Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1207: Big baby? !

Chapter 1207 Giant Baby? !

"Okay, I called to comfort you, you are good... and I show you how good your husband is, I don’t talk to you, I’ve hung up!"

Hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaonian was in a good mood, and his eyebrows had a smile. He dropped his phone and finally fell asleep.


When Lu Jinnan went to the police station, he saw Cai Jingyao accompanied by two female friends. He sat on the steps of the police station and wiped his tears. The white gauze on his arm was very obvious.

When Lu Jinnan came down from the car, Cai Jingyao quickly stood up and said: "Jin Nange..."

Lu Jinnan closed the door and looked at Cai Jingyao.

The two girls behind Cai Jingyao suppressed their excitement and looked at Lu Jinnan.

"That is Lu Jinnan! So handsome! Ming and Lu Jinbei are brothers, two people are full of masculine taste, one is like a creamy little girl!"

"Yeah yeah!"

The two girls lowered their voices.

Cai Jingyao stepped down the steps and raised his hand to gather the wind-blown hair. The white skirt was stained with food.

"Tin Nange, we are gathering today..."

Before Cai Jingyao had finished, Lu Jinnan had already lifted his foot and walked up the steps, completely treating Cai Jingyao as the air.

Cai Jingyao is not discouraged, and he will continue to follow Lu Jinnan's side, regardless of whether Lu Jinnan is arguing: "Several male students have drunk more, guessing that you are Xiaobei's brother, just talk about Xiaobeijin Nange. Bai Xiaonian’s triangular relationship, Xiaobei’s ability to beat people!”

When Lu Jinnan entered, he waited for Lu Jinnan’s deputy director to come over and welcome Lu Jinnan: “Mr. Lu is coming...”

"Trouble you!" Lu Jinnan said to the deputy director.

The deputy director looked at Lin Jingyao, who was standing next to Lu Jinnan and crying with pears and rain. He made a gesture to Lu Jinnan and lowered his voice. "Is this girl Cai Jingyao?! Is that the star abroad?!" ”

Lu Jinnan does not want to give the deputy director face, beheading.

"Is it a friend of Mr. Lu or a friend of your brother?!" asked the deputy director.

"I don't know, I don't know." Lu Jinnan and Cai Jingyao broke the relationship.

The deputy director nodded thoughtfully and looked back at Cai Jingyao. He guessed that he should have a close relationship with Lu Jinbei.

Lu Jinbei and several other people are switching. From the fight to the present, several people have woke up a lot, and they are sitting in the police station.

Lu Jinbei didn’t drink much alcohol this evening, and he didn’t regret it when he was fighting. When he thought that he had something to do with Lu Jinnan, he could get the news, and the ups and downs of his heart would be difficult.

The door closed to Lujin North suddenly opened, Lu Jinbei turned his head, and Lu Jinnan, who was frowning, saw his hands in the doorway, and the more he was squatting, the stalked his neck turned and did not look at Lu Jinnan.

"Small North... Are you okay?!" Cai Jingyao stood at the door and looked at Lujinbei and straightened his tears.

The deputy director of the human nature noticed that it was wrong. After the police opened the door, he smiled at Lujin North Road: "Well, the children fight, get the lesson! You go back and don't train the children!"

"Twenty-seven-year-old child, giant baby?!" Lu Jinnan stared at Lu Jinbei's voice.

Lu Jinbei’s face was hung, and his fist squeaked.

"I haven't let you come and fish me! I can't understand my giant baby, you go!" Lu Jinbei bit his teeth.

"You know that as soon as you come in, naturally there will be acquaintances calling me. I really don't want me to fish you. Why don't you tell the police not to contact me?!" Lu Jinnan's voice was calm and indifferent to the demolition of Lujinbei.

Lu Jinbei got angry and stood up, went to the door and closed the door directly, looking directly at Lu Jinnan: "So you are satisfied?! Don't care if you don't care, I don't want you to take care of me! Go!"

"Lu Jinbei, how old are you?! Go back to play with your temper! This is the police station. You think it is your home. If you want to leave, you can leave it if you want to stay?!" Lu Jinnan restrained his heart from anger and calmness. Let Lujin North go crazy.

Compared with Lu Jinnan's deep and calm eyes, Lu Jinbei is more like a violent child, which makes Lu Jinbei most unacceptable!

Because of Bai Xiaonian’s relationship, Lu Jinbei did not want to admit that he was worse than Lu Jinnan!

Can be such a contrast, the more it appears that Lujin North is not mature.

"Xiaobei, don't make trouble!" Cai Jingyao promptly pushed the door and pulled in the hand of Lu Jinbei. "Tin Nan brother came to the police station to pick you up so late, put Bai Xiaonian alone at home, we quickly went back. , Jin Nange will be able to go back to Bai Xiaonian earlier! Is it good?! Don't make trouble!"

Referring to Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinbei’s throat rolled over the following, and eventually he followed the meaning of Cai Jingyao and was taken out by Cai Jingyao.

Lu Jinnan took a deep look at Lu Jinbei and said to the deputy director: "This time you have worked hard, please invite you to dinner!"

Said, Lu Jinnan reached out and took the arm of the deputy director.

The deputy director nodded: "Good! Get together again!"

The deputy director looked at Lu Jinbei again. He was quite accommodating. He said to Lu Jinnan: "Go back to education and you will not be so angry!"

Lu Jinnan came out of the police station and frowned at a cigarette.

Cai Jingyao took Lu Jinbei's wrist and came out behind Lu Jinnan. He stood at the door and looked at Lu Jinnan's tall and steady back, and stood side by side with Lu Jinbei.

Since the pregnancy of Bai Xiaonian, Lu Jinnan has not smoked for a long time.

Lu Jinan’s things can make Lu Jinnan upset, this is not his own brother, but this mixed ball is Lu Jinnan’s only younger brother!

Since the death of Lu Jindong, Lu Jinnan has regarded this younger brother as important as his own eyes. Although he has said that his heart is limited, he has given his heart to Bai Xiaonian, but he does not have his own brother.

Lu Jinnan took a deep breath of cigarettes and turned his head. His eyes were on Cai Jingyao.

Separated by the light smoke and white mist, Cai Jingyao still felt the strong sense of oppression from Lu Jinnan's line of sight. She did not consciously tighten the hands of Lu Jinbei.

Lu Jinbei seems to have noticed Lu Jinnan's eyes, hiding Cai Jingyao behind himself and Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan lifted his foot and walked to the front of Lujin North. The big hand touched Lu Jinbei’s face and irritated the person...

Lu Jinbei was unable to get out of his face and slammed his face and fell a few steps.

Without the blockage of Lu Jinbei, Cai Jingyao looked up at the neck and Lu Jinnan, as if he had been caught in the throat and his eyes were trembled.

"Say, what do you want, money?! How much?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

"What..." Cai Jingyao looked wrong, probably did not expect Lu Jinnan to go so straight.

"Lu Jinnan!" Lu Jinbei stabilized his body shape, and the violent ones must push Lu Jinnan.

(End of this chapter)

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