Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 126: Just pick up the kiss and catch someone? ! [125]

Chapter 126 has just caught a kiss and rushed? ! [125]

Even if Fu Huai'an is well-off, who can guarantee that he can keep himself when other women give their arms? !

The deeper the contact with Fu Huai'an, the more Lin Wen knows how Fu Huai'an has the attraction of how to be distracted. If he has the heart... But who can escape? !

Whether it is to fall in love or get married, Lin Wen has no heart and no effort at all times... Ready to slash his knife and cut off the peach blossoms around his man.

To put it bluntly, it is a man like Fu Huai'an who makes Lin Wen feel unsafe.

Whether it is a love object or a marriage object, Lin Wen wants a more ordinary man, the more common... Lin Wen is more secure.

Lin Wen’s perception of men comes from the examples around her...

Lin Wen is the father of Lin Family. He is a good figure in middle age and his appearance is outstanding.

A man with a good shape and a good shape, even if he is old, the young women who are rushing to the top are never interrupted. Liang Shu is not unaware of it, but he is not willing to care about it. He closes his eyes with one eye.

Lin Wen asked himself not to be as airy as Liang Shuming. If it is his husband... Lin will be divorced, even if he is not willing to share his husband with others, he feels dirty.

And Bai Xiaonian’s father, although an ordinary ordinary office worker, seems to be incompatible with Bai Xiaonian’s legendary mother in the press, but such a man, in the ten years after Bai Xiaonian’s death, never Other women are together, raising their daughters alone, even if the people around them advise Bai Xiaonian’s father to swear again, Bai Xiaonian’s father is not willing.

Not only that, Bai Xiaonian’s father never forgets any anniversary of him and Bai Xiaonian’s mother. In ten years... every commemorative day he will commemorate alone and remember the mother of Bai Xiaonian.

For example, the males who are outstanding in any aspect, such as Lin’s father, and the males who are ordinary on either side of Bai Xiaonian’s father, Lin Wen prefers to choose the latter.

Answering Lin Wen from Fu Huai'an, even if Lin Wen does not marry him, it is not a time to start talking. He always likes to calm down and comfortably, and he plans to no longer have any intersection with Fu Huai'an.


The door to the bathroom was knocked.

This night, Lin Wen was too scared.

Bai Xiaonian's alarm clock stunned and saw the lamp in the bathroom lit up and asked: "Warm... Are you up?!"

Across the door, the voice of Bai Xiaonian came to make Lin warm and unable to breathe, and the ear was full of pounced heartbeat.

She couldn't calm her emotions, fearing that a voice trembled and caused Bai Xiaonian's suspicion, and she unconsciously bit her lip.


Bai Xiaonian didn't get an answer and reached out to screw the door handle. Lin Wenhuan's hand with Fu Huaian's neck was scared and stiff.

"Well... I woke up! Going to the bathroom!" Lin warmed hard to endure the heartbeat, but there was still a trembling voice.

"Then I will sleep for a while, you will call me after washing!"

"Good!" Lin Wen answered a serious question.

When I heard the bedroom in the bedroom opposite the bathroom, Lin warmed a sigh of relief and sighed back and took the hand around Fu Huai’an neck. He rushed: "You are going to use the bathroom, run out! My friend got up..."

"Just catch a kiss and catch someone?!"

The tone of voice, Lin warm blush can not look directly at Fu Huai'an.

The third more today! Because yesterday, the recommended ticket rushed to the third, and was confessed in the group, the monthly and recommended tickets are thousands of, and under the excitement promised to add more! Hahaha... Plus is updated at 12:30 today! Thank you for the recommendation tickets and gifts of the baby, thousands of people see it in the background! Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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