Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1210: There is such a spoiled woman's existence!

Chapter 1210 has the existence of such a favorite woman!

Soon Lu Jinnan read the documents at hand, signed the words, and the assistants took them and sent in some documents.

Bai Xiaonian leaned on the sofa and turned down the volume of the mobile phone to watch the idol drama.

Probably because of his age, Bai Xiaonian recently likes to watch an idol drama to find his own girl's heart.


The assistant knocked on the door and pushed the door open to Lu Jinnan: "Lu, the meeting room is ready, everyone else has arrived!"

"Fu Dong participated today?!" Lu Jinnan did not look up and asked.

"Heard Fu Dong's assistant Xiao Lu said that the World Bank's deputy governor came to Haicheng. This morning, Fu Dong's itinerary was to accompany the vice president to play golf. After that, he went to Mrs. Fu's crew to explore the class and should not come back to participate. Meeting." Assistant.

"Good!" Lu Jinnan looked up and saw Bai Xiaonian looking at himself with the eager eyes. He smiled. "In the conference room, I put a comfortable chair behind me. My wife is following the past today."

The assistant gave a slight glimpse and smiled and daggered: "Good Lu, this is going to prepare!"

After the assistant went to the conference room, he arranged the location of Bai Xiaonian next to Lu Jinnan...

Just kidding, Bai Xiaonian is the wife of the president. How can I let my wife sit behind the secretary? !

When the assistant came back to report that it had been arranged, Bai Xiaonian got up and took his own fruit plate to go out with Lu Jinnan.

"Do you want to bring fruit?!" Lu Jinnan handed the information to the assistant and took the fruit plate in the hands of Bai Xiaonian.

"Well! I want to bring it!" Bai Xiaonian nodded and thought about it again. He felt that it was inappropriate for others to eat fruit at a meeting!

During this time, Bai Xiaonian had been resting at home, and Bai Xiaonian’s pet was in the sky. Bai Xiaonian was like a little girl in front of Lu Jinnan. He would always do something with his temper.

"Eating fruit will affect your meeting, forget it!" Bai Xiaonian said, "If you have a meeting for a while, if I feel bored, I will watch Weibo."

"Mother, you don't have to worry, there are fruits in every position in the conference room!" The assistant smiled at Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian shook his head. "Although there are fruits, I think they are all dressed up. Who will really eat at the meeting! I will definitely affect the meeting when I eat it alone, forget it!"

Bai Xiaonian took the fruit plate on Lu Jinnan’s hand and placed it on the coffee table: “Go!”

In the conference room, when everyone saw Lu Jinnan holding the abdomen, it was already obvious that Bai Xiaonian came in, some accidents...

But who makes Lu Jinnan the president, and no one dares to say anything.

Under the guidance of the assistant, Bai Xiaonian sat next to Lu Jinnan.

At the beginning of the meeting, no one asked how Bai Xiaonian was here, and Lu Jinnan did not explain it.

Only the young girl sitting on the secretary's chair by the wall was full of envy, and she felt that Bai Xiaonian was so lucky... Lu always liked her so much, and even came over to the meeting and was relieved to bring it.

The two little girls talked down with their mobile phones...

[Secretary A: I heard that Lu had suddenly not come to the company some time ago, because the wife was pregnant at home to accompany her wife. Today, the quarterly report meeting must have come to the meeting and actually brought the wife! 】

[Secretary B: Yeah, I am so envious, Mrs. Lu is too happy, married to Lu, who has the ability and responsibility, and is so fond of her husband, envy! 】

[Secretary A: There is no way to avoid jealousy. We are not as good as Mrs. Lu’s long! 】

[Secretary B: I think we are not so superficial, so the wife of Lu is not only because of the beautifulness of Mrs. Lu, you forgot that in the country of M, Lu was detained... Mrs. Lu rescued the total What happened? ! They are really troubled couples...the feelings are definitely deep! 】

[Secretary A: Mrs. Fu Dong’s wife did not go to Iraq to find Fu Dong, and Lu’s wife saved her husband in M! Why are the ladies of the CapitaLand Group’s leaders so powerful and not simple...]

[Secretary B: So you think that the wealthy wife is good? ! 】

The department managers passed the PPT demonstration on the stage. Compared with the turnover in this quarter and the previous quarter, Lu Jinnan looked carefully below, and quietly took the lychee in the fruit bowl in front of him...

As Bai Xiaonian thought, every time there is fresh fruit in the conference room, no one really will eat it.

Some people heard that the sound of the fruit stripping of the sorrow was seen toward Lu Jinnan, who made the sound. I saw Lu Jinnan sending the peeled lychee to Bai Xiaonian’s mouth.

Bai Xiaonian is playing a game, and all his attention is on the game, for fear of losing his teammates in the game.

She noticed that the fruit was handed over by Lu Jinnan. She subconsciously contained her side. The tongue and teeth were flexible and rolled up. When she vomited, Lu Jinnan extended her hand and she vomited the fruit nucleus in Lu Jinnan’s palm. .

The fidsure of the senior management in the conference room is uneasy...

Lying in the trough, there is such a spoiled woman!

They have always been unsmiling, and how strict and strict they are to their subordinates. They will pamper their daughters and pets to pick up the lychee and send it to their mouths. They will also pick up the lychee core by hand... What is this operation? !

Senior management, look at me, I look at you, who is still in the mood to listen to the above quarterly report, are guessing... After a while, is it necessary to end the wife of the president, it seems that the wife of the president is in the heart of the president. The status is quite high!

A one who concentrates on the game and unknowingly eats!

A line of sight staring at the hotel manager who was hesitant to talk about this quarterly report, peeling fruit in his hand.

The quarterly report ends in a sweet and strange atmosphere, and the next step is to say something about the new perfume spokesperson for the CapitaLand Group.

When the supervisor came to power and showed four unsuccessful spokespersons on the big screen, Lu Jinnan’s nephew picked up...

“The four perfumers, Mr. Madebart personally selected, and said that the quality of the new perfume is similar to that of the new perfume. One is the supermodel, Cai Jingyao, and Mr. Madbetter gave Miss Cai seven points. Miss Cai is one meter seven or eight..."

When he heard the name of Cai Jingyao, Bai Xiaonian looked up.

On the screen is a hard photo of Cai Jingyao, a leather skirt with a navel, wearing red high heels and holding a whip...

What is the disaster? !

What does Bai Xiaonian feel is the oncoming scent? !

Lu Jinnan did not think that Cai Jingyao would be selected as the endorsement of the company's perfume.

After the introduction of the four candidates, everyone is waiting for Lu Jinnan to make a decision.

Lu Jinnan always talked with no feelings. He opened his mouth: "Miss Cai, the first candidate, is like a disaster?! The face is not serious temperament! Not suitable..."

(End of this chapter)

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