Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1250: Not willing to go out

Chapter 1250 is not willing to go out

"I didn't have any thoughts. These gifts were prepared by my secretary. Before I came, I only told the secretary to prepare a gift. I don't know what he prepared!"

Gu Shaoting, who is straight, is open to the public.

Liang Shuyi is a little bit crying and laughing...

Gu Shaoting is this child too straightforward. How can he not accept the praise at this time? !

Even Lin Biao is helping the amount, how can the boyfriend be too honest? !

Secretary standing behind Gu Shaoting: "..."

Do their bosses want to be so straightforward and will offend the future of the mother-in-law? !

Or Lin Wen’s opening eased it: “No matter what, it’s good to receive a gift. This bag is a limited edition. There are only twelve in total, and the color of the twelve bags is different. The hardest to buy, it is very difficult to buy, it is a matter of thought!"

Said, Lin Wen looked at the secretary behind Gu Shaoting: "Working hard!"

Gu Shaoting’s secretary was flattered and waved his ears: “It should be!”

Gu Shaoting’s secretary is a fan of Lin Wen’s, so it’s the most careful when choosing gifts for Lin Wen!

Originally used the boss's money to buy gifts for his idol, he intends to quietly send the idol happy, but did not expect to be praised by the idol.

Lin Wen actually does not understand the package, but Bai Xiaonian is a bag fan...

This dark green bag is what Bai Xiaonian really wants, and Lu Jinnan thought about it at the time!

However, this official does not accept reservations, only on the same day to release the character and speed...

Even Lu Jinan mobilized so many people to help grab the green bag and did not grab it. He could only buy a red bag for Bai Xiaonian. I didn't expect this dark green bag to fall in Lin Wen's hands.

Lin Wen looked at Gu Shaoting and the secretary and smiled and said: "Bai Xiaonian especially likes this bag. Her husband has mobilized the company's employees and they have not been able to grab it. I didn't expect Gu Shaoting to be your secretary!"

Secretary Gu Shaoting’s ear is even redder: “Where is it...”

"If this package only Bai Xiaonian knows that it is here, I must find a way to **** it..." Lin Wen could not help but smile and joked, "I can hide it, save it by Bai Xiaonian!"

"What if it was discovered?!" Lin Biao asked.

"That will endure the pain of cutting love, let her back a back!" Lin warmed his face and could not bear the bag in his arms.

The atmosphere at home was relaxed. Mrs. Lin was laughing and asked about the current situation of Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian's due date is in early November. He has already seen a boy. Lin Wen has been prepared for Bai Xiaonian because he has had experience.

Both Mrs. Lin and Liang Shu know that Bai Xiaonian and Lin Wen have a very good relationship, and Lin Jin’s help during the days when Lin Wen left Lin Jia was very big. Bai Xiaonian had no mother, so he also cares about Bai Xiaonian.

"The child of Bai Xiaonian is one year younger than us!" Mrs. Lin smiled at the bottom of her eyes.

Lin warmed nodded.

"It’s good, the two children can play together at the same age...” Mrs. Lin said and looked back to Lin Biao. “You have to work hard, and your children and children’s children will reunite. There are not many children between the ages to play together!"

When Lin Biao heard this, his ears would be red...

Instead, Gu Shaoting hooked his lips and nodded thoughtfully.

"Grandma, I didn't even have a marriage with Gu Shaoting, so I said that I want a child!" Lin Biao's fingers quickly fiddled with the pillow and tassels, and the heart was flustered.

"Also fast!" Gu Shaoting opened his mouth. "The wedding can be prepared."

Lin Biao took a look at Gu Shaoting, frowning and immediately blaming the water: "My brother doesn't even have a girlfriend now. I think it is more important to introduce a girlfriend to a friend than to prepare for a wedding."

Lin Biao: "..."

How did it get to him? !

When I mentioned Lin Biao, Liang Shu began to swear...

Fu Huai'an lips evoked, looking at Lin Hao's extremely helpless picture in front of him, the eyes are deep in envy.

Fu Huai'an has been away from his mother, his father...has never fulfilled his father's responsibility. He has never been urging and caring for him since he was young.

However, now...

Fu Huai'an also had Lin Wen, and he was very happy and satisfied with the roundness.

Fu Huai'an reached out and grabbed Lin Wen's shoulder and squeezed it.

Lin warmed and hugged the group sitting in her arms, bowed down and kissed the group, and leaned on Fu Huai'an's arms.

Lin’s atmosphere returned from Lin Biao to Lin’s family. After Lin Wen’s departure from Lin’s family, it was not so good.

Although Lin Biao was attacked by the group, the heart is happy.

The atmosphere of the family is just right, the butler quietly walked in and whispered in Lin Biao’s ear: "The young master, a lady named Jane outside, said your watch... It fell to her the night before, and sent it to us today. I want to ask you to go out and return the form to you."

Liang Shuo stretched his ears to hear this and grabbed the hand of his husband Lin Jingquan.

It’s hard to be... their sons are open? !

Lin Biao frowned: "I called the end of the company's overtime work and said that I would go to my grandparents at night. You don't know how many winters!! How many pieces of my watch are there, no less, no winter, you don't know?! I know that I didn't lose the watch... I also used to ask me what to do?! It was sent..."

Seeing Lin Biao's appearance, Lin Wen suddenly thought about the day when he and Sumanman were eating at the restaurant, and met Lin Xiao to see the little girl like a little fox.

Although Lin Biao’s eyes were a little unhappy, Lin Wen did not see resentment and disgust from Lin Biao’s eyes.

Of course, the housekeeper Dongshu knows, just... suddenly there is a beautiful girl who thinks that the elf is cute and cute, and she is worried about Lin Biao’s lifelong event. Dongshu naturally wants to come in and ask Lin Biao, in case the little girl says Sending a watch is just an excuse, is it to meet Lin Biao? !

Who knows that Lin Biao seems to be not interested in the little girl and is not willing to go out.

Uncle Dong is also a bit embarrassed...

"You still go out to meet, say clearly!" Lin warmed and smiled.

Lin Biao was silent for a moment, and the dagger put down the overlapping legs and got up and walked outside.

Liang Shuwen was busy asking Dongshu: "What kind of girl is it?!"

"Mrs. is a very pretty and lovely lady, it looks so smart!" Dong Shu said.

Liang Shuo excuses to go to the restaurant to see the dishes are not on, people go to see the front door to monitor...

Outside the black iron gate of Lin’s house, a little girl in a dress was holding a bag in her hands, and the driver gave the little girl an umbrella to cover the sun on the top of her head.

(End of this chapter)

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