Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1168: Accompany you on April Fool's Day? !

Chapter 1168, accompanying you to April Fool's Day? !

As a result, the box office results were quite gratifying and unexpected to everyone!

This time, Lin Wen once again made a movie, and it was still Hu Xuan's work, coupled with the recent popularity of the purple cloud of glaze, it can be said that the film has not been released, it has been highly anticipated.

Lin Wen had already agreed to Bai Xiaonian early. He had to go to the cinema to see the "Warrior" supporting the cloud glass on the first day of the premiere. She had already arrived at Bai Xiaonian's house downstairs. She planned to see Bai Xiaonian's father take the opportunity to go to the cinema.

When Lin warmed upstairs, he happened to meet Bai Xiaonian’s father who was going to play chess. She said that she would go to see a movie with Bai Xiaonian, so that Bai Xiaonian’s father could go to chess without having to say hello at home!

Bai Xiaonian’s father’s trust in Lin Wen naturally did not need to be said. He gave the door key to Lin Wen, saying that Bai Xiaonian had been tempered in the bathroom for a morning and didn’t know what he was doing, so Lin Wen warmed himself to open the door.

Lin Wen opened the door with the key and just put down the nutrition that Bai Xiaonian's father bought. He saw Bai Xiaonian red eyes and came out of the bathroom.

"Dawn Year?!" Lin Wen looked at Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian looked up and held the **** in his hand...

"Warm... He is back!" Bai Xiaonian didn't know if he was sobbing and crying all over. The whole body was shaking. She couldn't resist the sound of her fear and joy. "My child, he is back!"

Lin Wen stood still in the place and seemed to have a moment of embarrassment. She looked at Bai Xiaonian as if she had collapsed her emotions and hugged her face to cover her face and wept. She let go of the bag and walked to the front of Bai Xiaonian, and gently hugged the body of Bai Xiaonian’s trembling.

She caressed the back of Bai Xiaonian and softly appeased: "This is a good thing... don't cry!"

"The child really didn't go, he really was waiting for the opportunity to come back to me! Warm..." Bai Xiaonian was crying out of breath. "I am here... I must protect him! I will never again." Pique! No more pique!"

"Well! This time you will definitely protect him!" Lin nodded warmly.

Bai Xiaonian is pregnant. Today's movie is definitely not in sight. From the time of insurance, Lin Wen took Bai Xiaonian to the hospital for an inspection.


Fu Huai'an received this news, Lin Wen asked Fu Huai'an can not give Lu Jinnan a holiday!

The tacit understanding of the two couples for so long, so that Fu Huai'an understands what Lin Wen is meant, hung up the phone Fu Huai'an gave Lu Jinnan a phone call to let him go upstairs.

Lu Jinnan had a pile of documents to deal with. He was in the first half of the day, and he rushed to Bai Xiaonian in the next half of the day before she couldn’t see the place.

When Lu Jinnan entered the door, he still had a cigarette in his mouth. He came in with a pile of documents, pulled the chair in front of Fu Huai'an Taipan desk, opened the file, and removed the cigarette from the corner. Q: "What?!"

Fu Huai'an looked at Lu Jinnan's lips and smiled. He said, "You are a father!"

Lu Jinnan grabbed the ashtray with the big hand of the cigarette and ordered some ashes in the ashtray: "You called me up to accompany you to April Fool's Day?!"

Today is April 1st April Fool's Day. Although Lu Jinnan is just a messy festival, it does not mean that Lu Jinnan does not know.

"Xiao warm just gave me a call, said Bai Xiaonian was pregnant, they are now in the hospital... Do you want to see your wife?!" Fu Huai'an mellow voice.

Lu Jinnan's action on the ash was raised, and he looked up at the scorpion of Fu Huai'an, who was very sturdy under the eyebrows. Lu Jinnan's original dark black ink was severely shrunk.

"Huatang Private Hospital, Xiaowen personally and I took the leave for you, just to let you take care of Bai Xiaonian!" Fu Huaian looked at the documents that Lu Jinnan had brought over. "These stay, work is released... Before getting up, the wedding is ready!"

Said, Fu Huai'an took a ring box from his desk drawer and placed it on the big desk. The **** pressed and pushed to Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan stunned and took it open: " is it for you?!"

"Only you will regret it one day, and Xiaolu will help you out!"

This is the design drawing of Lu Jinnan's personal painting, preparing a surprise for Bai Xiaonian at the wedding!

Later, the custom-made ring came back. He and Bai Xiaonian were ugly, and Lu Jinnan, who drank too much, threw the ring into the artificial lake.

Fu Huai'an finally let Xiao Lu make people think of ways to get the ring out, he knows that one day will be used.

Lu Jinnan tightened the ring with force, obviously wanting to fly to Bai Xiaonian's side at this time, but the body is like being nailed here.

"I want to hurry up to Xiaonian, but I can't stand up. What happened?!" Lu Jinnan's voice was shaking.

Fu Huai'an smiled: "I understand! When I was pregnant, I was also in this reaction. In order to avoid accidents, I asked you to go to the hospital. In addition, Bai Xiaonian was pregnant. You have to quit this cigarette, not good for pregnant women!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Jinnan shivered and hurriedly smothered the cigarette.

Even though he had a face that was stretched and pretended to be deep and calm, he was already panicked...

Child, really back!

He and Bai Xiaonian are considered to be the best!

"Not too fast?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

Lu Jinnan’s throat swayed. He stood up with the armrests and asked Fu Huai’an: “You are pregnant... What should I do?!”

Fu Huai'an looked at Lu Jinnan deeply, and his lips evoked a smile: "With her! Quit smoking, follow her..."

Lu Jinnan nodded and threw his cigarette out of Fu Huai'an's big desk. Even the coat didn't go back to the office. He panicked and went down to the underground garage and found his car key.

"Lao Lu! What are you doing in a panic?!"

Tang Hao, who had just stopped the car, saw Lu Jinnan’s action on the body, and went down from the driver’s seat. He closed the door and asked for a lock.

When Lu Jinnan looked up, he saw Tang Yan, who was coming toward him. His eyes were bright... He walked to Tang Yan.

“Is there no smoke?!” Tang Yan deliberately teased Tang Yan, “Do you want to smoke?!”

"Car keys to me!" Lu Jinnan said that the big hand went to Tang Yan to touch the car keys.

A big man in Tang Yi was suddenly stunned by Lu Jinnan. He panicked and handed the key to Lu Jinnan: "Where are you in a hurry?!"

Lu Jinnan opened the car lock, opened the driver's seat door, and smiled and said to Tang Yan: "Dawn is pregnant! Our children are back!"

Tang Yan looked awkward...

Until the garage sounded the fierce sound of the wheel and the ground friction, Tang Hao shouted at the rear of the car: "Hey! Lu Jinnan! That is my new car! You are slow to open!"

Lu Jinnan, who can already be excited, can listen to Tang Yan’s words.

He can't wait to fly to Bai Xiaonian's side, slow down... Nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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