Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1245: As if in a terrible nightmare

Chapter 1245 seems to be caught in some terrible nightmare

"The script of the double female master, the result is that the two female masters are not coming... You and I said what I shot?! Shooting the sky... Shooting the air!" The director fell into the script in his hand and left with a grin.

The reason why Yunli Glass was in a hurry was because the phone was called from the hospital. It was said that Guan Nina was seriously injured and entered the hospital, but she was not allowed to call the family. She only called Yunliang.

On the way to the hospital, Yun Liuli was worried that the brain would make up for Guan Nina’s **** unconsciousness.

When she arrived at the hospital, she saw the Guan Ni Na, who was crying with pears and tears, and she was relieved.

When I was close to Guan Nina, I saw a slight scratch on her face and a hickey on the neck, and my heart tightened...

Cloud glaze is coming over, so when she sees the traces on Guan Nina's neck, she knows what happened.

She carefully walked over to sit around Guan Nina and gently held Guan Nina's hand: "What happened?!"

"Xiao Yuan..." Guan Nina said that when she said this, her whole body was shaking, and she couldn’t say it. She curled up on the bed of her bed and hugged her knees, burying her head and crying.

No need to say anything, Yun Liuli already understands: "I went to Xiao Yuan that **** and married him!"

"Don't go! Glass! Don't go!" Guan Nina was busy reaching out to grab the wrist of the cloud glass. "I don't dare to tell my family, I don't dare let Zhou Yuchen know! I don't dare to say... You will help me keep it secret! You go to Xiaoyuan to make trouble, I... I can't live anymore..."

Guan Nina is not enough money to pay for medical expenses. If it is not, she will not call Yunli.

Yun Liuli has been accompanying Guan Nina in the hospital. Guan Nina said to her family that she stayed with her good friend Yunliang for a few days. The family knows that Guan Nina and Yunlili have a good relationship and there is no doubt.

This kind of thing Guan Nina does not want to say that it is also reasonable, Yun Liuli fully understand.

Anyway, in the past few days, Sumanman was in a bad mood and didn't want to film. Yun Lanli took the opportunity to come to the hospital every day to accompany Guan Nina.

The cloud can be found later. Guan Nina’s mood is obviously not right. It is more and more depressed every day. Sometimes she sits in front of the window for a few hours without knowing what she is thinking.

Guan Nina thought of Zhou Yuchen. When she was still clean, Zhou Yuchen didn't like her. She was now tarnished by Zhou Yuchen's most hated Xiao Yuan. Zhou Yuchen... probably won't want her anymore!

She thought that at least Xiao Yuan, they still took her as a friend, she never knew that boys were so terrible...

Thinking of the day, Guan Nina trembled and her eyes were blank, as if she was caught in some terrible nightmare.

"Nina! Guan Nina!"

When I heard the sound of the cloud glaze, Guan Nina returned to the gods and looked at the cloud glaze. The shallow faint smile on the cloud glazed: "What?!"

This feeling makes the cloud glaze very uncomfortable. I always feel that Guan Nina is not as calm as her performance to the cloud glaze, so... relieved.

Yun Liuli is not a natural comforter. He can only hold Guan Nina’s hand and look at her...

"I'm fine!" Guan Nina smiled at Yunli. "It's not an ancient feudal society. How can I really be!"

"Don't you want to tell your family?!"

Guan Nina shook her head: "Don't say it, lest the family worry..."

Moreover, with the kind of posture that parents care for her, it will be hard to fight with Xiao.

Xiao Jia... It’s not that they can get rid of small families like this. Guan Nina has been spoiled since she was a child, but she knows it... how difficult it is for parents to pick up, things have already happened, She doesn't want her parents to be sad with her, and she doesn't want her parents to be hurt by Xiao family in order to get justice for her!

The most undesired... or this thing let others know!

Guan Nina remembered that before the family wanted to arrange her to go abroad, she opened her mouth to the cloud: "I plan to wait a few days for the wounds on my face to come out and go home... I promise my parents to go abroad."

Yun Liuli, my Guan Nina’s hand did not say anything.

"Our family... I can't afford Xiaojia, but I can hide it! I said it would be nice to forget this thing abroad!" Guan Nina smiled at Yunli. "When I get abroad, I must Return the medical expenses to you!"

"Who wants you to pay for medical expenses!" Cloud glass frowns.

Guan Nina laughed: "I know you are better..."

Xiao Yuan that bastard!

The idea that the cloud glass cut Xiao Yuan has not disappeared.

The next day, Yunlili received information about Guan Nina on the way to the hospital. Guan Nina said that she had already gone home, because the wound on her face could not be seen after the powder was wiped, so don’t worry about the cloud.

Yun Liuli thinks that Guan Nina is going home, and there are relatives who can relax in the heart.

Xiao Yuan made such a thing that the animal was not as good as it was. Yun Liuguang thought that the heart was already angry. She called Zhong Qingyi and asked Zhong Qing to know where Xiao Yuan was.

Zhong Qingyi is not clear, so Yun Lanli asked naturally to answer, saying that Xiao Yuan was at Qingshan Racecourse.

Hanging up the phone, the cloud glass is a gloomy face.

During this time, because she had to accompany Guan Nina’s cloud, she couldn’t take it. Now Guan Nina is going home. If Yun Liu does not recognize Xiao Yuan’s mother, she will not surname Yun.

Cloud glazed coldly from the taxi, came in from outside the Castle Peak Racecourse, and saw Xiao Yuan wearing a horseback riding just down the horse.

Xiao Yuan caressed the horse back and looked very good...

Cloud glazed cold with a face and walked over.

Animals are generally more sensitive than humans. The horse first noticed the cloud glaze that came with murderousness and turned back.

Xiao Yuan saw the horse looking into the distance and followed the side.

Who knows that Xiao Yuan hasn't looked back, and he has a punch on his face.

Xiao Yuan’s horse was shocked. Under the horror, he screamed and sang, and his heel slammed into Xiao Yuan, who was hit by a cloud of glass.

Because the last time Xiao Yuan was beaten by Zhou Yuchen, this time Xiao Yuan’s father secretly put a lot of bodyguards on the side of Xiao Yuan...

A few bodyguards originally saw a beautiful girl who was beautiful and bright, and thought it was Xiaoyuan’s confidante. I didn’t expect this woman to be so embarrassed. The bodyguards didn’t dare to watch the movie and rushed up, blocking the clouds. Glass, framed by Xiao Yuan, ran away with Xiao Yuan.

Although the cloud glaze was taught by Gu Qingcheng, after all... Gu Qingcheng only gave the ability to protect himself from cloud glaze, and did not let Yun Liuli regard this as a professional.

Although I can't afford to lose a few professional cloud glazes, it is still a little difficult to grab people from so many professional bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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