Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1232: Want to forget when the cold is early? !

Chapter 1222 want to forget when the cold is early? !

"You and the beginning of the cold, you... Is there something unpleasant?!" Lin Wen asked.

Sumanman: "..."

Sumanman smiled quite helplessly: "You...Is there a headache, a little temper, is it related to the beginning of the cold?!"

No way, her image of the beginning of the cold has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"It doesn't matter when it's cold?! What's wrong with you?! You're fine, you won't be inexplicably asking me to come out to eat..." Lin warmed his face and took a sip.

"I asked these words might spanking ......" Suman Man adjusted his posture, asked, "how did you forget the temperature of the ink deep, so deep is your love?!"

Lin warmed down the action of the water cup, screaming at Sumanman: "Want to forget when the cold?!"

Sumanman realized staring at the cup in front of him, and the index finger was swaying back and forth on the wall of the cup, not snoring.

I asked Lin to warm this because Lin Qian’s previous situation was similar to her now. She loved a man... love but not, but also gave up...

Without asking Sumanman, Lin Wen only said: "I probably waited for too long, time is a cure for everything, plus... I met Huai'an!"

“Starting a new relationship?!” Sumanman asked.

"It’s the real person who is right!" Lin warmed his lips and screamed, and the smile at the bottom of his heart made people feel dazzling. "If you want to forget the right person, you probably won't be able to do it! But that person It’s not right in itself, when you meet the right person... naturally forget it!”

Lin Wen said very well, but it is clear that Sumanman also understands the meaning of Lin Wen, and her words hide the meaning of letting not give up.

Su Manman started with a single hand and looked down at the window, thinking deeply about...

"If you are not happy, you can talk to me, I will solve you!" Lin warmed and laughed.

Sumanman rubbed his lips and shook his head to look at Lin Wen: "No, you have to accompany me for dinner! This dish is good or not. *** Don't exquisitely say it to me!"

"You don't eat?!" Lin Wen asked Sumanman.

Sumanman drank his mouth, put down the water glass and looked up at Lin Wen slowly. "I lost my taste four years ago and didn't tell you?!"

Lin warms a glimpse...

"Oh, I don't remember well. I may not have told you about it! I have been glaring at others for this matter. Even my parents don't know. The only people I know are the early Han and my assistants. I thought I was. I told you, after all... I don’t have many people who can talk!” Sumanman said.

"What happened?!" Lin asked.

Seeing Lin Wen and the little old lady frowning, the eyes are all really concerned, Sumanman couldn't help but screamed: "What is your look?! In fact, there is nothing big... just what to eat. No taste at all!"

Sumanman said that he didn't want to say the reason for losing his taste. Lin Wen did not force Sumanman to ask, just said: "Have you seen it?!"

"I have seen it..." Sumanman nodded. "Go to my friend's private hospital to check, what means are exhausted, useless!"

"Has the Chinese medicine tried?!" Lin Wen asked again.

"Also tried, acupuncture... Eat Chinese medicine! During that time, some people broke the news that I was pregnant with abortion and went to Chinese medicine to regulate my body..." Sumanman said carelessly, "I see that it has been so long for no effect, and I am afraid that there will be any gossips coming out, and I will simply die! Anyway, the Western doctor said that it is possible to die anytime!"

Sumanman is actually somewhat similar to Bai Xiaonian’s inner personality. It’s all that looks like a big heartless heart. In fact, the heart is very capable of hiding things.

Sumanman's sentence, after all... I can talk a lot of people, so Lin Wen couldn't help but feel the girl in front of her eyes. It seems that she never misses friends, and every trip is almost empty.

According to the truth, such a person... should not be lonely, she has too many people to accompany!

Too many people who like her...

But deep inside, she is very lonely, not even a person who speaks.

"What kind of look is your look at the abandoned puppy?!" Sumanman couldn't help but chuckle, and he felt more and more warm, "but there is no taste, no pity as you think." It’s not that you can’t eat!”

Lin Wen looked at Sumanman: "Then you don't have a taste... How did you get rid of your parents?!"

In Mrs. Fu's wife, Lin Wen saw Sumanman's mother. It is obvious that Sumanman's mother is very worried about her daughter, very distressed, including Sumanman's grandmother too!

Sumanman lost his taste for so long. As a family concerned about Sumanman, how could he not find that Sumanman has lost his taste? !

How do you think this is a bit ridiculous.

"This is simple... The aunt at home knows my taste. Every time I go home to eat, I follow my taste. After eating for more than ten years, I will not make any mistakes. When I come out to eat, my family will move my appointment in advance. I will bring an assistant to eat in advance, let the assistant tell the taste of each dish, I will remember to repeat it to my family!"

This thing, Sumanman did a very slippery, and never lost his hand...

Lin warmed nodded. "Who do you want to eat this time?! Is it necessary for me to taste it for you?!"

"I want to eat at the beginning of the cold!" Sumanman smiled. "But I don't want him to know that my taste has not recovered, and I have pity with my feelings, so... I will probably have to go with you this time. A few times, I will try to finish the dishes before I eat at the beginning of the cold! With his urineiness... I must test me! I don’t need the sympathy of others!”

Sumanman found Lin Wen because his little assistant mother had a car accident and went to the hospital to take care of her mother...

And knowing that Sumanman lost his taste, only the early Han and his own assistant, Sumanman called Lin Wen warmed up, and thought that he and Lin Wen had said it. I didn’t expect it to be wrong. Recently, this memory is coming. The worse it is.

After Sumanman’s food came up, Lin Wen tasted it very seriously and told Sumanman the taste of every food, so Sumanman remembered.

It is an actor himself, and the lines are powerful. Sumanman can almost remember it.

Sometimes I listened to Lin Wen’s taste of the dish, and I also tasted it with a chopsticks. Although it was like chewing wax for her, I had to fill my stomach.

After dinner, Sumanman was so angry that he would go back to sleep for a while.

Looking at the state of Sumanman’s sluggishness, Lin Wen could not help but worry.

(End of this chapter)

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