Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1190: Mr. Lu is really amazing!

Chapter 1190, Mr. Lu is really amazing!

"Look! Look! Xiaonian has become a master of the family!" Bai Xiaonian's father pointed at Bai Xiaonian's smile.

The atmosphere in the ward was never better.

Bai Xiaonian's father's cerebral infarction bleeding, Bai Xiaonian's injury, this layer of haze that has been shrouded in the head of their family was dispelled by the warmth of this room.

Later, Bai Xiaonian was injured in the leg. He was coming to the hospital for dressing for three days. In the hospital, he stayed with his father for three days and finally finished his dinner with his father and Lu Jinan. He left the hospital to take a bath and take a rest.

In the past few days, Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan were huddled in a **** bed. Both of them could not sleep well. Especially when Bai Xiaonian was pregnant, he used to sleep very well. He was also afraid of heat. The weather was getting hot and he dared not to turn on the air conditioner. Too low, Bai Xiaonian is naturally uncomfortable.

After going home, I took a shower and lay on a big bed with moderate hardness. I said that I had to wait for Lu Jinnan to wash and sleep together. Bai Xiaonian fell asleep first.

Lu Jinnan, who had just showered, saw Bai Xiaonian squatting on his arm and lying asleep on his bed.

Lu Jinnan’s lips unknowingly evoke a smile. He wiped his hair with a towel and stalked it. He walked to Bai Xiaonian’s side, bent his arm and gently pulled Bai Xiaonian’s arm under his head and put it into the quilt, sitting at the bedside. Looking at the white little year that breathes evenly.

Lu Jinnan cherishes the happiness he now has. He understands that in the case of Hong Jintao... Bai Xiaonian has done the greatest tolerance.

Empathy, if Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan married, but also funded poor ex-boyfriend Lu Jinbei, he may not accept...

Lu Jinnan glared at Bai Xiaonian's hand and gently dropped a kiss on the back of Bai Xiaonian's hand.

In dealing with male and female friends before, Bai Xiaonian is more than Lu Jinnan...

Regardless of whether Lu Jinbei, the younger brother of Lu Jinnan, had betrayed Bai Xiaonian, he had been deeply impressed with Hong Jinxi. The former male and female friends were former male and female friends.

Up to now, Lu Jinnan’s pity for Hong Jin’s mother has been a resting place in Hong Jin’s mother’s founding Bai Xiaonian’s father.

Lu Jinnan remembered that Bai Xiaonian had talked about the hottest news in the United States in a talk show on the United States. The host asked Bai Xiaonian to pay for help from M in two times. M country refused this thing, as a super Is the M country of a big country doing too much? !

Bai Xiaonian said... She herself agrees very much with the practice of the M country. In fact, it is the neighbors who see their neighbors are richer and their own poverty is not willing to work hard, so they want the neighbors to help one. Put it!

Maybe she is a selfish person, because first of all she thinks that everyone is the first person to be a man, and that he has not lived and understood in his life, nor has he lived a good life. How can he sympathize with others so much? !

Moreover, she believes that the poor neighbor, after the rich neighbors did not help, began to maliciously spread the rumors that the neighbors were rich and not helping the neighbors, instead of thinking that they tried to make their lives better. She was very disgusted with this behavior. I hope everyone can understand ... a person or a country, to help you is a love, not to help you is the duty! The original face of this world is the weak meat, not my weakness.

Lu Jinnan still remembers that Bai Xiaonian’s remarks were greatly appreciated by young people. The older ones still had quite a few words saying that Bai Xiaonian’s views were too selfish.

But now Lu Jinnan wants to come, but he feels that Bai Xiaonian said it is correct...

I don’t know how to live, how can I have more sympathy for others!

Lu Jinnan reached out and wanted to touch the beautiful face of Bai Xiaonian, and was afraid of awakening Bai Xiaonian to take back his hand and look at Bai Xiaonian’s gentle eyes.

Bai Xiaonian was really tired. This feeling was the best night of sleep since pregnancy. I slept until 10:40 the next morning.

When I woke up, I saw Lu Jinnan sitting on the bed and staring at her. Bai Xiaonian’s nephew was half-squatting, smiled and reached out to hold Lu Jinnan, and put his head on Lu Jinnan’s leg: “What time?!”

"10:40, are you hungry?! What do you want to eat?!" Lu Jinnan smashed Bai Xiaonian's side to his ear.

"10:40!" Bai Xiaonian opened his eyes and looked at the window blinds that had been pulled tightly by the blinds. "Why don't you wake me up?! I promised Laobai to give him breakfast!" ”

"Do not worry, I have let the assistant pass!" Lu Jinnan held up Bai Xiaonian, who was anxiously up. "Dad said that you and his little grandchildren should rest well, don't worry, and it will be too late to send dinner in the afternoon."

What Bai Xiaonian still wants to say, Lu Jinnan has bowed his head to Bai Xiaonian’s stomach and whispered: "Little baby, do you sleep well today?!"

Lu Jinnan's side ear was stuck on the belly of Bai Xiaonian. He listened carefully and then nodded: "Okay... Dad will tell his mother!"

Bai Xiaonian couldn't help but lift his lips and asked, "What did he say?!"

"He said that he had a good rest, but he also hoped that his mother would rest well, and the mood should not be so nervous, so he and his grandfather could not be so worried!"

Bai Xiaonian only laughed and couldn't hide his happiness.

Lu Jinnan caress Bai Xiaonian's hair and buckles his back neck. He whispers: "But... pregnant women's emotions will affect the fetus. Don't be so nervous in the next year, Dad is fine, and other things are given to me, I Is your husband you can rely on, okay?!"

Bai Xiaonian nodded and relaxed his body and leaned on the bed: "Good..."

"Think about what to give dad in the afternoon, what does Dad love to eat?!"

Bai Xiaonian said that he had something that his father liked to eat. Lu Jinnan reported to the dietitian and asked the nutritionist to prepare according to the current situation of Bai Xiaonian's father.

In order to make Bai Xiaonian happy, and to accompany Bai Xiaonian after breakfast, Lu Jinnan took out the kit of DIY handmade dolls that Bai Xiaonian was preparing to give to their baby.

Bai Xiaonian looked at the material bag and widened his eyes: "I have hidden so deep that you have found it!"

Lu Jinnan smiled and put the kit on the coffee table. The man sat down on the carpet: "I advised you before you bought it. You certainly didn't have the patience to finish it, you still don't believe it!"

Bai Xiaonian’s ears were a little red. Lu Jinan did persuaded her before buying, saying that she did not have the patience. In the end, she must have been thrown aside and said that she would buy it for her children.

See Lu Jinnan unpacking the material package, follow the instructions to wear the needle lead... Bai Xiaonian used a book to cover his mouth and smile, revealing a pair of bright eyes that complete the crescent.

In a good mood, Bai Xiaonian took a photo and sent it to a circle of friends...

[Bai Xiaonian: Going to the hall, getting out of the kitchen, but also making toys for the children, Mr. Lu is really amazing! Mrs. Lu really has a vision! 】

Seeking a monthly ticket, la la la la!

(End of this chapter)

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