Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1195: Are you all handled? !

Have you dealt with Chapter 1195? !

"Miss Hong please talk!" The assistant is very polite.

"Can you help my mother buy a ticket back to the US?!" asked Hong Jinyu.

"Of course, I can help Ms. Hong and Ms. Hong’s mother, Ms. Li, buy the ticket for the United States, and give me your ID number!" The assistant’s lips were smiling.

Although I don't quite agree with the idea of ​​Hong Jinxi let her return to the United States, Hong Jinxi's mother knows... It is absolutely impossible for Hong Jinxi to return to the United States with her, otherwise it will really not be expected to go to Lu Jinnan again!

If Hong Jintao is brought back to the United States, Hong Jinxi’s mother does not have the confidence to find the same conditions as Lu Jinnan! Hong Jin's new gold is mainly because he has no feelings for Hong Jinxi. He will only regard Hong Jinxi as a plaything. Who will really care for her mother who is dying to take care of her mother and even leave her mother with old-age money? !

Thinking about it, Hong Jinxi’s mother finally cooperated with Hong Jinxi, and she said: “I will not take her back to the United States! Without Jin Jin’s Hong Jinxi is a burden! Lu Jinnan no matter... I don’t care! An adult can’t take care of himself. Mother, it’s better to take care of your mother! It’s better to die!”

After that, Hong Jinxi’s mother said to the assistant: “You will buy me a ticket! I don’t care about her!”

The assistant frowned, and resisted the urge to swear, and said to the mother of Hong Jinxi: "I am sorry, Ms. Li, whether it is Mr. Lu or me, all the help for you. Mr. Lu was once old and acquainted with Miss Hong Jinxi. I am not a philanthropist. I will not give you any help beyond Miss Hong!"

The assistant is voicing, what kind of woman is this Hong Jin's mother, how is it so good? !

If it wasn’t for Hong Jinxi, Mr. Lu knew who she was, and actually ordered herself...

Funny? !

Hong Jinxi’s mother is a glimpse...

She had already gotten used to ordering Lu Jinnan's assistant. After listening to this, she realized that the assistant said it makes sense.

She bit her teeth: "I don't help if I don't help! I bought the ticket back to the US. Anyway, I don't care about Hong Jinxi... If Lu Jinnan doesn't care, let her die!"

After that, Hong Jinxi’s mother went to the distance...

The assistant brow jumped two more jumps, and there were many wonderful ones every year.

The assistant looked at Hong Jinxi, seeing Hong Jin's son red, and a choking look looked at her mother's distance, and her heart faintly gave birth to some sympathy for Hong Jinxi.

The behavior of Hong Jinxi’s mother’s money supremacy, the assistant’s contact through this period of time is also understood.

With the personality of Hong Jinxi’s mother, what can be done by seeing Hong Jinxi’s useless value after he has no use value can be fully realized.

The mother of Hong Jinxi is not like a mother at all...

But then again, how can a normal mother leave her daughter for so many years without knowing it, and finally know her daughter is taking drugs, not helping her daughter to detoxify, but also forcing her daughter to sell her body to earn money!

Probably because of the sympathy of Hong Jinxi at the bottom of my heart, the assistants were also very polite: "Mr. Hong, if you need... I can help you arrange a flight to the United States!"

Hong Jinxi shook his head, full of grief, and more and more weak and not windy: "Forget it, my mother... What is the use of my trip to the United States! Thank you for taking care of me since this time, you for me... Nan conveyed gratitude! Sorry for bringing him so much trouble!"

After that, Hong Jinxi walked down the hospital steps, and he had to take a breather for a weak step.

The assistant endured his own guilty heart, and this is a solution.

He lifted his foot and walked up the steps a few steps to get upstairs and Lu Jinnan reported the result of the incident. The assistant couldn’t help but look back at Hong Jin’s direction and saw Hong Jin’s weak body shook. Shaking down to the ground...

The assistant was shocked and quickly rushed to help Hong Jinxi: "Miss Hong! Miss Hong!"

The assistant even called a few times that Hong Jinxi did not wake up. The assistant could only rush to the direction of the emergency room.


Half an hour later, the assistant went upstairs and stood in the door of Bai Xiaonian’s father’s ward.

Or Bai Xiaonian saw the assistant who hesitated at the door, and Lu Jinnan said: "Your assistant is at the door..."

Lu Jinnan looked back and handed the teacup in his hand to Bai Xiaonian’s father. He came out of the ward and closed the door and asked, “Is it handled?!”

The assistant nodded: "Handle it!"

Regarding the incident of Hong Jinxi’s mother throwing Hong Jinxi back to the United States, the assistant hesitated to say to Lu Jinnan that his expression was somewhat tangled.

"What else?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

The assistant hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth: "Ms. Hong’s mother, Ms. Li, left at the hospitalization department and said that she was going back to the United States, but she did not bring Miss Hong, and Miss Hong was thrown at the hospital door. Later, Miss Hong fainted me to Miss Hong. I sent it to the emergency department. I think I still need to talk to you!"

Lu Jinnan frowned, no snoring.

"Miss Hong, I don't understand, Miss Hong, the mother, is indeed a person who is the first to benefit! It is probably found that Miss Hong has no benefit here, so she abandoned Miss Hong, I want to know... What should Miss Hong do, or stop funding?!" Assistant asked.

At least, the assistant has already moved to Hong Jin.

"But..." The assistant voice turned. "Is it a sensation to fund this kind of thing. It is a duty to help. If Mr. Lu is angry with Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Lu’s father, I don’t think so. Ms. Dehong’s mother knew that the situation had been killed.”

Lu Jinnan did not say anything after listening to it. He pushed the door out of the ward.

Bai Xiaonian forked the apple into his mouth and turned to see Lu Jinnan coming in. He asked, "How are you doing it?!"

"Hong Jinxi's mother is ready to return to the United States, but she intends to throw Hong Jinxi in the country." Lu Jinnan said.

Bai Xiaonian was very surprised, but he felt unexpected.

"How can there be such a mother!" Bai Xiaonian's father couldn't help but be angry. "How do you say that you are your own child? Just leave a sick child in the country, can you say that?"

Bai Xiaonian’s father did not understand Hong Jinxi. This time he was wrong... He only thought that it was the fault of Hong Jin’s mother. Hong Jinyi was originally a patient who would naturally get some sympathy.

Bai Xiaonian’s father is a kind person himself. A kind person will not think too badly, so in his eyes, Hong Jin’s child is really pitiful...

(End of this chapter)

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