Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1222: I like to be used to not being used to you!

Chapter 1222 I like to be used to you and can't stand it!

In this way, when Lu Xiaonian was tired all day, Lu Jinnan really liked it.

"Small glass has a birthday, and today you are busy with us to go to the mall, pick a birthday present for the little glass!" Bai Xiaonian suddenly opened his mouth.

"Well, you have the final say!" Lu Jinnan looked at the documents in front of him and said to Bai Xiaonian, "I will be busy at three o'clock at the latest. If you are tired now, go to the lounge and sleep for a while, okay? ?!"

Bai Xiaonian nodded and stood up on the sofa and stood up: "I went to the lounge to watch the idol drama, and the sound here is affecting you."

Lu Jinnan beheaded: "I have something to call me!"

Bai Xiaonian watched the idol drama in the lounge until half past twelve. Lu Jinnan’s little assistant sent a nutritious lunch. After eating Lu Jinnan, he took a jacket and said that he would go to the mall to pick a gift with Bai Xiaonian.

The pregnant girl is very happy, stalking and mixing a cup of milk tea in the mall, to ensure that this time is not an example, only to drink.

In fact, these days, Lu Jinnan does not know that Bai Xiaonian got up in the middle of the night to steal instant noodles.

Think about it, Bai Xiaonian is very sad, pregnant with this can not eat, that can not eat, can only secretly go to the kitchen to make friends instant noodles when the night is quiet.

As a foodie... Lu Jinnan feels that Bai Xiaonian must have been grievous, so sometimes when one eye closes one eye, it can be let go.

Although Bai Xiaonian, with a cap and sunglasses, can walk with Lu Jinnan, it is still very eye-catching, and he was photographed by the paparazzi.

Hot search, are all things that Bai Xiaonian is pregnant...

After all, Bai Xiaonian has now begun to wear flat shoes, and the clothes are also very loose. The white body of Bai Xiaonian, who has always been in good shape, has already begun to bulge, but when careful people observe it, they can't hide the pregnancy.

Online is Xi Dapu Ben, congratulations Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian.

At the beginning, Bai Xiaonian rescued Lu Jinnan in M. It was really a wave of powder, and everyone was screaming for Bai Xiaonian and Lu Jinnan to make sugar. The couple were low-key and there was no movement, and even people had a kind of Bai Xiaonian. In order to save Lu Jinnan, he said that he is the feeling of his wife.

Now I see two people walking around the mall, and Bai Xiaonian is still pregnant. Of course, eating melons is a blessing.

Some people also saw the milk tea in the hands of Bai Xiaonian, saying that drinking milk tea is not good for the fetus, blaming Bai Xiaonian for being too careless. If he is pregnant, he can't bear it for the child. Lu is still used to it.

Lu Jinnan accompanied Bai Xiaonian to buy the gift. When Bai Xiaonian tried shoes in a women's shoe store, he turned over and tweeted Weibo. He saw that Bai Xiaonian did not hold back and used his own large comment...

[@陆津楠: How hard is my own wife and daughter to get pregnant? I know that I don’t need you to gesticulate, I like to be used to you! 】

Lu Jinnan's temper was not good after his face was stained with anger.

"I asked you to look good. What do you mean when you look angry?!" Bai Xiaonian pushed and pushed Lu Jinnan, who was sitting beside him, and lifted his foot to Lu Jinnan.

Lu Jinnan picked up another shoe and tried the softness of the sole: "Good-looking! The foundation is also soft, the light gold is very white, very beautiful! This pair is going to be! Do you like it?!"

Lu Jinnan handed the shoes to the shopping guide and smiled and asked Bai Xiaonian.

Standing on the side of Bai Xiaonian’s shopping guide, I’m so busy, Bai Xiaonian is really good, my husband is so considerate...

It’s not like other men accompanying girlfriends or wives to buy shoes. They are perfunctory and good-looking. Lu Jinnan carefully evaluates the look of these shoes and makes the shopping guides feel that their shoes are more beautiful.

Take off the new shoes, Bai Xiaonian said: "I don't know, my eyes are picking flowers."

"I will help you pick one. I think this shop's shoes are all such soft bottoms. They should be very comfortable. You can't wear high heels now. It's time to buy a few more pairs to wear!"

Lu Jinnan said that he got up and walked to the shoe rack and carefully selected.

What Lu Jinnan said, the guide bought what, and soon the guide bought a bunch of shoes.

I saw Lu Jinnan kneeling in front of Bai Xiaonian, testing shoes for Bai Xiaonian, and each pair of Lu Jinnan made a serious comment...

"I think the color of this pair of shoes is very suitable for the light green skirt in your home. How comfortable?!" Lu Jinnan asked.

Bai Xiaonian nodded: "The shoes of their home have always been very comfortable."

After the shoes that Lu Jinnan picked up, Lu Jinnan got up and said to the guide: "All wrapped up!"

"Too few pairs are too much!" Bai Xiaonian reached out and touched Lu Jinnan's arm.

This shoe is comfortable and comfortable, but there is no next eight thousand, Bai Xiaonian is still very painful for Lu Jinnan.

"It’s rare to meet the shoes that you like, you like!" Lu Jinnan smiled and said to the shopping guide, "All wrapped up!"

As for the lucrative posture of Lu Jinnan, if the clerk knows that Lu Jinnan and Bai Xiaonian are two couples, they must think that the gold master is pregnant with the third child to buy things in the mall!

"Mrs. Lu is really happy!"

Several shopping guides squatted on the floor, packing their shoes while talking to Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian was not embarrassed. He nodded with a smile: "Yes, I think so too!"

Lu Jinnan looked at Bai Xiaonian's smiling face and reached out and licked the head of Bai Xiaonian: "Is there anything else I want to buy?!"

"I still want to go to the maternal and child shop to see!" Bai Xiaonian said.

After the card was posted, Lu Jinnan left the address of the family, and people turned back to send the shoes directly to the house, and went to the mother and baby shop with Bai Xiaonian.

Although it is now known that Bai Xiaonian is a son, Bai Xiaonian still sees the little girl's cute little things and can't move.

Bai Xiaonian caressed his stomach and regrets: "How good is a little girl! You see how beautiful this dress is! There is this little flower..."

"I like to buy it. Anyway, he didn't know what he was when he was born. He first treated him as a girl!" Lu Jinnan took Xiao Xiaohua, who liked Bai Xiaonian, and said with a smile.

"That's still not necessary. Aesthetics should be cultivated from an early age. If you leave this in your subconscious mind when you are a child, what should you do if you grow up and become a girl?" Bai Xiaonian took the head flower in Lu Jinnan's hand and put it back, like being himself. The imaginary child was scared to pull Lu Jinnan's arm and went to the area where the boy's supplies were placed.

The baby bed Lu Jinnan is made to order and has not been delivered yet...

Including the toys that the children will have to play, Lu Jinnan should have prepared almost everything.

Like these little clothes, although the family has already prepared, but as long as Bai Xiaonian likes it, buy it and put it there to let Bai Xiaonian look good.

(End of this chapter)

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