Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 1252: Don't always refuse to get along without getting along!

Chapter 1252 Don't always refuse to get along without getting along!

Every time Lin Wen receives a love letter, he doesn't want to take it home. Some people will silently stuff it into Lin Wen's homework book or book, unexpectedly being taken home by Lin Wen, and then Liang Shu discovered .

Liang Shuming’s education for his children is relatively less rigid, and he even commented on the words of those love letters... or sentenced them.

"Yes?! Your brother used to be so popular with the little girl?! I thought that my son was too ugly to receive a love letter..." Liang Xiao smiled.

Lin Biao was a bit stunned. She looked at Liang Shu: "My brother is ugly. Where are you coming out? Mom, my brother is very popular now. You look at blind date. Basically, I am close to my brother. I am very satisfied with my brother, if my brother is ugly... can people be willing?!"

"I thought that people are young and promising for your brother!"

Lin Biao was teased by Liang Shu: "Mom, now is the value of society, young people have a low value for you is also white! Just like the original ... If Gu Shaoting is not handsome, I will not chase!"

Lin Biao disagreed with Liang Shuming and said that Lin Biao was also because she and Lin Biao were brothers and sisters! Long... still a little like, saying that Lin Biao is not that he is ugly!

Gu Shaoting nodded, so the value of the face is very important.

Liang Shuming: "..."

Well, Liang Shu acknowledged the fact that her son is very handsome, but it is very embarrassing for this child not to fall in love.

Half of the rice was eaten, and the upstairs rounded up to clamor for a brother, and the group took the lead to run upstairs.

Liang Shu couldn't help but grin and smiled: "The children of the family wake up and cry to the mother. When we wake up, we cry and want to be a brother! It can be seen that Lin warms this mother's time with the child. less."

Lin Wen has already gone upstairs with the group, and Fu Huai'an has looked at the direction of the upstairs and defended his wife: "The child of the round... I have been sticking since I was a child, because the round never sleeps all night. So at night, I slept with the group. I said that the little baby is more sticky from whoever sleeps! And... Xiaowen has already worked hard to get out of time to accompany the child."

Listening to Fu Huai'an talking to Lin Lin, how can Liang Shuo be upset? !

Although he couldn't hide his smile at the bottom of his eyes, Liang Shuan said Fu Huai'an: "I have to excuse her every time I say warmth."

Fu Huai'an smiled and didn't say anything.

Holding the round downstairs, the little girl has not cried, and she is carrying two little little girls, white and pink, and the thick curled eyelashes are still covered with tiny teardrops. A pair of lotus-like little arms, with five fingers, shouting in the mouth: "Hold... hug... big... hug!"

It’s still a little difficult to call Dad for a while, and every time it’s called Fu Huai’an.

Fu Huai'an smiled and reached for her daughter, who was like a small meat buns, and asked her: "Is it a little round and hungry?! Want to drink grandma?!"

The little girl repeated Fu Huai'an's words, and the little milk sound was particularly nice: "Grandma..."

Lin Wen gave the milk powder and took it. The little girl was sitting in her father's arms. She was holding her bottle with her hands and snoring. A pair of black, bright and wet eyes looked back and forth at the table. The final line of sight was fixed on Gu Shaoting. Probably think that Gu Shaoting is a new face.

The girl and the girl were as clean as the washed glass, and Gu Shaoting felt that somewhere in her heart had to melt. He looked at Lin Biao sideways and leaned slightly closer to Lin Biao, lowering the voice: " We also have a daughter after we get married!"

Lin Biao stunned, frowning and squinting Gu Shaoting.

Looking at the children are happy, Mrs. Lin is very happy today, and her eyes fell on Lin Biao. When she remembered the simple Qi Qi who gave the form to Lin Biao, she said, "The little girl who sent you the watch, if anyone Not bad, you can try one place! Don't always refuse to get along without getting along!"

Lin Biao who is eating: "..."

The family gathering that day was almost centered on the two children, and Lin Biao’s lifelong event.

Lin Biao came out from home with friends at night and drove to the beach.

The family’s excessive concern for Lin Biao’s lifelong events has also made Lin Biao feel pressure...

He turned off the fire, came down from the car, blowing the cool sea breeze, Lin Biao leaned on the front of the car, untied the shirt button, and ordered a cigarette.

He still remembers that his thoughts...that is, a girl who is good for her family and her career is a wife, and there are many examples of family marriages.

I can see the fuzzy sandpaper from my heart, because Liang Shuo let him think that Yulin’s warmth was smashed, and the hidden feelings of Lin Wen’s warmth rushed to break through the paper and came out... Can't control it.

He took a deep sip of cigarettes and squinted his head, staring at the scarlet light of the fingertips, and the scorpion picked up slightly...

Later, Lin Biao's whole heart was filled with Lin Wen, and there was still a place to put another woman.

It is precisely because of this that it seems to be with any woman, it will be for Lin Biao...

Those who have loved can't be in love, let alone be in marriage.

As Liang Shuming said, there are not a few girls who are married to Lin Biao, but maybe...not really no common topic, nor is it true that personality is not suitable.

Lin Biao’s subconscious mind is repelling...

For the emotion of Ai Lin warm, Lin Biao has always been in control.

When I knew that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an were married, when I knew that Lin Wen really loved Fu Huai'an, Lin Biao was willing to restrain himself from rushing to intervene, giving blessings, and letting himself stand on his brother's point of view to give Lin Wen a proper but not cross-border concern. In order to avoid the emotional expansion of the heart ... and reduce the exchange of warmth.

However, for mastering the emotional development of controlling himself and other girls, Lin Biao did not have that confidence.

When you are not willing to do it, you also feel that it is unfair and insulting to the other person to hide a person and love or marry another person.

Lin Biao looked up and looked at the couple who were walking in the distance with their hands on the beach, or the two young couples sitting on the beach watching the romantic moonlight on the sea, and the lips were shallow.

I remember when Lin Wengang was in junior high school, the favorite thing was to take him for a walk after eating at night. Although Lin Biao didn't want to, but since it was the sister's will, he was still willing to use the bicycle to carry Lin Bing to the seaside for a walk. .

I lived in Haicheng obviously, but Lin Wen is so fond of the sea.

Later, Lin Biao’s studies were heavy, and Lin Wen would not be entangled in Lin Biao’s walk along the beach.

In fact, Lin Biao has not liked the seaside very much.

Especially in the summer, people are too many and too noisy, even the air has a wet sticky smell, which makes people feel less comfortable at home...

(End of this chapter)

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