Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1182: I don't know what happened to your daughter? !

Chapter 1182 does not know what is going on with your daughter? !

Xiao Yuan was shocked at the bottom of his eyes. He almost looked down on his grandmother, but Mrs. Xiao did not respond to him.

Yu Guang, he saw Zhou Yuchen’s face that was not shocked, and finally had a sense of crisis in the true sense.


The online mad photos did not affect the cloud glaze, things that had never been done before, and the dialect was quickly solved. The cloud glaze was disgusting for a few hours, and then Gu Qingcheng pulled the wedding dress to shoot. The location, so I happily left this behind.

However, Bai Xiaonian was disgusted by Hong Jinxi’s mother. To be exact, Bai Xiaonian’s father and daughter were both disgusted by Hong Jin’s mother.

Since Lu Jinnan and Hong Jinxi cut off the contact, the mothers of Hong Jinxi and Hong Jinxi could not contact Lu Jinnan. The mother of Hong Jinxi thought that she had found a backing. I didn’t expect Lu Jinnan to give it to the assistant.

Lu Jinnan was a man who was empathetic and heavy. He also knew that the reason why Hong Jinyu was infected with drugs was because of Lu Jinnan, so Hong Jin’s mother did not intend to let go.

She had long known that Bai Xiaonian was Lu Jinnan's wife, looking for someone to spend money to find Bai Xiaonian's address, ready to go with his own tears and tragic experience.

Yesterday evening, Bai Xiaonian’s father said that he would go home to pick up things, and then he would look at the dirty things in the house... He packed up the house and cleaned up the night. He said that Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan lived there and rested at home.

On the second day, Bai Xiaonian got up and called his father. Bai Xiaonian’s father meant that Lu Jinnan and the nanny dietitian took care of Bai Xiaonian very well. He thought about it and felt that he would live at home and watch Bai Xiaonian every other day. !

The main Bai Xiaonian father can't get into the care of Bai Xiaonian there. There are no people around him. When the old man is older, he wants to play chess. The old people in the high-end community are practicing calligraphy and playing Tai Chi. They are relatively cold and independent. Bai Xiaonian’s father lived for a while and felt that he did not adapt to the life there.

Bai Xiaonian can understand. After all, his father is a lively temper. Only a few hours after Lu Jinnan’s father, Bai Xiaonian’s father can be happy for a while.

Therefore, Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian packed up the things of Bai Xiaonian's father at noon and sent them back to the old building. In the afternoon, they decided to eat in the old building.

Waking up in the afternoon, Bai Xiaonian’s father cut the fruit for her. Bai Xiaonian ate two and suddenly said that he wanted to eat the girl fruit.

Lu Jinnan was pregnant during Bai Xiaonian's pregnancy. He was almost obedient to Bai Xiaonian. He did not say that he took the car key and went to Bai Xiaonian to buy the girl fruit. But this thing is not easy to find, the supermarket has no...

Bai Xiaonian looked at the news channel and was eating fruit. Someone came knocking at the door.

Bai Xiaonian, who was accompanying Bai Xiaonian to read the news comment, got up and went to open the door. He stood outside the door and stood a middle-aged woman who seemed to be well-maintained. She wore a famous brand bag in her arms, dressed well and looked like a well-educated lady. .

"Excuse me, is this the home of Miss Bai Xiaonian?!" asked the lady.

When I heard my name, Bai Xiaonian turned back...

Bai Xiaonian’s father asked: “Which are you?!”

"I am the mother of Lu Jinnan's friend, I am looking for Miss Bai..." The lady said.

Bai Xiaonian has already got up.

"I am the father of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan is not there. I don't know what is going on with your daughter?!" Bai Xiaonian's father is looking forward to looking at the middle-aged woman in front of her eyes.

Now that Bai Xiaonian is pregnant, Bai Xiaonian’s father instinct protects his daughter behind him. Lu Jinnan’s friend’s mother came to Bai Xiaonian. He felt that there was a story inside, and the person who came here was not good.

"I want to talk to Miss Bai about my daughter Hong Jinxi." Hong Jinxi's mother smiled.

When she heard the name of Hong Jinxi, Bai Xiaonian became bored. She got up and walked toward the door.

"Then wait for Lu Jinnan to come back and talk, Lu Jinnan should be coming back soon!" Bai Xiaonian's father smiled at Hong Jin's mother.

Hong Jinxi’s mother saw Bai Xiaonian, and she was a woman who was going to squeeze in it: "Miss Bai, I am the mother of Hong Jinxi, I have a few words to tell you!"

"Hey! I said what do you guys do?!" Bai Xiaonian's father supported the door with one hand and seized the door frame with one hand to stop Hong Jinxi's mother.

Bai Xiaonian now has a big belly. If he is mad or this woman pushes Bai Xiaonian, it is a terrible thing.

"I don't know Hong Jinyi and I don't know. In fact, I hate your mother and daughter. Can you have anything to say?! If you don't want to force our family, I will call the police..." Bai Xiaonian stood at a distance from the door. The place, keep alert, smile.

Bai Xiaonian’s voice just fell. Two of the people who protected Bai Xiaonian from this time went downstairs and asked Bai Xiaonian’s father: “Do you need help from your uncle?!”

Regarding the protection of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan has already reported to the father-in-law, saying that he is mainly worried that Bai Xiaonian’s pregnancy is not protected.

Hong Jinxi’s mother has also seen bodyguards. The two young men who are obviously watching the burly should be practicing the family. Naturally, they dare not go to the inside.

She looked at Bai Xiaonian, who was wearing loose clothes. The line of sight swept through the abdomen of Bai Xiaonian's slight uplift. The tears opened: "Bai Xiaonian is pregnant, you and Lu Jinnan have children, but my daughter has no way to be a mother because of Lu Jinnan in this life. !"

Bai Xiaonian still smiled and looked at Hong Jinxi's mother. He didn't have any anger at all. He said very politely: "If the lady doesn't leave, please help me please, please affect the appetite!"

Two bodyguards were ordered to go downstairs with the arms of Hong Jinxi’s mother on the left and right.

Hong Jinxi’s mother probably did not expect Bai Xiaonian not to play cards according to common sense. The lady could not wear it, directly tore her face and threatened two bodyguards.

"I told you to let me go! Otherwise I shouted indecent!" Hong Jin's mother struggled.

The two bodyguards are very skillful to hold the arms of Hong Jinxi's mother. One person puts people directly up and takes them downstairs. No matter how hard they struggle, the mother of Hong Jinxi can only vacate her feet and make a big splash.

The bodyguards took Hong Jin’s mother from the upstairs all the way. The route that was originally intended to install the lady seemed to be unreachable. The mother of Hong Jinxi was thrown directly downstairs...

"Bai Xiaonian, please give my daughter a living way! She is almost gone! She has also cut the uterus for Lu Jinan's drug addiction. They grew up together and have been together for so many years! Please give her a living path!"

The mother of Hong Jinxi shouted, and the neighbors looked down from the window probe.

(End of this chapter)

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