Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1216: Total brain damage

Chapter 1216 Brain Total Disability

"Little North!" Cai Jingyao pretending to be panic-stricken to keep Lu Jinbei pointing to Lu Jinnan's hand, looked at Lu Jinnan like a frightened deer, and quickly stalked Lu Jinbei to go, "Let's go north! Don't make trouble, We... we are going home!"

But Lu Jinbei stood still and did not move: "I want to bring back the original endorsement that belongs to you!"

Cai Jingyao couldn't move Lu Jinbei, and he refused to cry: "You don't want to be so troubled... You are so busy, how can I let Jin Nange and my uncle accept me in a month?! Can you consider it for me? Look?! Look! Now Jin Nange thinks that I am looking for you to come to him!"

Lu Jinnan swept through Cai Jingyao, and Bai Xiaonian also looked at his friends who had been sleeping together.

Lu Jinbei’s face was really moving, and he was stubbornly taken away by Cai Jingyao.

Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan went home and whispered, "Is it really true that Lu Jinbei?! I think that the intelligence of Lu Jinbei was killed by Cai Jingyao! It is probably half-dead without death..."

"I see that he is now completely disabled, and the brain is completely disabled..." Lu Jinnan took off his suit jacket and smiled at Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian was teased: "I am telling you really!"

"Lu Jinbei is a man, and he is still young. He is well trained before he gets married... It is also responsible for his future wife! This is a good thing, don't worry!" Lu Jinbei raised his hand and licked Bai Xiaonian's hair.

Since Lu Jinnan became a father, people have calmed down a lot...

Probably because of being a father, the future of the child is farther away. He can't protect Lu Jinbei for a lifetime. After all, Lu Jinbei is a man. He will become a husband of others and become the father of others!

He can't always be Lu Jinnan's younger brother, so... Lu Jinnan has to give Lu Jinbei the space to grow, let him go to the wall and get frustrated.

Looking back now, the way Lu Jinnan loved his younger brother was really a big mistake. This made Lu Jinbei Jiao used to be such a person who is unclear and has no confidence but also shows hard bones!

This time, Lu Jinbei met Cai Jingyao, a woman with high means. It was probably the setback that Lu Jinbei had to pay before. After eating a loss... I hope Lu Jinbei can get from the boy. Daughter-in-law becomes a man!

In any case, there is his brother behind Lu Jinbei, and he will never be able to climb again.

Supporting Bai Xiaonian to go upstairs, Lu Jinnan gently walked to Bai Xiaonian according to the instructions given by the doctor, until Bai Xiaonian fell asleep before he got up and went to the room to wash.

Bai Xiaonian really worked hard after pregnancy. Lu Jinnan looked at it and felt distressed. It was finally understood that after the birth of Lin Wensheng, why did Fu Huai'an say that Lin warmed the child again?

It is not easy for a woman to have a pregnancy in October. Bai Xiaonian was originally a foodie who likes to eat. Recently, the fetus was too large for medical examination. The doctor was afraid that it would not be good for the time, and he would continue to control Bai Xiaonian's diet.

This bitterness, Lu Jinnan can't take care of Bai Xiaonian, can only understand Bai Xiaonian in other aspects, what can be done for her.


Cai Jingyao pulled back Lu Jinbei and went home. On Lujin North Road: "Xiaobei... I am very happy that you can give me a head, but as Jin Nange said, there is fairness in this world, since Sumanman is Fu. Dong’s cousin, that endorsement was done by Fu Dong’s cousin, and I’m convinced!”

In this case, Cai Jingyao was born in the heart of Lu Jinbei, and she was forced to change it.

"Xiaobei, I want to be with you, even if I like this endorsement again, even if this perfume was originally born for me, even if I regard it as a dream, but if it hinders us, I would rather give it up. I don't want you to go to Jinnan brother because of this thing, Jinnan brother will reject me even more! Xiaobei... Dreams compare with you, I care more about you! So beg you... Don't look for Jinnan again. Brother gave me this endorsement! I don't want to..." Cai Jingyao cried out, "I promised Jin Nange... Only one month, I have to use a month to let Jin Nange and Uncle accept me!"

Cai Jingyao cried the heart of Lu Jinbei. He reached out and took the man into his arms: "Go to the **** month! I want to be with you forever!"

Cai Jingyao was crying and sleeping almost in the arms of Lu Jinbei. Lu Jinbei sat on the sofa and looked at Cai Jingyao who was asleep in his arms. He thought that Cai Jingyao just said... This endorsement is Her dreams.

I also thought that at the dining table, Cai Jingyao said that he had a firm support when he dreamed of Lu Jinbei!

Lu Jinbei looked down at Cai Jingyao, who was wearing teardrops on her eyelashes, and gently hooked the hair sticking to her lips behind her ear...

Cai Jingyao said that the dream is so important, but for him even his dreams are gone!

How can he ignore Cai Jingyao’s dream...

Can someone be so selfish? !

For a long time, Lu Jinbei gently put Cai Jingyao on the sofa, took the phone to the balcony and dialed Lu Jinnan's phone.

Cai Jingyao closed her eyes and a slight smile on her lips.

Lu Jinbei stood on the balcony and took a few deep breaths before dialing Lu Jinnan’s phone.

This time, Lu Jinbei’s attitude was exceptionally good. When the phone was connected, Lu Jinbei said: “Brother... Can I ask you, that endorsement... Give Cai Jingya a chance?! I am willing to give my endorsement to Cai Jingyao. One month later, I am willing to leave Cai Jingyao!"

"Nothing else, I hang up!"

On the other end of the phone, Lu Jinnan’s cold voice was heard. Lu Jinbei bit his teeth: “I beg you! Even if I just give her a chance to compete fairly?! Let Sumanman and Cai Jingyao compete and let the perfumer Choose your own spokesperson for this fragrance! Brother... This is my last time asking for you!"

Lu Jinnan was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Well, I hope you will not regret it in the future."

Hanging up the phone, Lu Jinbei was relieved and felt that he could finally give Cai Jingyao an account.

On the second day, Cai Jingyao screamed after the phone call excited, and ran out to hold Lu Jinbei, saying that CapitaLand gave her a second chance to compete with Sumanman. Smile as bright as a flower!

She said: "Xiaobei, I will definitely strive for this opportunity! I must win the endorsement, and then be with you forever! Great! Really great!"

Lu Jinbei's heart was pantothenic and nodded.

A month later, he will leave Cai Jingyao.

"We will go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients in a while, and I will cook at night to celebrate, okay?!"

Lu Jinbei nodded with a smile and suddenly found out... I seem to fall in love with Cai Jingyao, what if I don’t want to leave her? !

(End of this chapter)

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