me, I am doing makeup, go to the appointment after finishing the makeup! Will not put people pigeons!"

Bai Xiaonian put a little lipstick on the mirror. She is planning to go to the appointment, but she has no plans to develop with the turtle.

She remembered that her father introduced her to her blind date. When she didn't go... The father secretly wiped his tears in the room.

Last night, her father was so hard to sell, so she wanted to be more positive in front of her father. It would be nice to meet with the other party and say that it is not clear, but I can’t see it, but my attitude is right!

"Good!" Bai Xiaonian’s father really laughed. "I sent you on WeChat, and I will meet up and talk!"

Hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaonian looked at the restaurant address, which was actually the last hot pot shop that Lu Jinnan took her to.

When Bai Xiaonian arrived, the Xu Xiaochuan who was dating with Bai Xiaonian had arrived.

"Sorry, I am late!" Bai Xiaonian smiled and said hello to Xu Xiaochuan.

In the casual clothes, Xu Xiaochuan did not have the appearance of an elite atmosphere on the photo, and he was a little more easygoing.

"No, I arrived early!" Xu Xiaochuan opened the chair for Bai Xiaonian, and his eyebrows were calm and gentle smiles. "I heard the uncle of Bai said that you like to eat hot pot. This reputation is good. It is said to be newly opened. I just got from Come back from abroad, I don’t know which hot pot restaurant in Haicheng is delicious, but it is also recommended by friends!"

Bai Xiaonian smiled at Xu Xiaochuan and went straight into the door: "I am very sorry, Mr. Xu, I promised my father to come to the blind date, but I don't really have this intention in my heart. It is really rude to say this to you at the beginning, but I have not yet. Completely divorced, so I don't consider developing a new relationship. My father is in poor health. I don't dare to tell him that he is afraid of hurting him. Today, I will invite Mr. Xu to eat, hope that we can become friends, and...we Today’s conversation, don’t let my father know, I’m afraid he can’t stand it, can he?!”

Xu Xiaochuan was not angry at all. He smiled and said to Bai Xiaonian: "Miss Bai is thinking with me! I just made a pile of preparations. I used to say that relative to Bai Xiaonian, I have a girlfriend, but my mother does not like foreign countries. My daughter-in-law, my mother and Bai Xiaonian’s father are sick friends, so I am... I am sorry!”

So Bai Xiaonian and Xu Xiaochuan are more relaxed when they talk about each other.

The two people had a very good meal. During the period, Bai Xiaonian also knew that Xu Xiaochuan had no father since he was a child. His mother had never been married to pull him up, so he rarely rebelled against his mother.

Xu Xiaochuan also knows that Bai Xiaonian has no mother. This time he also worried about his father's body and agreed to come out and kiss.

Two people have nothing to do with each other. When friends get along with each other, they talk about news. There are a lot of common topics in the two people. It can be said that they are very happy.

"Is it finished?!"

Speaking, two people talking about it are looking up...

Lu Jinan, a suit with his hands in his pocket, smiled and stood at the hot pot table. The sharp and elegant facial features were dyed with a bit of chill, and the sly scorpion was unpredictable.

Bai Xiaonian clenched his hands with chopsticks.

However, Xu Xiaochuan, who was very happy with Bai Xiaonian, smiled and stood up and reached out to Lu Jinnan: "Mr. Lu..."

When Bai Xiaonian rescued Lu Jinnan in the United States, he was still relished in the Chinese community abroad. Xu Xiaochuan naturally knew Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan did not sting a hand out and Xu Xiaochuan shook hands, and did not plan to sit down. He only asked: "Is it finished?! After I finish eating, I will pick up my wife and go home!"

Xu Xiaochuan ignored the hostility of Lu Jinnan's eyes and smiled gently. He was not going to be the light bulb of Lu Jinnan and Yunlili, but it depends on Bai Xiaonian.

Xu Xiaochuan looked at Bai Xiaonian and had an inquiry in his eyes.

As long as Bai Xiaonian’s watch reveals a little emotion, Xu Xiaochuan will not hand over Bai Xiaonian to Lu Jinnan.

Only hesitated for a few seconds, Bai Xiaonian was afraid that Lu Jinnan would do something else that made people crazy. He smiled and wiped his mouth with a paper towel and picked up the bag: "I am sorry, Mr. Xu, then I will go first. Then if you have any news problems, you can contact me! Today I please... you don't want to grab me!"

Just a few ...... It’s a few more to add more babies! ! ! Monthly ticket to cheer the duck!

(End of this chapter)

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